CDS Artisan Guild Charter

HomeGovernanceCDS Artisan GuildCDS Artisan Guild Charter

This document outlines the mission, goals, and structure of the Guild.

Identity, Purpose and Mission

According to the CDSL 39-01 Artisan Guild Act, the CDS Artisan Guild (AG) is a governmental organization based in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS) with the purpose of providing advice and skilled creations to the CDS community, its Representative Assembly and Executive Branch. The AG exists to encourage and assist a high standard of excellence in the creative output of content within Second Life. It fosters the exchange of knowledge and mutual assistance between Guild members. Its mission is to ultimately address all creative skills applicable to Second Life. The group has three functions:

  • expert advice to RA and Executive when requested;
  • execute projects for content when so requested by the Executive and
  • assist citizens with their building projects within CDS.


There are two classes of membership: Friend and Artisan. Only Artisans have the right to vote.

Classes of Membership

  1. Friend of the Artisan Guild shall be open to all CDS Citizens who have an interest. To become a Friend of the AG, it is sufficient to contact one of the AG officers and ask to join the group. Friends may attend all public meetings and activities, but they do not have the right to vote.
  2. Artisans shall be CDS citizens who create content in the categories below and fill in the Guild Artisan Portfolio with at least one creation. Artisans can attend all public meetings and activities and have the right to vote.


The AG shall hold at least one meeting, once a year to elect new officers.

Votes at meetings proceed with the number of Artisans present, except to review this Charter.  To vote on Charter changes, voting will take place over a week’s time to allow everyone to vote, using an online script which will require the votes of 30% of Artisans, with a passing majority of 75%.


Guild Officers of Guildmeister, Secretary and Treasurer will be Artisans. Guildmeister and Secretary will be elected annually at a Guild meeting. Should the position of Treasure be vacant, that too will be elected by a majority of voting members.

The Treasurer holds the Guild’s monies and pays the Guild’s bills. The RL person(s) in control of the Guild Treasurer alt shall remain in that position until resigning or being removed for cause. Removal of a Treasurer for cause requires the affirmative vote of ¾ of the Guild members qualified to vote.  The Treasurer Alt does not hold a vote.

  1. The Guildmeister is responsible for calling and leading the AG meetings, keeping the AG PR and communication, and all admin tasks relating to the AG continuation and space. The Guildmeister shall be an Artisan. The Guildmeister can delegate all tasks except calling the mandatory term AG meeting on any other Artisan, with the approval of the assembled Artisans.
  2. The Treasurer shall hold the money of the AG in an appropriate avatar account  – The Guild Alt – and shall report regularly on its use.
  3. The Recording Secretary shall record the transcript and create Minutes, noting the outcome of actions taken.

CDS Artisan Guild Colleges and Skills

In legacy, the AG features the three colleges below. Additional colleges may be added as guild membership expands and as the members warrant.

Architects College

The Architects College focuses on creation of architectural features such as buildings, bridges, roads, and walls, and can also include furniture, vehicles, or any other human-made item.

Landscaping College

The Landscaping College focuses on the simulation of landscape, both man-made and natural, through terraforming and the use of features such as waterfalls, rivers, forests, birds and other animals, and others, and also public space elements such as roadblocks, benches, lamps, and other that are deemed necessary to achieve a sense of landscape completeness.

Scripting College

The Scripting College focuses on the use of, adapting, and writing of script (coding) in Second Life.

Declared Skills of CDS Guild Artisans

Artisans are encouraged to select their skills from the following form, which will be made public in the CDS channels and on the building of the New Neufreistadt School.

Public Portfolios of the work of each Artisan will be assembled. They will include photos of selected works, a list of creations, and where possible SLURL links to sites in SL containing them. In the case of scripts or other non-visual things, lists and descriptions will be included

Form to fill out: Declared Skills of CDS Guild Artisans

Spreadsheet for SLURLs and URL examples: Declared Skills of CDS Guild Artisans SLURLs & URLS (If you need access to add your examples, please request an invitation from someone whose name you can see on the spreadsheet and they should be able to add you.)

This Charter was finalized by Guild members November 11, 2023

The Charter was approved by the RA November 4, 2023