Updated General Master Plan, approved by the RA April 19, 2015

General Master Plan (2015) Notes
This plan was worked on by the Land Use Commissionaires, Rosie Gray, Timo Gufler, Em Warden. This document and the cluster groups is agreed upon by all LUC members.
Cluster Groups
The 2015 recommended cluster groups have made some significant changes from the previous (2008) version.
- reduced the number of regions planned as being more realistic to accomplish
- removed the ‘ancient Roman’ theme entirely, except for the existing region of Colonia Nova
The GMP now shows a maximum of 23 regions that would complete a landmass that brought the terrain down to LL sea level, and would make the entire landmass circumnavigable. The challenge was to provide a minimal landmass necessary to bring the height down in a manner that would allow for naturalistic terrascaping and blending with the existing regions.
General cluster themes
- Middle European; 5 regions (includes the Neufreistadt, Monastery, Alpine Meadows, & planned Friedsee regions)
- Northern European; 6 regions
- Eastern European; 2 regions
- South-Eastern European; 1 region
- Mediterranean; 6 regions (includes the Locus Amoenus & Colonia Nova* regions)
*Note that currently the theme for Colonia Nova is based on the town Colonia Agrippina (modern-day Cologne), as it was in 120 AD, which would more properly be termed Middle European. It is not expected that the current theme be changed, but that if there were a region re-do, that it would revert to Mediterranean.