Representative Assembly Minutes & Transcripts
Per Representative Assembly procedures, all meetings are recorded and transcripts posted for public review. The following are the transcripts for R.A. meetings for the 15th Assembly. Agenda I. ADMIN II. Concerns of Citizens III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) V. Informations from the Executive team VI. Concerns of RA Members VII. Announcements VII. Adjournment Transcript However the team still will decide what is placed in the pavilion and where anything is placed. The application for SL8B, the build of the exhibit, it’s theme and its execution are the responsibility of the Chancellor and the team charged with the duty of finishing the exhibit. As such, the Exhibitors, acknowledged by LL and the Chancellor have no obligation to place every contribution given to the team. Indeed, the team’s objective is to create an exhibit that CDS can be proud of. Agenda I. ADMIN II. Concerns of Citizens III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Transcript Agenda I. ADMIN II. Concerns of Citizens III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Transcript Draft 1. An order is establish in order to honor CDS citizen for their contributions to the community. Its name is “Order of Anzere”. Its form is a medal. 2. The following actions are seen as special contribution: building, organization of events or any other attraction, contribution to the history or to the documentation of the the community. 3. Only benevolent contributions can be taken in consideration. It is not possible to get the Order of Anzere for a work made as civil servant. 4. The RA decides the attribution of the order to one or several citizen. 5. The ceremony of the attribution of the Order of Anzere is held during the Oktoberfest. The Chancellor has to organize it. A member of the RA makes a laudatio of each recipient of the Order of Anzere. User avatar Posts: 501 Top 2. The following actions are seen as special contribution: building, organization of events or any other attraction, contribution to the history or to the documentation of the the community. 3. Only benevolent contributions can be taken in consideration. It is not possible to get the Order of Anzere for a work made as civil servant. 4. The RA decides the attribution of the order to one or several citizen. 5. The ceremony of the attribution of the Order of Anzere is held during the Oktoberfest. The Chancellor will organise it. A member of the RA makes a speech about each recipient of the Order of Anzere. Today I met with BladeDancer Pendragon, in world and on the telephone, so that I could help him link together his church for our archiving request. He tried to give me permissions on his objects, but that did not work for some reason. I was going to explain to him how to link his objects together (none of the prims of the church were linked), but he just started deleting them. He did this very quickly at the same time as explaining to me that he had a huge unsorted inventory that he couldn’t find things in. At any rate, it was done in a matter of a few minutes. He seemed to have no sentimental attachment to the building at all, but we had a nice chat about the German WWII veterans plaque. He told me he’d try to find that in the next few days so it could be added to the new building. I’ve contacted everyone by notecard who has existing prims that added to the old church, to ask them to be taken up. After that is done I will bring the new church down and set it into place where I can finish the crypt and a few little details. Then I’ll package it all up and give a copy to the archivist with full permissions. Rosie User avatar Posts: 85 – to adopt a new tier system: … ist&num=50 – to accept the building of Rosie Gray in replacement of the Old Church. A rollback of the Old Church will be requested by Linden Lab. The persons who have changes to propose to this new church can address their proposal to the Secretary of the New Guild, Rosie Gray. – to create the Order of Anzere to honor citizen 1. An order is establish in order to honor CDS citizen for their contributions to the community. Its name is “Order of Anzere”. Its form is a medal. Rosie Gray has volunteered to create a medal. The RA has decided to attribute this order to Moon Adamant. Pip Torok has volunteered to make the speech at the ceremony during Oktoberfest. – to amend the City Building Redundancy Act (NL 4-18) “Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.” – to request an inventar of the public buildings by the Content Archivist. The RA sees the issue of the loss of the Old Church as an important one. It has modified the law so any builder of a public building has to give a full-perm copy. It wants also make something for the already existing buildings, in order to avoid to loss them for ever. The LRA will request an inventar of the buildings that are in the inventary of the Content Archivist. The RA will also make a call to builders to encourage them to give their build to the Content Archivist. Item for future meetings The RA will adress the question of the introduction of the Hippo system in the 5 CDS sims. A summary of avantages and disavantages will be published by the Chancellor before the RA address this point. the RA has created the Order of Anzere to honor citizen who have made an important contribution to the community. In its meeting on the 17th Juli 2011, the RA has decided to attribute this Order to you for your important contribution to the CDS community as Secretary of the New Guild. The ceremony will be held during the Oktoberfest. Arria Perreault, LRA Tor Karlsvad, Chancellor As you may know, we lost the Old Church in Neufreistadt. We will ask a rollback by Linden Lab. The question of the rights will not be solved. The RA wants now to address the issue of the archiving of the public building. To start this, we ned an inventary. We would like to know which buildings are in the inventary of the Content Archivist. “Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.” Thank you in advance for your work Kind regards Arria Perreault, LRA Copies: Tor Kalrsvalt, Chancellor RA AGENDA 31th JULY 2011, 12:00 AM SLT, PRAETORIUM Here is the agenda of the next meeting of the RA. There is a request for a ruling about the validity of all votes made since the election of Rosie Gray as Secretary of the Guild. The SC will inform me when a decision is made. The transcript of the SC meeting should be published. I have also asked Rosie to choose between the two positions. Until now I did not receive an information about her definitive decision. It is not easy to have an RA meeting in these conditions, as all votes we can make can be potentially invalidated by the SC. I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS a. Request for a ruling to the SC II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements Transcript The exec hopes that we can work with the leadership of Al Andalus in a neighborly and constructive fashion. However, I wish to make clear that the exec does not favor or will not work toward the purchase of any of the Al Andalusian sims. That question would have been put only after Rosie’s building had been in place no less (but no longer) than one calendar month. IX. Adjournment RA Agenda 14th August 2011, 12:00 AM SLT, Praetorium I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS a. Information from the SC meeting II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) a. CDS asset security issues (20 min) : V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment FAQ Hippo System: Madam LRA asked that I provide a short presentation of the the hippo system in general and a it is currently in use in LA. First, Hippo Rent was designed to collect rent. For our purpose it is used lightly differently as we consider our monthly contributions to be our share of the LL tier owed by CDS. In some ways this is as distinction without a difference. Hippo Rent handles the tier collection well and has some advantages. First what does it entail? The setup is fairly labor intensive. Each parcel requires a picture and an LM. Fortunately, this is a one time operation unless updates are needed. Even then, it would be doubtful that the updates would extend for a whole region. Each parcel requires its own payment box. If you have bee to LA in the past several months you might have seen the hippo boxes placed by Rudeen. They are a small box on top of a pillar. Each box is three prims. In order to not use prims on the parcel, the hippo box is anchored to a prim paced on public land just out side the parcel. This is necessary for two reasons. First, we do not want to use three prims for which the owner is paying. Second, we cannot have the owner of the parcel return prims that are not his and thus remove the hippo box. This is a rather unique part of of our use of Hippo Rent, as our Citizens own the parcels. The box does provide advantages to CDS. First, it disseminates information about a parcel or the quickly. It is easy to find for visitors. It provides a warning to the owner if tier is overdue as it will change to a sign showing that the parcel is reserved. Finally, it provides a For Sale sign when the parcel is not owned. What are the pros: Citizens can pay tier in advance. The Hippo system does allows pre-payment of tier. Obviously, Sudane is always willing to arrange for pre-payment when necessary. Yet I believe this does require some manual action or bookkeeping on her part. Also, it would require some coordination that might be forgotten or just difficult under some unexpected situations. Greater transparency. Hippo Rent allow us to have assistant treasurers access to a web based utility for administration of the system. All the work thus would not have to fall on one person. Also, more than one person would have access to records. Sudane would still be the only person with access to actual funds. Easier Administration. It would not be necessary to create a tier box for every person as they entered and left CDS. Stable system. Hippo Rent has been around a long time. It has a proven track record. It guarantees our data will be safe regardless if our sims crash or our computers crash. Widely used. Most of SL is probably able to understands Hippo rent and is familiar with it. Aide in sales. Hippo Rent has the ability to update rental vendors. We can have these anywhere in SL or on our sims. Then the specs seem show some real great advantages of Hippo. Beyond those already mentioned, there are customizable messages, automatic warnings, emails, acceptance buttons, automatic evictions (don’t worry, this is only an option that can be turned on and off), multiple managers, web interface for easy control, 100 percent backup of data, detailed reports, reports that can be exported to excel, remote vendors for advertising parcels and paying rent, and the list goes on. All the specs can be found at: … /index.php What are the Cons? The most noticeable shortcoming is the need to pay each box. Thus, an owner of multiple parcels must visit each of his parcels every month. I don not find this a problem as I just pay the box when I think tier is near and I happen to be by the box. Also, if you pay in advance, remembering to log in to pay tier is not a big problem. Granted, I own only two parcels in LA. We will have a problem ensuring that new citizens complete their sale by paying the tier box. One can buy a parcel and not pay the tier. It will still take some manual effort to watch who owns parcels and ensure that they pay the box. The Hippo boxes will be a additional prim load. This will especially impact NFS. Discussion forum links about Hippo Transcript VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements Agenda I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS – II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Transcript Both Mizou Vavoom (1 parcel) and Danton Sideways (2 parcels) have been unable to get their boxes to accept their payments. When paid, the boxes simply return the money to them, and the expiration date does not advance. We have checked to make sure that the exact amount is being paid, to no avail. We are trying some other things to try and solve this problem. Please understand that despite the claims of the Hippo company, this box system is really designed for use with rentals, and is only being “adapted” by us for use with owned parcels. It is NOT a smooth fit. While I will not deny the many great benefits of this system, the fact remains that it’s using one tool to do another tool’s job. Until these problems are sorted out, and we experience a few months of entirely trouble-free operation, I strongly urge the RA to postpone this decision. The password consists of two parts separated by @ character. The first part is teddybear and the second one is known by the following named residents: A third notecard might be a test. The second part of the password would be conveyed to each of the 4 citizens *outside* of SL, such as by email, so that no one system held the complete password. If the second password was rathaus, then the complete password would be teddybear@rathaus. 