NL 7-10 IP Licensing and Content Archivist Act

HomeGovernanceCode of LawsRepealed LawsNL 7-10 IP Licensing and Content Archivist Act


In the first half of 2006, because of a dispute, Ulrika Zugzwang removed a substantial number of key structures from Neufreistadt (such as the walls, gates, long bridge) that were considered part of the CDS. The CDS did not have backup copies nor a license to use backup copies.

Nearly all CDS key structures are owned by builders (e.g. the NFS Kirche, the Amphitheatre and two bridges in Alpine Meadow), and owners could potentially remove any structure from the CDS without notice. This could disrupt the CDS project. This bill aims to remedy this situation by:

  1. Making the IP license agreement issued by the New Guild official and allowing the Chancellor to sign specific IP contracts on behalf of the CDS.
  2. Establishing a new position, the Content Archivist, who will preserve backups of CDS infrastructure using a dedicated avatar.
  3. Allocating a budget to be used by the Chancellor to provide reasonable compensation to CDS infrastructure builders who are not willing to accept a token payment of L$1 for their work.


A. License Agreements and License Budget

  1. The RA ratifies the version of the IP license agreement as published by the New Guild in the CDS forum.
  2. This and other RA-ratified template agreements will be kept on an official CDS website (such as a Wiki).
  3. The Chancellor may sign RA-ratified versions of IP license agreements on behalf of the CDS under the conditions outlined in 4, 5 and 6.
  4. The Chancellor may negotiate the terms of contracts but needs RA approval for any single structure more expensive than L$ 15,000, as well as for different contractual terms.
  5. The total amount that the Chancellor can spend on content license acquisition shall be determined at the start of each term by the RA. The RA can also set extraordinary budgets for specific content.

B. Content Archivist

  1. A new civil service position, the Content Archivist (also referred to as “CA”) is established. The CA is responsible for conserving and managing backup copies of public CDS content. Details of this are outlined in section C.


  1. The CA is prohibited from holding any other elected or appointed office in the sim government, unless a waiver is granted, on a case by case basis, by the SC.
  2. The CA may not be in CDS land management groups.

Hiring and Firing

  1. The CA is appointed by simple majority vote of the SC, with confirmation by a simple majority in the RA.
  2. The CA may be removed and ordered at any time to by a simple majority in the RA to transfer all CDS archived content to a new CA.
  3. The CA must sign a Content Archivist Agreement with the Chancellor, who represents the CDS. The Content Archivist Agreement in section C. defines the duties of the CA as well as the compensation for this job, in more detail.


  1. The CA will share the password of the CA-dedicated avatar (as spelled out in section C.) with the Chancellor and Dean of the SC.
  2. Either the Chancellor or the Dean of the Scientific Counsel, when requested by the RA, must audit all archived objects in the the CA avatar’s inventory and provide that audit to the RA for review. The audit should be conducted according to the procedures outlined in section C

C. Content Archivist Agreement

The following agreement between the CA and the CDS must be signed by each new Content Archivist:

This agreement concerns the archival and handling of objects, scripts, textures, terrain files, animations and audio in Second Life, which will be referred to as the “Content”. This agreement begins on ___ and is open ended. The Content Archivist shall serve until they resign, or until the RA decides that job, responsibility and Content should be transferred to a new Content Archivist. In exchange for a monthly payment of $1000 linden dollar, you, the Content Archivist, agree to the following:

  1. You agree to maintain an avatar named ___ (the archival avatar) that will be used to store content objects that the CDS has licensed from each object’s owner. Other than a small number of appearance-related items (clothes, hair, etc) you agree that the inventory of the archival avatar will be used only to store items that are given to you for storage during the duration of this agreement.
  2. You agree to provide the password for the archival avatar’s account to two designated representatives of the CDS _ and _. You may change the password to protect the security of the archival avatar at any time, but if you do you agree to immediately transmit the new password to these designated representatives. You understand that the designated representatives will have the right to audit the inventory and accounts of the archival avatar at any time.
  3. When given Content items for storage under this agreement, you agree to provide a (copyable, non-modifiable, transferable) note card receipt describing those Content items to the avatar who gave you the Content items and also to deposit a copy of the same note card receipt in the CDS records repository established for that purpose.
  4. You understand that for all Content that is given to you under this agreement, the license to display or use it has been granted to the CDS only, and you agree that you will not claim any rights or financial interest in that Content arising from this agreement.
  5. You agree not to transfer any Content given to you for storage to other avatars under your control. You agree also not to give any of the Content given to you for storage to any avatar controlled by any other person except to authorized representatives of the CDS using the procedure described in this agreement.
  6. You agree to provide these materials (or copies of copyable materials) to the CDS or its representative with full permissions within two weeks of notification. You will transfer ownership (sell for $0 Lindens) to an authorized CDS representative any Content that has been given to you for storage. In return the recipient will give you a (copyable, non-modifiable, transferable), note card receipt listing the Content that has been received. The recipient will also deposit a copy of the note card in the CDS records repository established for that purpose.
  7. You agree not to intentionally delete any Content given to you for storage under this agreement without a request from an authorized CDS representative. At the termination of this agreement will make your best effort to transfer all Content to an authorized CDS representative and will not intentionally delete any Content for six months.
  8. If requested in writing by an authorized CDS representative you agree to permanently delete all copies of specified and/or stored Content within two weeks of notification. You must delete all visible “rezzed” copies that are not in use by the CDS, as well as any copies from any inventory of any avatar you control.

Chancellor, representing the CDS

Content Archivist