The CDS is a real, working democracy, not a roleplay estate. We have a Constitution, a Code of Laws and three branches of government.

The Chancellor
The Chancellor is the chief of the executive branch, and is directly elected by the CDS citizens every six months. They coordinate community projects and lead an Executive team that includes the Treasurer, Estate Managers and Public Information Officers.

Representative Assembly
The Representative Assembly is a body of democratically elected legislators that represents the views of the citizens of the CDS. There are five members, led by the Leader of RA. They meet at least once a month to manage legislation.

Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is the judiciary of the CDS and is an integral component of its democracy. They monitor the Representative Assembly’s legislation activities, organise elections and moderate the Forum.
Citizens vote in regularly scheduled elections as well as run for the elected offices. Our government meetings and events are open to both citizens and visitors.