2. The script in the box will detect the asset owner’s presence in SL (Not the alts. If the owner is present, we know that the community has access to the alts). If the owner is not in-world for 2 weeks, the box will send the owner an IM and The RA has discussed the topic “Security Assets” and then has voted to postponet it to the next meeting I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS a. CDS Portal update (information about the current project, no legislative action needed) II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated) V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Transcript Summary The RA thanks Mizou Vavoom for her volunteer work for the CDS Portal – Encouragement for the organization of events through initiative of citizen – II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment The Editor is responsible for the content of a branch, an NGO or a faction. Each branch (or NGO or faction) is responsible to nominate a person who gets the role of Editor and to submit the name to the Administrator who will provide access to the blog for the duration of their term. The owner of the domain name and subdomain assure continued service in collaboration with the Webmaster. The sim crashed Summary The RA has authorized Sudane’s proposal for asset management and the ra will appoint a committee to draft legislation to outline the process for implimenting the plan. Fern Leissa has volunteered to be in this committee. The LRA will ask Soro Dagostino to be member as he volunteered in the forums. The RA direct the New Guild to set the rebuilding of Locus Amoenus as their first priority. The RA has started to discuss the proposal about the roles in the new Web Portal. The RA will discuss the principles first and then will make the needed changes in the code of laws. As the sim crashed, the discussion was interrupted and will continue in the next meeting. Agenda I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS V. Reports (if new informations are available) VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment New Guild catalogue proposal That New Guild develop a catalogue of pre approved builds for LA. in the theme of the build. Transcript 12:12] Arria Perreault: we can start Summary The proposal of the New Guild has been accepted. Agenda I. ADMIN (10 min) II. INFORMATIONS II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max) III. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED FROM PRIOR RA IV. NEW ITEMS V. Reports (if new informations are available) VI. Informations from the Executive team VII. Concerns of RA Members VIII. Announcements IX. Adjournment Proposal of acquisition of sims On the evening of the 25th Tor, Anna, Trebor, and Ceasar held a meeting to discuss the proposal We will now explain the technical details that make this opportunity a feasible investment. We After exploring a few other estates on the grid Trebor has come up with some calculations for So what do we do with these sims? Obviously we can’t afford to let them sit unoccupied for very The following two paragraphs are from Trebor. The (3) Homestead sims would work wonderful, I would use these (3) Homestead sims as a buffer separating the original (5) sims from whatever Tor also mentioned the idea of placing a homestead sim next to Monastery where the landscape Our official proposal is as follows: The CDS accept the offer of (3) Homestead sims and (1) Full We are under a very short time period. Physical possession must be taken before November 9th So that covers the basics folks. I look forward to everyone’s thoughts and opinions on the matter. (sent by Trebor Warcliffe by mail to Arria Perreault, LRA) Transcript User avatar Posts: 561 Top Postby Arria Perreault » Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:53 pm The CDS Webportal is the main channel of communication of CDS. It is equally open to each branch of the government, of each NGO active in CDS and to all CDS citizen. The CDS Webportal is the main channel of communication of CDS. It is equally open to each branch of the government, of each NGO active in CDS and to all CDS citizen.
15th Representative Assembly
RA Meeting 26 June 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. Rights to write in the Forums
c. 7-day votes
d. Recorder
e. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
a. CDS Budget
a. Sims upgrade
b. New Guild
c. Tier policy
d. Animation of the sims: program for the term
e. Marketing
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Having some technical problems
[12:04] Pip Torok: hi …
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Hi Pip
[12:04] Tor Karlsvalt: hi all
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Hi Tor
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Havin some promlems I am
[12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: yes technical problems all week
[12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: esp since the last update
[12:05] (Amacci Classic AO “Lite” – backup copy): Sit anywhere: On
[12:05] Pip Torok: that explains alot
[12:06] Fern Leissa: Yeah didn’t help trying to walk around SLB8
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: fyi, if you have shared media, the budget webpage is on the wall
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: lag was bad at SL8B
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: esp. the first day
[12:06] Agenda Giver owned by Cindy Ecksol gave you ‘RA Meeting – 26th June – Agenda’ ( ).
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: seems to have subsided a bit
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Yeah I agree Tor. A little better
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: of course LL suggests you use system hair and cloths.
[12:07] Fern Leissa: not a chance lol
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: but who wants to be caught looking like a noob who just hatched. hah
[12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: yes fern
[12:08] Pip Torok:
[12:08] Fern Leissa: hehe
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: need to fill my coffee cup
[12:08] Fern Leissa: Where is everybody Pip?
[12:09] Pip Torok: Arria … Rosie may well not be here (has RL houseguests)
[12:09] Arria Perreault: Hi all
[12:09] Fern Leissa: Oh btw trying to negotiate for leaving 1/2 later for rl party so I can catch part of your reading.
[12:09] Fern Leissa: Hi Arria
[12:09] Arria Perreault: Sonja will be late too
[12:09] Arria Perreault: we have quorum
[12:09] Arria Perreault: we can start
[12:10] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:10] Fern Leissa: kk . Esp as we have the poetry reading afterwards
[12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: b
[12:10] Fern Leissa: wb
[12:10] Pip Torok: that film should be re-titled “Always on Sundays ” …
[12:11] Fern Leissa:
[12:11] Tor Karlsvalt: well summer is hard to keep ppl online
[12:11] Arria Perreault: yes, I agree
[12:11] Arria Perreault: we try to make a short meeting today
[12:11] Arria Perreault: we have the budget to discuss
[12:12] Fern Leissa: Yeah.. I’m gonna be late for a rl party
[12:12] Arria Perreault: this important for the Chancellor
[12:12] Fern Leissa: Yes. Sorry Arria
[12:12] Tor Karlsvalt: thank you Arria
[12:12] Arria Perreault: Admin Part
[12:12] Arria Perreault: a. Review this agenda.
[12:12] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the agenda?
[12:12] Pip Torok: yes
[12:13] Fern Leissa: yes
[12:13] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:13] Arria Perreault: b. Rights to write in the Forums
[12:13] Arria Perreault: Pip told me that he cannot write in the forum’s part of the RA
[12:13] Arria Perreault: I can myself
[12:13] Arria Perreault: does anyone alse have trouble?
[12:14] Fern Leissa: I didn’t check today, but I was able to do so in the recent past
[12:14] Pip Torok: probably noone else has tried..
[12:14] Callipygian Christensen is Offline
[12:14] Arria Perreault: I will ask all RA member to make a test. then I will write to Delia
[12:14] Arria Perreault: is it ok?
[12:14] Pip Torok: i had hoped to put the 7-day in the same thread as the meeting announcement but i cdnt
[12:15] Arria Perreault: I understand, Pip. Only SC have admin rights
[12:15] Fern Leissa: I just got in to the RA Legislative Discussion section w/o problem
[12:15] Arria Perreault: it is right that the law allows the LRA to have an access to all communication channels of CDS
[12:16] Arria Perreault: good, Fern
[12:16] Pip Torok: ah .. then can it be set-down somewhere who has posting rights to which forums?
[12:16] Arria Perreault: I can ask Delia for that too, but basically it’s the SC and probably Gwyn
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I think Aliasi should have too
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: Were the branch specific forums intended for announcements?
[12:17] Fern Leissa: You mean who has the rights to grant access Arria?
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I will ask Delia
[12:18] Pip Torok: what i meant are the rights to make regular posts within certain sections rather than the ability to amend the permissions
[12:18] Arria Perreault: it was in the Communication Bill
[12:18] Pip Torok: thank you
[12:18] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:18] Fern Leissa: So Arria… you will check w/ Delia to see why Pip can’t post?
[12:18] Arria Perreault: yes, I will
[12:18] Fern Leissa:
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Pip, I thought your question was to be able to post to the RA forum.
[12:19] Arria Perreault: do you have the right role in the CDS group: gov?
[12:19] Popea Heron is Offline
[12:19] Pip Torok: no tor … within the Forums are different sections with varying permissions
[12:19] Arria Perreault: like me now
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: and two for RA
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: one is reserved for the LRA
[12:20] Pip Torok: right …
[12:20] You decline Creating a Community: Steampunk Environments from A group member named Wordsmith Jarvinen.
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: the other is for RA members in general
[12:20] Pip Torok: ah! …
[12:20] Arria Perreault: yes, it’s so
[12:21] Pip Torok: so i wd need to start a new thread to declare a 7-day …
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[12:21] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: well in the RA member thread
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: or the general one
[12:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn is Offline
[12:22] Arria Perreault: can we go further?
[12:22] Arria Perreault: c. 7-day votes
[12:22] Pip Torok: yes
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Just a suggestion, but prolly best if that stuff be posted in the RA forum so as not to get lost in the weeds
[12:22] Fern Leissa: Yes
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Pip has requested a 7-day vote.
[12:22] Sonja Strom is Online
[12:22] Valibrarian Gregg is Online
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: sonja has logged on
[12:22] Arria Perreault: if we have to vote during this meeting, other members will have a 7-day vote
[12:23] Arria Perreault: yes, I saw
[12:23] Pip Torok: in case the meeting overruns 9ill also need set-up time for the poetry Sunday
[12:23] Arria Perreault: d. Recorder
[12:23] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip
[12:23] Arria Perreault: I have infortunately lost the 2/3 of the transcript of the Town Hall
[12:24] Arria Perreault: I apoologize for that
[12:24] Fern Leissa: np. It happens.
