NL 5-21 Citizen Involvement Act

HomeGovernanceCode of LawsNL 5-21 Citizen Involvement Act
HomeGovernanceCode of LawsNL 5-21 Citizen Involvement Act


A bill to enhance citizen involvement in the government of the CDS; also to promote the deeper analysis of proposals in discussion and as means to aid the RA in their legislative work.

  1. For any proposal in discussion, the RA can decide that a commission be formed to analyse the proposal.
  2. The RA will decide the remit, responsibilities, lifespan and which powers, if any, it wants to delegate to the commission, with the exception of legislative powers.
  3. The commission must be chaired by a member of the RA.
  4. The commission shall have at least three members.
  5. Any citizen of the CDS may join a commission, and must indicate their availability to the chair.
  6. The commission must report on progress to the RA at each subsequent RA meeting.
  7. In the event where the commission makes a formal recommendation to the RA it must include information about the extent to which it is supported by the full commission along with information about dissenting minorities and their alternative preference.
  8. This act shall not preclude the assignment of bills to committee by the RA or LRA without legislative act.

passed as amended 13 January 2007