The Representative Assembly is a body of democratically elected legislators that represents the views of the citizens of the CDS.
The Assembly consists of five members. It is elected every six months by the citizens of the CDS, and its responsibilities include the creation and curation of legislation, and the approval of the Chancellor’s budget. From amongst the Representative Assembly, the Leader of the Representative Assembly is elected. Their function is to serve as the chairperson of Representative Assembly meetings which shall take place at least once per month. Traditionally the Leader drafts the agenda and proposes changes or updates to laws, but other Representative Assembly members may make these proposals as well.
Current Members
Jerry McNally, Leader
Almut Brunswick, Leader pro tempore
Anjoux Landau Herbit
Cathy Sabre, Archivist
Sandy Burgess
Record of Meetings
Links to the agendas, transcripts and minutes of recent Assembly meetings.
Rules of Procedure
These are the procedural rules and protocols of conduct adopted by the Representative Assembly for the management of its own business.
Current and Former Members
The Representative Assembly consists of five members and is elected every six months by the citizens of the CDS.
Representative Assembly Announcements
The place for announcements regarding upcoming Assembly meetings and their official minutes.
Representative Assembly Discussion
Everybody is allowed to see government in action, but posting and replying is restricted to Assembly members only.