[12:24] Pip Torok: agrees with Fern
[12:24] Arria Perreault: it reminded me recorder we had in the past. it sent the logs in an emal
[12:24] Arria Perreault: email
[12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe someone has it
[12:24] Arria Perreault: I have asked Cindy
[12:24] Sonja Strom: Hello everyone sorry I’m late.
[12:25] Arria Perreault: Hi SOnja ㋡
[12:25] Fern Leissa: Hi Sonja
[12:25] Pip Torok: hi Sonja!
[12:25] Arria Perreault: we are in the admin part
[12:25] Sonja Strom: ok
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I am looking for the old recorder we had
[12:25] Tor Karlsvalt: those of you who have v2 should be able to see the budget on the prim
[12:25] Arria Perreault: thx or
[12:25] Arria Perreault: Tor*
[12:26] Arria Perreault: e. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:26] Arria Perreault: I think we will all speak today ㋡
[12:26] Valibrarian Gregg is Offline
[12:26] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens
[12:26] Valibrarian Gregg is Online
[12:26] Marian Sapphire is Online
[12:26] Fern Leissa: I’d definitly like to speak for a few minutes on the tier policy
[12:27] Arria Perreault: does anyone wants to speak as citizen
[12:27] Arria Perreault: ?
[12:27] Fern Leissa: no
[12:27] Valibrarian Gregg is Offline
[12:27] Pip Torok: no
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[12:27] Arria Perreault: I have a citizen concern for myself
[12:27] Arria Perreault: it’s about the Pavillion at SL8B
[12:27] Valibrarian Gregg is Online
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I have found great that Tor and Rosie have mde this pavillion
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I think that it is a good presence for CDS
[12:28] Arria Perreault: but they have ask for contributions
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I guess several people have responded
[12:29] Arria Perreault: I did and I was surprised that in the final result no one of my stuffs were exhibited. Only the notecard was used.
[12:29] Arria Perreault: I have tried to discuss with you Tor and with Rosie
[12:30] Arria Perreault: and I hareally had to insist to see things changed
[12:30] Arria Perreault: My concerns are:
[12:31] Arria Perreault: 1) when someone asks for contribution for a CDS project, he/she has a duty to inform people about their contribution and to talk with them. I don’t see such exhibitions like artist’s artworks
[12:32] Arria Perreault: 2) It’s an official presentation of CDS. So I think citizen poeple have to be taken in account
[12:32] Arria Perreault: I have to add that we have finally found a solution that was good for me
[12:32] Arria Perreault: I don’t know if you will add something, Tor?
[12:33] Moon Adamant is Offline
[12:33] Arria Perreault: or someone else?
[12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: ys]
[12:33] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:34] Pip Torok: just one concern from mizou … about the orange pavilion in LA …
[12:34] Pip Torok: “will it be taken down now that floralia is over?”
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: The SL8B team did indeed ask for contributions from citizens and friends of CDS.
[12:35] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, I will tell Anna to remove he bumper cars.
[12:37] Arria Perreault: Tor, I understand that you don’t have to take every given object, but you have to inform people and maybe to talk with them. I am talking about the internal process in CDS.
[12:37] Fern Leissa: brb
[12:37] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:38] Arria Perreault: can we go to the next point now?
[12:38] Pip Torok: yes
[12:38] Arria Perreault: a. CDS Budget
[12:38] Tor Karlsvalt: Frankly, Arria, I don’t. And given the deadlines we had, I did not think it conducive to a good result to get embroiled in arguments while the team had deadlines.
[12:39] Sonja Strom: Maybe this discussion is not yet complete?
[12:39] Arria Perreault: it’s a question of organization, in my point of view.
[12:39] Arria Perreault: in my opinion, request for contribution = feedbacks
[12:39] Valibrarian Gregg is Offline
[12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: noted
[12:40] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:40] Arria Perreault: any other comments, requests?
[12:40] Arria Perreault: concern?
[12:40] Fern Leissa: I agree with Arria here. At least explain the constraints and deadlines and why suggestions were not included
[12:40] Sonja Strom: I would like to say one thing about that too,
[12:40] Arria Perreault: ok, Sonja
[12:41] Sonja Strom: mostly because there were requests made for people to submit materials.
[12:41] JJ Drinkwater is Offline
[12:41] Sonja Strom: Then when people submitted them, naturally they would want to either have them be included in the exhibit,
[12:41] Sonja Strom: or for them to be given an explanation why they were not.
[12:42] Sonja Strom: Maybe not everything could be included,
[12:42] Sonja Strom: that is always a possibility.
[12:42] Tor Karlsvalt: We do not have time to offer that kind of feedback on every item offered. And much provided was not used.
[12:42] Sonja Strom: But, respect should be given to the work that was put into it,
[12:43] Sonja Strom: It is nice to try to include everything,
[12:43] Pip Torok notes the process resembles an editor accepting/rejecting/amending articles for inclusion within a journal
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: it is unrealistic to assume we have time to cretique, offer feedback and wait for responces while we have items that are already good and far better.
[12:43] Sonja Strom: and then to explain why certain things could not be used to the people who contributed them.
[12:43] Sonja Strom: Whether or not you had time to let people know that is a matter of perspective.
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: That can be done now and had
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: had
[12:43] Sonja Strom: Personally I believe it could have been done.
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: has
[12:44] Sonja Strom: I have done that kind of thing myself…
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: but i don’t think a public airing is warrented on this matter
[12:44] Sonja Strom: A public airing of what?
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: reasons why items are not used.
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: this has already been done
[12:44] Sonja Strom: I did not mean to say each item should be explained here in the RA…
[12:45] Arria Perreault: it’s the price when you ask for contribution, Tor
[12:45] Sonja Strom: what I was trying to say was, it would have been good if you would have had better communication with Arria about her contributions, if not those of others as well.
[12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: I disagree Arria
[12:46] Sonja Strom: That is about all I want to say about it. Thanks
[12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: others seemed to understand that what we wanted to use would be used.
[12:46] Arria Perreault: the risk is now that poeple will hesitate to contribute
[12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: I disagree
[12:46] Arria Perreault: we will see
[12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: to my recollection we have not been in SL8b since the 5th one
[12:47] Arria Perreault: Tor, we are happy to have this pavillion
[12:48] Arria Perreault: I think that we have to respect some processes when contributions are asked for an official CDS project
[12:49] Arria Perreault: that’s my concern and nothing else
[12:49] Arria Perreault: can we go to the next point now?
[12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: surely
[12:49] Arria Perreault: a. CDS Budget
[12:49] Fern Leissa: brb
[12:49] Arria Perreault: you have the floor Tor
[12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: ok thank you
[12:50] Arria Perreault: the RA members can ask questions
[12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: just a few points
[12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: I included the data from the May financials.
[12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Seems may was a good month.
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: so when I factor the income for May and use the average income in the current budget we actually have a surplus.
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Several amedment have been suggested
[12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: one was an increase in the amount put tward NG projects.
[12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: that i think it was suggested by Rosie to have 1500 per month set aside for this
[12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: this is nly to facilitate startup costs associated with projects.
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: Talk of tier reform would change things.
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not opposed to tier reform.
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I think our tier is a bit higher than most other estates.
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not sure that is the main reason we have experienced a decline in residents.
[12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: I make note of some reasons on the second page of the budjet
[12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: in the notes.
[12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[12:54] Pip Torok is sure that it is NOT the reason for the decline
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: alas I agree Pip
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: a number of reasons are given
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: sometimes tho they mask the real reason.
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: but i try to take ppls at their word.
[12:56] Fern Leissa: b
[12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: wb Fern
[12:57] Arria Perreault: other remarks , Tor?
[12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: um, no, just if I have questions.
[12:57] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:57] Arria Perreault: who wants to ask questions to Tor?
[12:58] Pip Torok: yes … cd the way forward be to liaise directly with Rosie ?
[12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Um not sure what you mean, Pip, but let me venture
[12:58] Fern Leissa: No questions. I would also like to see the amt of monies for NG projects increased to 1500 per mo
[12:59] Pip Torok: me too
[12:59] Fern Leissa: Otherwise.. I have looked at the Chancellor’s budget and am in agreement
[12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: I remember last term we had a NG project that required a delay only for lack of a few funds.
[12:59] Arria Perreault: which project?
[13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: the intent for the item in the budget was to rectify the need to ask RA for a budget change for evey project. Also, I anticipated her disire to get the NG moving on sim upgrades which had also been a desire of mine from even my first election.
[13:01] Arria Perreault: I have a question/remark
[13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Arria, that would be the project to close the sides of AM and NFS on the East side.
[13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: The project was successful in part.
[13:02] Arria Perreault: it’s about Radio Riel. I am not the only to have question about that. Rosie talked also about that. I don’t want to change the budget only about that. But …
[13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Rosie did a wonderful job, but it seems the mega prims used don’t rezz when looking at them from Al Garnata
[13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Well Radio Riel was an item begun by Sonja the prior chancellor
[13:03] Tor Karlsvalt: I continued it and gave RR the PSA.
[13:03] Arria Perreault: I think we need advertising for our community. I have the following suggestion: keep this 5000 L$ in advertising/marketing budget and look what is the best way to use them
[13:03] Arria Perreault: SL ads are very rewarding
[13:04] Arria Perreault: especially when they are connected with little attractions like a treasure hunt
[13:04] Arria Perreault: it’s my exprience in the Monastery
[13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I recall that Rosie mentioned posting ads on our public buildings.
[13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: they do not cost much
[13:04] Arria Perreault: yes and it works very well
[13:04] Fern Leissa: Sonja, now that we’ve had some time advertising w/ Radio Riel.. what do you think? Should we continue to invest there
[13:05] Arria Perreault: do you have something for that in your budget?
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: we do but i thin it is 2000 a month
[13:05] Arria Perreault: I see: 2000 L$
[13:05] Sonja Strom: I believe it is a good choice for the CDS to continue to support Radio Riel.
[13:05] Pip Torok agrees
[13:06] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:06] Arria Perreault: other questions?
[13:06] Fern Leissa: Ok. Agree maybe we should give Radio Riel another year
[13:06] Pip Torok: none from me
[13:06] Fern Leissa: Do we want to go ahead and add a little more to the advertising budget for other options?
[13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: well i might add with regard to RR
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: one thing it does do is puts us out with other very active SL groups.
[13:07] Arria Perreault: Fern, we have to accept the budget as it is or ask Tor to change it for next time
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: we look like we support the larger SL
[13:07] Arria Perreault: but we have only one month since it’s publication to accept it
[13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: esentially I hink we buy some goodwill with people
[13:08] Fern Leissa: Would we be accepting w/o the additions to NG funds?
[13:08] Arria Perreault: with
[13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: you can vote on that
[13:08] Sonja Strom: I agree with Tor on this, with regard to our support of Radio Riel.
[13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: i have 14 days to accept a revised budget
[13:08] Fern Leissa: Ok. Than I’m fine with the budge
[13:08] Arria Perreault: Tor has amended the budget based on our remarks in the forum (which is a good process)
[13:09] Fern Leissa: *budget
[13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: should I increase the amount for NG projects.
[13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: I think Rosie had 1500 per month.
[13:09] Pip Torok: im fine with the budget too
[13:09] GreyEagle Tigerfish is Online
[13:10] Fern Leissa: I agree w/ 1500 per month Tor. Is that not in the budget now?
[13:10] Arria Perreault: Tor, it’s up to you. If you say now that you put 1500 Là, we vote with 1500
[13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: I have to add, I don’t think anything is set in stone. We can change things as necessary. I will accept the 1500 for the NG
[13:10] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: naturally any hughe expenditures would have to come to RA
[13:11] Arria Perreault: of course
[13:11] Pip Torok: in that case I move that the Budget be accepted
[13:11] Arria Perreault: other questions?
[13:11] Fern Leissa: seconded
[13:11] Arria Perreault: we can vote
[13:11] Pip Torok: aye
[13:11] Arria Perreault: RA members who accept the budget, please say aye
[13:11] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:12] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:12] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Rosie has still a 7-day vote, but the budget is accepted
[13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:12] Arria Perreault: thank you very much Tor
[13:12] Fern Leissa:
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: thank you Arria and RA.
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: I hope we have a successful term for all.
[13:13] Arria Perreault: now CDS can spend money based on this budget
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt:
[13:13] Fern Leissa:
[13:14] Arria Perreault: and you are welcome with special projects outside this budget
[13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: i will post it to the forum. I think I can as a pdf
[13:14] Arria Perreault: it would be good
[13:15] Arria Perreault: I propose we continue our program
[13:15] Arria Perreault: new items
[13:16] Arria Perreault: before we ake specific points, I have a general remark
[13:16] Arria Perreault: we have talked about our priorities. now we have to take care we do everything in order to reach some results.
[13:17] Arria Perreault: in the past, the RA had commissions
[13:17] Arria Perreault: I suggest that every RA member take one of these priorities
[13:17] Anna Toussaint is Online
[13:18] Arria Perreault: you can create a commission or launch a debate in the forum based on a proposal
[13:18] Arria Perreault: it’s important that citizen can participate
[13:19] Arria Perreault: there are also some topics that are already discussed in the forum. in this case, it’s your role to facilitate that this topics are discussed in the RA
[13:20] Arria Perreault: this process is not so heavy as commission for everything, but we have to make sure that we manage our different priorities
[13:20] Arria Perreault: do you think we can work so?
[13:20] Fern Leissa: Ok. I’d very much like to address tier policy. I could get together with Trebor. I think we are close on at least being able to vote yes or no
[13:20] Arria Perreault: yes, I think it’s important we take this point quickly
[13:20] Pip Torok: i agree for the simple (and grim) reason that there are so few of us
[13:21] Fern Leissa: And this is not on the list of new items but I would also like to bring the covenant rewrite to a vote
[13:21] Arria Perreault: do you agree that Fern is in charge of the tier question?
[13:21] Pip Torok: yes
[13:22] Arria Perreault: I agree too
[13:23] Arria Perreault: we have the following other priorities: sims upgrade, sims animation, marketing (increase the number of citizen)
[13:23] Pip Torok: and wd also like to bring the covenant rewrite to a vote
[13:23] Arria Perreault: you’re right Pip
[13:23] Fern Leissa: thank yu Pip
[13:23] Arria Perreault: Fern, is it ready to vote?
[13:23] Arria Perreault: the convenant?
[13:24] Fern Leissa: I can do a final rewrite and present next session
[13:24] Arria Perreault: it would be great ㋡
[13:24] Fern Leissa: We have had lots and lots of meetings and forum discussion
[13:24] Arria Perreault: I suggest you paste again the convenant in the forums before we vote it
[13:24] Pip Torok: a shame we cdnt have voted it thru at this meeting
[13:25] Fern Leissa: I will do that. Good idea
[13:25] Arria Perreault: we can vote in one week
[13:25] Fern Leissa: ooh. One week??? Next week is July 4th holiday in US
[13:25] Arria Perreault: who wants to be in charge of sims upgrade?
[13:26] Pip Torok: it wd make sense that Rosie is the one …
[13:26] Arria Perreault: oh! should we postpone the RA meeting and make it the week after?
[13:26] Fern Leissa: Agree
[13:26] Arria Perreault: do you agree that Rosie is in charge of sims upgrade?
[13:26] Fern Leissa: Yeah. I think so Arria. I don’ think I’ll be in town that weekend
[13:27] Fern Leissa: I do… if she’s willing
[13:27] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:27] Pip Torok: yes, with her consent of course
[13:27] Arria Perreault: of course
[13:27] Arria Perreault: we still have sim animation and marketing (how to attract new citizen)
[13:28] Arria Perreault: Sonja, Pip?
[13:28] Pip Torok: if “marketing” means recruitment of new members then put me down for “marketing”
[13:28] Sonja Strom: For me it is ok.
[13:28] Arria Perreault: great, thank you Pip
[13:28] Fern Leissa: Good. I support Pip
[13:28] Arria Perreault: Sonja, are you willing for the animations of the sims?
[13:29] Sonja Strom: Oh, sorry, I don’t want another job, hehe
[13:29] Arria Perreault: right, you are already RA Archivist
[13:29] Arria Perreault: I can do it, if you agree
[13:29] Sonja Strom: yes, true
[13:29] Sonja Strom: I would be happy for Arria to do it.
[13:29] Fern Leissa: I agree Arria. That would be great
[13:29] Pip Torok: cd you please do it Arria?
[13:30] Arria Perreault: good, I will do it
[13:30] Fern Leissa:
[13:30] Arria Perreault: there are only too points of the agenda I would like to take today
[13:30] Leeorie Alter is Online
[13:30] Arria Perreault: sims update and what I have called “New guild”
[13:31] Arria Perreault: the rest we have to make next time
[13:31] Arria Perreault: sims update
[13:31] Pip Torok: in that case i need to excuase myself Mme LRA … the poetry on sunday awaits
[13:31] Arria Perreault: we canpostpone the point
[13:31] Fern Leissa: ah Pip. … bye
[13:31] Tor Karlsvalt: ok pip
[13:31] Tor Karlsvalt: see you soon
[13:32] Arria Perreault: do you want to postpone this point?
[13:32] Pip Torok: see you soon i hope!
[13:32] Fern Leissa: up to you Madame LRA
[13:32] Arria Perreault: I prefer to discuss with more poeple
[13:33] Arria Perreault: I move to table this point to the next meeting
[13:33] Fern Leissa: kk
[13:33] Arria Perreault: Sonja, do you agree?
[13:33] (Amacci Classic AO “Lite” – backup copy): Sit anywhere: Off
[13:34] Arria Perreault: she should be away
[13:34] Sonja Strom: yes, I agree
[13:35] Arria Perreault: ok. I will take this last point: New Guild
[13:35] Arria Perreault: today the New Guild has elected a new Secretary: Rosie
[13:36] Arria Perreault: I am sure that Rosie will be a dynamic Secretary of the Guild
[13:36] Arria Perreault: of course the New Guild was a bit sleepy since a while
[13:36] Arria Perreault: our newest citizen have never see the New Guild very active
[13:37] Arria Perreault: but the New Guild and especially Moon Adamant have accomplished a lot for our community
[13:38] Arria Perreault: Colonia Nova, Alpine Meadow, Locus Amoenus and also to facilitate the launch of the Monastery sim
[13:39] Arria Perreault: now Moon has stopped her activities as Secretary of the New Guild, we should find a way to honor her activities for our community and also all what the New Guild has made in the past
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt nods
[13:40] Fern Leissa: brb
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[13:41] Arria Perreault: there are several ways to honor people who have contribute to our community
[13:41] Arria Perreault: I think we should thank her personnally for her contributions
[13:43] Arria Perreault: can we organize a little event (maybe with a party) to thank her?
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Hear hear
[13:43] Sonja Strom: Do we know what she would like the most?
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree Arria, thank you for suggesting it.
[13:43] Sonja Strom: But a party sounds good
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: i can find out sonja
[13:43] Arria Perreault: I know that she like parties
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: can I make a suggestion?
[13:44] Arria Perreault: yes, Tor
[13:44] Sonja Strom: Sounds even better then
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: It is common for most governments to have some award or acknoledgement
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: perhaps an Order of Anzere
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: or some other title
[13:44] Arria Perreault: good idea
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Moon could be the first inductee
[13:45] Arria Perreault: but we need a ceremony for that?
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Then name of course it open
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: but I thought it would be a nice gesture to the original sim
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: possible
[13:46] Tor Karlsvalt: possibly
[13:46] Arria Perreault: and we need someone to creat a medal? Rosie?
[13:46] Tor Karlsvalt: eys
[13:46] Tor Karlsvalt: well she makes crowns and such
[13:46] Arria Perreault: yes, I know
[13:46] You decline Taverna To Limani from A group member named Anna Toussaint.
[13:47] Arria Perreault: Sonja, Fern do you agree with this idea?
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: it would be nice if the RA voted a resolution maybe
[13:47] Arria Perreault: yes, we have to
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: to create the award.
[13:48] Arria Perreault: I will prepare a resolution for next time
[13:48] Fern Leissa: yes I agree with the party and with the idea of an award
[13:48] Ellie Brewster is Offline
[13:48] Fern Leissa: Order of Anzere sounds perfect
[13:48] Arria Perreault: we look since years something to honor poeple
[13:48] Arria Perreault: yes, I like the name
[13:49] Sonja Strom: Me too.
[13:49] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we prepare this resolution for next meeting (11 July)
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt:
[13:49] Arria Perreault: the ceremony could be at the opening of Oktober fest
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, that would be very nice
[13:49] Fern Leissa: That’s a good idea
[13:50] Sonja Strom: Yes, good idea
[13:50] Arria Perreault: great
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: esp since Oktoberfest is also our anniversary celebration
[13:50] Arria Perreault: I propose we adjourn now and we go to listen some poetry
[13:50] Fern Leissa:
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: very fitting
[13:50] Arria Perreault: ok for adjournment?
[13:51] Fern Leissa: second
[13:51] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:51] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:51] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:51] Arria Perreault: thank you for the constructive meeting
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: woot
[13:51] Sonja Strom: Thank you, Arria, and everyone!
[13:51] Sonja Strom: ☆´ Applause! `☆
[13:51] Fern Leissa: Yes…
RA Meeting 10 July 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Recorder
d. Code of law update
e. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
a. –
a. CDS Convenant
b. Order to honor citizen
– Tier: Fern (Fern will contact Trebor)
– Sims upgrade: Rosie (if Rosie accepts)
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:06] Pip Torok: not me, trebor
[12:06] Fern Leissa: Just you Trebor
[12:06] Arria Perreault: The agenda is in the box
[12:06] Fern Leissa: Still dark and romantic looking for me :0
[12:06] Trebor Warcliffe: hehehe
[12:06] Patroklus Murakami est connecté(e)
[12:06] Sonja Strom: hehe
[12:06] Pip Torok: hi Pat !!!
[12:06] Abbey Zenith est connecté(e)
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Hi Pat ㋡
[12:07] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hello, Pat
[12:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Hello Pat, nice to see you!!!
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Hi Pat
[12:07] Pip Torok: is Rosie due in today, Mme LRA?
[12:07] Patroklus Murakami: hi everyone
[12:07] josjoha Resident: hi
[12:07] Arria Perreault: Pip, Rosie wrote a notecard to me
[12:07] Pip Torok: hi jos …
[12:07] josjoha Resident: hi Pip
[12:07] Sonja Strom: hi Patroklus and josjoha
[12:08] josjoha Resident: pleased to meet you, Sonja
[12:08] Arria Perreault: She said she can’t there on 17th. I think she had the meeting of today in mind
[12:08] Sonja Strom:
[12:08] Pip Torok: mmm
[12:09] Arria Perreault: I will give you the informations she gave to me during the meeting
[12:09] Ingeborg Apfelbaum est déconnecté(e)
[12:09] Pip Torok: tks
[12:09] Arria Perreault: we start with the admin points
[12:10] Arria Perreault: a. Review this agenda.
[12:10] Arria Perreault: Do you agree witht the agenda of today?
[12:10] Thinkerer Melville est déconnecté(e)
[12:10] Arria Perreault: no change?
[12:11] Fern Leissa: Would it be possible to add an opportunity for Trebor to present his proposal for a tier reduction?
[12:11] Sonja Strom: I have no changes and agree to it.
[12:11] Arria Perreault: Fern, do you mean today?
[12:12] Fern Leissa: Yes, if possible. It is very difficult for him to make it on Sundays, but he could come today and has it ready
[12:12] Arria Perreault: Trebor are you ready to present something?
[12:12] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes i think so
[12:13] Arria Perreault: we don’t have yet a bill or a text to vote, right?
[12:13] Trebor Warcliffe: not to the best of my knowledge
[12:13] Arria Perreault: but you can introduce your proposal?
[12:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Most of the activity concerning the tier proposal has taken place in the forums
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes i can explain it
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: And I’ve made available all of my works with the tier through Excel spreadsheets
[12:14] You decline Elegance Ballroom – A place of E, Elegance Ballroom (35, 147, 3 from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[12:14] Arria Perreault: good
[12:15] Malchior Negulesco est déconnecté(e)
[12:15] Arria Perreault: As you can be here often, I suggest you explain your point after the discussion about the convenant
[12:15] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[12:15] Arria Perreault: Order of Anzere can be discussed later, if necessary
[12:16] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS (and priorities of the term) (updated)
a. CDS Convenant
b. Tier
c. Order to honor citizen
[12:16] Arria Perreault: do you agree with this agenda?
[12:16] Pip Torok: yes
[12:16] Arria Perreault: good
[12:17] Fern Leissa: yes
[12:17] Arria Perreault: we move to the next point
[12:17] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:18] Arria Perreault: Rosie did not ask for a 7-day vote. As she sent a notecard to say she is not here, we can admit she has one.
[12:18] Arria Perreault: no opposition?
[12:18] Pip Torok: non3e from me
[12:19] Fern Leissa: agree she has 7-day vote
[12:19] Arria Perreault: c. Recorder
[12:19] Arria Perreault: I am looking for the recorder
[12:19] Arria Perreault: I have contacted Cindy
[12:19] Troy Kronfeld est connecté(e)
[12:20] Pip Torok: i can try to leave a skype message if you like, Mme LRA
[12:20] Arria Perreault: she said she doesn’t know where it is
[12:20] Pip Torok: ah ..
[12:20] Arria Perreault: we could try to get an other one
[12:21] Arria Perreault: if noboby has this item in his/her inventory
[12:21] Arria Perreault: I will see this with the Chancellor
[12:21] Arria Perreault: d. Code of law update
[12:22] Pip Torok: underlines the need for a contents archiver!
[12:22] Arria Perreault: I have read in the forum that some voted bills are still missing in the code of law in the portal
[12:22] Ingeborg Apfelbaum est connecté(e)
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Sonja is our RA Archivist
[12:23] Arria Perreault: we have to check if the laws voted during the two last terms are there
[12:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Who has the ability to update the portal? There does seem to be some out of date stuff in there.
[12:23] Arria Perreault: The former content archivist had an access and Sonja has one
[12:23] Sonja Strom: Just to let you know, I do not have that ability.
[12:23] Sonja Strom: oh, ok
[12:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Or old information I should say.
[12:24] Arria Perreault: Sonja, we have to test. I have asked for an access for you
[12:24] Arria Perreault: I have an acces too
[12:24] Sonja Strom: That was my understanding too — have I received the access?
[12:24] Ingeborg Apfelbaum est déconnecté(e)
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I think the account is created
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I will see if you got the code after the meeting
[12:25] Sonja Strom: good — I will look through my emails
[12:26] Arria Perreault: my suggestion is the following: we could check the code of law and update it (Sonja and I)
[12:26] Pip Torok: (sounds good to me)
[12:26] Arria Perreault: it’s important for the debates that the code is up to date
[12:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes
[12:26] Arria Perreault: e. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:26] Fern Leissa: That would be work but awesome
[12:27] Arria Perreault: does anyone want to speak during this meeting?
[12:27] Sonja Strom: If anyone knows of a law that should be upadated, it would help for them to send me that information.
[12:27] Patroklus Murakami: i found my old notetaker if you give me an email address I’ll forward the transcripts after the meeting
[12:27] Arria Perreault: ok. If you have questions or remarks, just raise the hand
[12:27] Fern Leissa: Me about the covenant
[12:27] Pip Torok: ok …
[12:27] Ingeborg Apfelbaum est connecté(e)
[12:28] Popea Heron est connecté(e)
[12:28] Arria Perreault: arria.perreault at gmail
[12:28] Arria Perreault: Thank you Pat ㋡
[12:28] Patroklus Murakami: thx arria
[12:28] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens
[12:29] Arria Perreault: who has a concern (as citizen)?
[12:30] Arria Perreault: we can start with the new items then
[12:30] Arria Perreault: a. CDS Convenant
[12:30] Arria Perreault: Fern, you have the floor
[12:30] Fern Leissa: Thank you Arria
[12:31] Scroll/w CDS Covenant DRAFT owned by Fern Leissa gave you ‘CDS CovenantDRAFT 2011-07-01’ ( ).
[12:31] Fern Leissa: For anyone who wants a last look at the covenant… there is a copy in the scroll on the table in front of Arria
[12:32] Fern Leissa: I’d like to here from anyone with remaining concerns… otherwise I would like to ask for a vote on accepting the covenant as written and posted to the forum
[12:32] Fern Leissa: The date of the draft I am referring to is 2011-07-01
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: 8. Builds erected prior to the enactment of these general and sim-wide covenants are exempt from these restrictions
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: Basically these covenents have been in existence
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Hi Sudane
[12:33] Trebor Warcliffe: since CDS began correct
[12:33] Pip Torok: hi Sudane
[12:33] Sudane Erato: hi
[12:33] Fern Leissa: Hi Sudane
[12:33] Arria Perreault: we are discussing the convenants
[12:33] Fern Leissa: They have Trebor but they have been sometimes ignored and sometimes mis-understood
[12:33] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats kind of my point.
[12:34] Fern Leissa: The re-write was to try and make them more consistent across sims
[12:34] Fern Leissa: Sorry… go ahead Trebor
[12:34] Trebor Warcliffe: If it’s been law in the pass and the person has violated said law
[12:34] Pip Torok welcomes Trebor’s concern
[12:34] Trebor Warcliffe: Aren’t we in essence giving them amnesty?
[12:35] Trebor Warcliffe: Which brings me to my next point. Enforceability of the covenents in regards to the SIMS.
[12:35] Pip Torok: imo not necessarily, Trebor
[12:35] Trebor Warcliffe: These laws have been in place for years but they havent really been enforced. How is rewriting the covenent goign to change that.
[12:35] Fern Leissa: We are giving amnesty because they have not alwasy been enforced and not always clear. Also the Chancellor has had the right always, to approve builds that don’t strictly meet the covenant
[12:36] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok
[12:36] Trebor Warcliffe: I can agree with that. Sort of a clean slate approach
[12:36] Pip Torok:
[12:36] Fern Leissa: One of the issues also was to clarify so that it would be easier for the Chanellor to enforce. Tor and I have talked about that precise problem
[12:36] Trebor Warcliffe: Good to know.
[12:37] Trebor Warcliffe: One other question
[12:37] Fern Leissa: Sure
[12:37] Trebor Warcliffe: Im using Alpine Meadow as an example.
[12:37] Trebor Warcliffe: We have 4 “zones” and 4 “typologies”
[12:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Each with their own set of “rules”
[12:38] Mathoni Zuhrah est connecté(e)
[12:38] Bagheera Kristan est connecté(e)
[12:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Wouldnt it be easier to make each SIM more uniform.
[12:38] Pip Torok: hand up
[12:39] Fern Leissa: I did try to balance between making each sim more uniform and honoring the initial intent of the pp who designed each sim. I simplified AM but did not change the zoning
[12:40] Pip Torok sees that fern has made my point
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Plot A and B for example
[12:40] Fern Leissa: Yes?
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Just seems so confusing and has it ever been that way in existance?
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: meaning in world?
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: I havent actually travelled and counted trees
[12:41] Fern Leissa: I don’t know the history of the builds on AM.. they come and go … as you know and we do not have much docmentation about prior builds
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: true but you can see my point though right
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: The covenents are great, dont get me wrong
[12:42] Fern Leissa: I do see your point and I did think long and hard about going to the NG for rezoning.
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: But they’re not worth anythign if they aren’t enforced
[12:43] Arria Perreault: The difference between A and B: only A can have a castle
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: That is all I have to contribute to the covenent discussion
[12:43] Arria Perreault: I guess it was to avoid to have castles everywhere on the sim
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: thank you for letting my voice my opinion
[12:43] Fern Leissa: But I’m not sure there is enough interest to pursue that at this point and I did now want to delay too much… the rewrite of the covenants as part of the issue was something that we could begin to enforce
[12:44] Lilith Ivory est connecté(e)
[12:44] Trebor Warcliffe: Having less of a population to grandfather in will help
[12:44] Fern Leissa: True
[12:44] Pip Torok: I move that these covenants be accepted
[12:44] Arria Perreault: I think this point and other had reasons in the mind of poeple who have built the sims
[12:45] Arria Perreault: any second?
[12:45] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes and as we grow in sims we will have the same ability to set the sims how we see fit as they come in world
[12:46] Fern Leissa: no second
[12:46] Sonja Strom: I second
[12:46] Fern Leissa:
[12:46] Arria Perreault: good
[12:46] Arria Perreault: we can vote
[12:46] Pip Torok: aye
[12:46] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:46] Sonja Strom: aye
[12:46] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:47] Pip Torok: congrats Fern!!!!!!!
[12:47] Arria Perreault: The convenants are accepted
[12:47] Fern Leissa: ))
[12:47] Arria Perreault: I would like to thank Fern for her amazing work
[12:47] Trebor Warcliffe: Great job on this Fern thank you for all your hard work.
[12:47] Guillaume Mistwalker: Congratulations, Fern!
[12:47] Fern Leissa: But… we must still wait for Rosie’s 7-day n’est pas?
[12:47] Pip Torok: supported fully!
[12:47] Guillaume Mistwalker: ㋡
[12:47] Fern Leissa: Thank you
[12:47] Patroklus Murakami: congrats
[12:47] Pip Torok: it still p[asses imo
[12:48] Arria Perreault: The Executive have to implemente the new text in the sims now
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Sudane, I think it will be your task (or Rudeen’s task)
[12:49] Arria Perreault: Can you inform us when the new text in in each sim?
[12:50] Arria Perreault: next
[12:50] Arria Perreault: next point
[12:50] Sudane Erato: sorry… the new textures?
[12:50] Arria Perreault: no, the new convenant
[12:50] Sudane Erato: oh!
[12:50] Arria Perreault: we have voted the new text of the convenant
[12:50] Pip Torok: doesnt it apply as of now?
[12:51] Sudane Erato: if you wish this all to be in the About Land covenant… then if someobne can just pass a notecard to Rudeen… np
[12:51] Arria Perreault: Fern, can you send the notecard to Rudeen?
[12:51] Fern Leissa: Yes. I will do that right now
[12:51] Arria Perreault: great
[12:51] Sudane Erato: thx
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: May I suggest in order to keep it simple, have hte general covenents in each SIM and than SIM specific covenants for that particular SIM.
[12:52] Arria Perreault: next point: Tier
[12:52] Pip Torok agrees with Trebor
[12:52] Arria Perreault: Sudane?
[12:53] Sudane Erato: am I to make a presentation?… I don’t really have a statement to make here, other than what I’ve said
[12:53] Sudane Erato: in the forums
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: I think that would be Fern’s decision or the RA’s decision
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: as far as the posting of the covenents in the About Land tab
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: No reason to read about AM covenants while youre in CN
[12:54] Arria Perreault: it means that Fern prepares a notecard for each sim?
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: Sort of yes
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: The general covenents on all 5 notecards
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: And than the specifc covenants for that SIM
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: It should be just a matter of cut and paste
[12:55] notetaker 2.0.1: You have already signed in.
[12:55] notetaker 2.0.1: You have already signed in.
[12:55] Fern Leissa: Sudane, I think Trebor is suggesting that I reformat the covenant so that I give Rudeen 5 notecards; one for each sim-specific covenant. The General covenant would be included on all 5.
[12:55] Pip Torok: i’d be glad to help out fern with this chore if necessary…
[12:55] Fern Leissa: Should I do that?
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: If we have 20 sims in the future are we going to have all 20 sims covenents on all 20 Abouit Land tabs?
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: I wouldnt think so
[12:56] Arria Perreault: is it ok, Fern?
[12:56] Fern Leissa: Sure. np
[12:56] Sudane Erato: well… i see a problem with that.
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: Why?
[12:56] Arria Perreault: Sudane?
[12:56] Fern Leissa: or not I defer to Sudane
[12:56] Sudane Erato: at this moment in time, each sim is a different estate, and that would work
[12:56] Sudane Erato: but
[12:57] Sudane Erato: I will strongly advise that in the soon future we make on estate of the CDS
[12:57] Sudane Erato: so that managers don’t have to be appointed for every sim
[12:57] Sudane Erato: and so that other settings can be done estate wide
[12:57] You decline Legion XIII, ROMA Transtiberim (118, 216, 42) from A group member named Tonina Rodenberger.
[12:57] Sudane Erato: as it affects this issue… covenants are estate wide
[12:58] Fern Leissa: So you’re suggesting that we leave the covenant as one notecard. ?
[12:58] Pip Torok would like to see how other estates cope with this problem
[12:58] Sudane Erato: it would have to be if the CDS was one estate
[12:58] Arria Perreault: can we easily decide to make an estate for all CDS or does it have other implications?
[12:59] Fern Leissa: They have one covenant Pip. I have checked that out. Just include subsections if themes are different on different sims
[12:59] Sudane Erato: no other implications, now that NFS is direct TP… which was the one issue previously preventing it
[13:00] Arria Perreault: who can decide that, RA or Chancelor?
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: That is a point that makes us rather unique compared to other estates, we are not locked into one particular theme.
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Our common bond is the democracy not the theme.
[13:00] Sudane Erato: i woulkd think that if any one feels there are issues affecting our experience here, then it should be the RA…
[13:00] Sudane Erato: but really its just a matter of administration
[13:00] Pip Torok agrees with Sudane
[13:00] Fern Leissa: There are others Trebor that have different “twists” to different sims…
[13:01] Arria Perreault: I agree too
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: agree if it affects the community than it needs to be a communty decision
[13:01] Fern Leissa: But … back to the covenant One card ok?
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: Well either way we seem to have the capability of doing it estate wide or per sim
[13:01] Pip Torok:
[13:02] Arria Perreault: I would prefer 5 now
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: For now I still like hte per Sim idea
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: because we do know how long it takes for changes to take place in the CDS
[13:02] Pip Torok: agree … for _now_ …
[13:02] Sudane Erato: if we do it per sim, then we cannot make one estate of the whole CDS
[13:02] Arria Perreault: we are not one estate yet
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: When we become one estate than it can be changed
[13:03] Fern Leissa: We could alwasy consolidate the text Sudane if we move to being one Estate. Right?
[13:03] Arria Perreault: Sudane, if we decide to become one estate, we can update the “About land” with the whole convenant
[13:03] Fern Leissa: Or I should say re-consolidate
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: It will always be updatable
[13:03] Pip Torok: point of information : there is software (like UNIX make) that can handle these variations
[13:04] Trebor Warcliffe: Worse case scenario if the covenants become to cumbersone for the about land tab than we link them to the web portal
[13:04] Sudane Erato: Arria, its not really managed from About Land, even tho it appears there. It’s managed from the Region/estate screen… and yes, it can be changed whenever we like
[13:04] Fern Leissa: No Trebor. I think the “legal” covenant as far as LL is concerned is the “About Land ”
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: ok thank you for that information
[13:06] Arria Perreault: Sudane, can you explane how and when it can be changed?
[13:07] Sudane Erato: the covenan t is placed on a notecard, and then the EO or any EM opens the Region/Estate screen, and drops the notecard into the space for it
[13:07] Sudane Erato: that loads the covernant into all the “About Lands” in the estate
[13:07] Sudane Erato: estate, mind you… not the sim
[13:08] Sudane Erato: you can do that as often as you like
[13:08] Arria Perreault: yes, but now we have 5 estates. we can have specific notecards for each
[13:08] Sudane Erato: yes we can..
[13:09] Arria Perreault: if we become an estate, we can make one notecard with the whole convenant that will erase the former ones?
[13:09] Sudane Erato: yes
[13:09] Troy Kronfeld est déconnecté(e)
[13:10] Arria Perreault: it means that now we can still have specific convenant for each sims/estate
[13:10] Sudane Erato: yes, exactly
[13:11] Arria Perreault: I think that the RA prefers this possibility now
[13:11] Arria Perreault: right?
[13:11] Pip Torok agrees
[13:12] Fern Leissa: good for me :0
[13:12] Arria Perreault: I agree too
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Sonja?
[13:12] Sonja Strom: yes, I agree
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Fern, do you prepare 5 different notecards for Rudeen?
[13:13] Fern Leissa: I will prepare 5 different ones for Rudeen after the meeting
[13:13] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[13:13] Arria Perreault: now we can move to the next point: Tier
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Yup
[13:13] Arria Perreault: Trebor you have the floor
[13:13] Malchior Negulesco est connecté(e)
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: … ist&num=50
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: For those of you who havent had the chance to look at my report it is uploaded to Google Docs.
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Im going to keep this real simple.
[13:14] Arria Perreault: you explain to us your ideas about the tier in a way that I can understand (tier for dummies)
[13:14] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok
[13:14] Sonja Strom: hehee
[13:14] Arria Perreault: then we will have a discussion
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: There were two main objectives with this project.
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: One was to have a uniform tier across the 5 sims.
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: The other was to have double prim land be exactly double the amount of a single prim parcel.
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: Does that make sense so far?
[13:15] Pip Torok: yes
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: The results are almost perfect.
[13:16] Sudane Erato: hehe
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: The single prim lands are NFS and CN correct?
[13:16] Fern Leissa: Sorry Trebor… but wasn’t one of your main objectives to see if you could reduce tier?
[13:16] Malchior Negulesco est déconnecté(e)
[13:17] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes sorry Fern that was the MAIN objective
[13:17] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok back
[13:18] Thinkerer Melville est connecté(e)
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: The single prim sims of NFS and CN have one uniform tier rate (in my proposal)
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: Currently with our higher tier rates that are individualized from sim to sim our rate of occupancy is 63%.
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: I have calculted two tier rates
[13:19] Abbey Zenith est déconnecté(e)
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: One at 75% occupancy adn the other at 80%.
[13:20] Trebor Warcliffe: For NFS and CN the rate is $3.49USD per 512sqm.
[13:20] Trebor Warcliffe: This was the easiest way I could translate it with hte 512sqm used as the base.
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: In AM and LA, both double prim sims
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: The rate is $6.98USD per 512sqm.
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Exactly double the rate.
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Those figures are for 75% occupancy.
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: At 81% the rates are $3.25 and 6.50 respectively.
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Monestary
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: due to the way it is set up will not fall under either one of these formulas
[13:23] Arria Perreault: I see that prizes are even growing there
[13:23] Arria Perreault: prices*
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: I set monestary at $5.06 and $4.94 for 75% and 81%.
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: This covers our cost to LL plus a little extra when Mon is fully occupied.
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: IN THE FUTURE
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Any new SIMS will not be these rates due to the cost we currently pay LL.
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: For all future sims we have to CAREFULLY plan the amount of public land to private land
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: In order to cover our expenses and have an affordable SIM
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: But we are not here to discuss the future
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Only to discuss our current tier.
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Any questions?
[13:26] Pip Torok: as far as i’m concerned, youve covered all bases, Trebor
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: TU
[13:26] Fern Leissa: I agree with Pip
[13:27] Trebor Warcliffe: Now remember
[13:27] Trebor Warcliffe: We are not proposing a reduction in tier just to reduce tier
[13:27] Trebor Warcliffe: We want to do this as one step in the process of making the CDS a more popular place than it already is.
[13:28] Trebor Warcliffe: I understand Pip is in charge of marketing and promotions and i look forward to wqorking with him in this matter.
[13:28] Pip Torok wd value that purely as a marketing point 9dare i say “ploy”)
[13:29] Trebor Warcliffe: The decision to be made is which rate of tier are we comfortable at. In my opinion before current times the CDS hasnt been this underpopulated
[13:29] Trebor Warcliffe: So i dont feel dropping tier to 80% is that drastic
[13:30] Trebor Warcliffe: If and when it is passed the next step would be implementation
[13:30] Trebor Warcliffe: Ideally, in my opinion if we as a community decide to bring Hippo in world than that would be the time to do it.
[13:30] Pip Torok: I agree so long as this situation is CONSTANTLY under review (remembers the ECB and the Greek tragedy)
[13:31] Anna Toussaint est connecté(e)
[13:31] Trebor Warcliffe: It is my understanding that there is quite a buit of work needed to bring Hippo inworld so any volunteers would be greatly appreciated if we do bring it online.
[13:31] Trebor Warcliffe: I know Sudane, Anna, and Tor worked hard to set up the “beta” version so to speak
[13:32] Trebor Warcliffe: Pip
[13:32] Trebor Warcliffe: the review is basically done monthly by reading the Treasures Reports
[13:32] Pip Torok understands
[13:33] Trebor Warcliffe: Even with out low occupancy we still have our heads above water.
[13:33] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes initially we may have a few months where we’re not putting money in the reserves
[13:33] Trebor Warcliffe: But in the long run I think it will work itself out
[13:33] Pip Torok wd be prepared to drop the tier on that basis
[13:33] EdDereDdE Laval est connecté(e)
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: Is there anything else anyone wants me to cover?
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: Im sorry Pip I dont quite underastanf
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: understand
[13:34] Pip Torok: i meant reduce the tier to 81%
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: And you agree it’s not the only thing that needs to be done to help the CDS correct?
[13:35] Pip Torok: i do
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: Great we’re on the same page than.
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: Any questions?
[13:35] Arria Perreault: I ave a question
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[13:36] Pip Torok: i move we reduce the tier in line with trebors recommendation
[13:36] Arria Perreault: The discussion is not finished, Pip ㋡
[13:36] Pip Torok: (sorry will hold that move pro tem)
[13:36] Trebor Warcliffe: thanks for the enthusiasm though LOL
[13:37] Trebor Warcliffe: Your question Arria?
[13:37] Arria Perreault: we have special rates for some of our sims
[13:37] Trebor Warcliffe: you mean currently?
[13:37] Arria Perreault: for example, Mon is 95 US$ instead 125
[13:37] Arria Perreault: grandfathered tier
[13:37] Trebor Warcliffe: all of that was figured out quite extensively in my report
[13:37] Arria Perreault: CN and NFS are less expensive
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: That is why it was such a monumental task
[13:38] Arria Perreault: the rate between public and private are also different
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: It was all explained in my report.
[13:38] Arria Perreault: why not to have an average prim proce for all CDS?
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Yup htey are
[13:38] Arria Perreault: price*
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Another very difficult calculation
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Its impossible
[13:38] Arria Perreault: I have started with this some years ago
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: heres why
[13:39] Bells Semyorka est connecté(e)
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: My very first set of calculations did that
[13:39] Pip Torok realises “average” is a really loaded term …
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: the results
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: EXACTLY PIP
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Land management was done on a sim by sim basis with all five sims done independantly
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: MAYBE when we reach a higher amount of SIMS say 40 or 50 you MIGHT be able to do an average for all but currently no way
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: My results
[13:40] Sudane Erato: sorry… i must leave… good luck
[13:40] Arria Perreault: you take the amount of prims on private land and you divide LL tier with this amount
[13:40] Sonja Strom: bye Sudane!
[13:40] Pip Torok: bye Sudane .. thx for being here!
[13:40] Arria Perreault: Bye Sudane ㋡
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria I am not trying to be rude here but have you read my report?
[13:41] Arria Perreault: then you calcuulate the price of each parcel
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: I did htat
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: it didnt work
[13:41] Arria Perreault: why?
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: increase in tier for NFS
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Hold on let me pull that spreadsheet out of my files
[13:42] Patroklus Murakami raises hand
[13:42] Arria Perreault: why is it a problem to increase tier for NFS?
[13:42] Trebor Warcliffe: But I do ask again have you actually read my report?
[13:42] Arria Perreault: Patroklus
[13:42] Pip Torok knows an adequate answer for Arria wd require a complete grounding in the basis of statistics
[13:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Because the GOAL was to reduce tier for EVERYONE
[13:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Im sorry go ahead Pat
[13:42] Arria Perreault: I have read quickly, but I think you have to give us easy answers
[13:42] Patroklus Murakami: i have a question for trebor: at current rates of occupancy, would we will still cover tier every month if we adopted your proposal?
[13:44] Trebor Warcliffe: You’re asking that with our current population in place right now, if we reduce the tier to the 81% occupancy rate would we still cover our costs to LL?
[13:44] Abbey Zenith est connecté(e)
[13:44] Patroklus Murakami: yes
[13:44] Trebor Warcliffe: The answer would be no but I can’t honestly tell you how short we would be.
[13:44] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont think it would be a drastic amount
[13:44] Arria Perreault: I have an other question
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: I say that because if you look at the financial statements for this year we are still making a profit
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes Arria
[13:45] Patroklus Murakami: seems like a question you would need to know the exact answer to before making this decision
[13:45] Arria Perreault: if you goal is to reduce the tier for everyone, why the price of land in Monastery will increase?
[13:45] You decline, Windy Shores (178, 156, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: The price of land in Monestary DECREASED
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: Let me explain.
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: Current tier to CDS for MON is
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: US$139.16
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: if fully rented
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: at my proposed rates the new tier would be
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: $124.32 and
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: $121.40
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: that is a decrease not an increase
[13:47] Pip Torok remembers Einstein’s off-the-cuff remark “make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler” …
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: KISS
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt est connecté(e)
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: Keep It Simple Stupid
[13:48] Trebor Warcliffe: And Pat I’m not sure but if you read the posts in the New Tier Propsoal thread I think
[13:48] Trebor Warcliffe: I might have addressed the current population question tehre
[13:48] Trebor Warcliffe: This is hte first time in i think 5 days Ive been in front of a computer and i felt lucky to make the meeting
[13:49] Trebor Warcliffe: Its rather difficult to give you an EXACT answer on that because I dont have access to all of the CDS owned property that may or may not be up for sale
[13:49] Trebor Warcliffe: If I have that info than it is rather simple to calculate
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: I already have NEW master parcel lists for both set of tiers
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: Ready to be uploaded to the portal
[13:50] Arria Perreault: can you paste the link in the forum?
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: For my new MPL?
[13:51] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: Give me one day and it will be done if not by tonight.
[13:51] Fern Leissa: Can I just jump in here and add that under NL 4-6 Financial Reserves Act we are required to keep 1 months tier in USD in reserve. My understanding is that we are SO way beyond that, I believe the last figure I heard was reserves of USD$ 14,000.00 that I believe the risk is small to CDS even if we experience some shortpterm loss
[13:51] Arria Perreault: no problem
[13:52] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes Fern I agree
[13:52] Pip Torok agrees and notes that that is a useful reminder
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats why I propose multiple ways of getting the CDS back to its prominence it once enjoyed.
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: Tier reduction
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: Embassies (2 or 3)
[13:53] Fern Leissa: I believe I heard that even if we continue with our present low occumancy rate we could exist on the grid for another 8 to 14 years
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: More SL participation like hte SL8
[13:53] Fern Leissa: Either Sudane or Trebor gave that figure
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: I did
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: its simple arithmetics
[13:54] Arria Perreault: Embassies: we have paid a lot of money in the past for presence in Caledon and I don’t think it brought many people to us
[13:54] Trebor Warcliffe: Even if we had NO RESIDENCE your reserves are paying your tier for the next 13 months
[13:54] Fern Leissa: To me the bigger risk is now that we will fade away as a community if we do not proactively recruit new (active) members
[13:54] Trebor Warcliffe: We’re getting WAY off topic though
[13:54] Arria Perreault: right
[13:54] EdDereDdE Laval est déconnecté(e)
[13:54] Trebor Warcliffe: There is not ONE solution to our problem
[13:55] Trebor Warcliffe: it will have to be multitasked
[13:55] Pip Torok: exactly
[13:55] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria
[13:55] Trebor Warcliffe: back to your queestion
[13:55] Trebor Warcliffe: My very first set of calculations
[13:55] Trebor Warcliffe: I tried to take all of the privately held land that the CDS collects tier on
[13:56] Trebor Warcliffe: and figure out a rate of tier that would be the same across the board
[13:56] Trebor Warcliffe: The problem is two-fold
[13:56] Trebor Warcliffe: Not all SIMS cost us the same
[13:56] Trebor Warcliffe: And not al sims are single prim or double prim
[13:57] Trebor Warcliffe: The results were a big increase in tier on two sims, a drastic drop in tier on MON and a slight decrease in tier for the other 2
[13:57] Trebor Warcliffe: Total savings was only 3%
[13:57] Trebor Warcliffe: And tier WAS NOT reduced across the board
[13:57] Mathoni Zuhrah est déconnecté(e)
[13:58] Arria Perreault: right now, Alpine Meadow residents are paying too much
[13:58] Arria Perreault: we are a community
[13:58] Trebor Warcliffe: I credit Sudane for pointing me in the direction of making a double prim parcel cost double the amount of a single prim parcel
[13:58] Arria Perreault: we all benefit from public space, where it is
[13:58] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes currently here are our incomes for each sim if they were fully rented
[13:58] Pip Torok: (ie a useful exercise to remember that it produced no useful results…
[13:58] Popea Heron est déconnecté(e)
[13:58] Arria Perreault: everyone can use the Amphitheater for example
[13:58] Guillaume Mistwalker slips out to LA quietly waving…
[13:59] Super’s AO 4.0: Touched.
[13:59] Super’s AO 4.0: Touched.
[13:59] Super’s AO 4.0: Touched.
[13:59] Guillaume Mistwalker: Bye!
[13:59] Arria Perreault: By Guillaume ㋡
[13:59] Pip Torok quietly waves back at guillaume …)
[14:00] Popea Heron est connecté(e)
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: NFS 259.70 CN 371.68 AM 510.90 LA 416.67 MON 139.16
[14:00] pixivor Allen est connecté(e)
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Do you see how out of whack that is???
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Our cost to LL for these are 195, 195, 295, 295, 95
[14:01] Patroklus Murakami raises hand
[14:01] Arria Perreault: Patroklus?
[14:02] Patroklus Murakami: i can see the rationale for more uniform tier rates (taking account of double v single prim) but i wonder about occupancy
[14:02] Patroklus Murakami: we need to pay tier each month, that is a given
[14:02] Trebor Warcliffe: yes
[14:02] Trebor Warcliffe: $1095.00 USD
[14:02] Patroklus Murakami: and we should plan to do so without dipping into the reserves
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: overall yes
[14:03] Patroklus Murakami: if we plan on the basis of 80% occupancy but only have 65% we would be making a loss
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: and as is obvious by the amount of reserves this has been accomplished for many years quite profitably
[14:03] You decline The Quay from A group member named Anna Toussaint.
[14:03] Patroklus Murakami: i’d be happy to see my rent go down each month but we need to be responsible
[14:03] Patroklus Murakami: that’s all
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: Exactly
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: we need to increase our population
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: this is but one part of a bigger plan
[14:04] Pip Torok: (which is where marketing comes in:)
[14:04] Arria Perreault: I am not sure theat the price is the only reason to choose a land
[14:04] Bagheera Kristan est déconnecté(e)
[14:04] Trebor Warcliffe: It isnt
[14:04] Arria Perreault: we offer much more than a land in CDS
[14:04] Trebor Warcliffe: THATS MY POINT
[14:04] Trebor Warcliffe: What are we? We are a democracy!!!
[14:04] Trebor Warcliffe: That is our backbone!!!
[14:05] Arria Perreault: I would prefer more transparency about the prices for example
[14:05] Trebor Warcliffe: thats our reason for being in SL (our meaning the CDS)
[14:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Wouldnt we truly be more of a democracy with 500 citizens instead of 70 citizens
[14:05] Arria Perreault: and also some equality: every citizen should benefit from the grandfathered LL tiers
[14:06] Pip Torok: true trebor but lets make it 100 to start with!
[14:06] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria my new tier rates for the original 5 sims wouldnt change as we expand
[14:06] Arria Perreault: Trebor, with the group-owned land system, we can have more than 1000 citizen with very cheap tiers
[14:06] Trebor Warcliffe: The new SIMS wouldnt have the same rate
[14:06] Fern Leissa: I think that tier in line with similar communities, updated sim “infrastructure”, regular events related to our theme of democracy, and just fun/social/constructive things for our citizens to do together is what we are after. There is no one fix
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: YESSSS FERN thats all apart of it
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: and dare i say EXPANSION
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: but before we can even THINK about expansion
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: we have to get all of our ducks in a row
[14:08] Lilith Ivory est déconnecté(e)
[14:08] Trebor Warcliffe: I have to be going real soon.
[14:08] Fern Leissa: Starting with revising our tier so that it is in line with other similar communities. And you Trebor have provided us w/ data that indicates we are a little high
[14:08] Trebor Warcliffe: yes thank you
[14:08] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we stop the discussion here
[14:08] Trebor Warcliffe: I encourage all to read my report I did try to keep it as simple as possible
[14:08] Trebor Warcliffe: Agreed
[14:08] Trebor Warcliffe: I will be more than happy to post more on the forums
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: when ican
[14:09] Arria Perreault: Trebor will provide a link to this proposal of masterplan
[14:09] Guillaume Mistwalker est déconnecté(e)
[14:09] Pip Torok: do you wish me to remake that motion Mme LRA?
[14:09] Arria Perreault: which motion?
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: What exactly do you want me to post Arria?
[14:09] Lilith Ivory est connecté(e)
[14:09] Arria Perreault: you said you have calculate a new masterplan ready to be published in the portal
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: My new Master Parcel List with the 80% tier rates so you can see what the rates would be for each individual parcel?
[14:10] Arria Perreault: yes
[14:10] Pip Torok: to accept the reduction of tier in accordance with trebors recommendation
[14:10] Trebor Warcliffe: ok than we are on the same page
[14:10] Trebor Warcliffe: yes I will post that
[14:10] Arria Perreault: Pip, you did not get a second, or?
[14:10] Pip Torok: no because it was premature
[14:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Pat i havvent had the pleasure of meeting you in person I know you have a long history with the CDS I thank you for being here today and I look forward to seeing you inworld more often.
[14:11] Guillaume Mistwalker est connecté(e)
[14:11] Arria Perreault: I think we should table this discussion to a next meeting now
[14:11] Arria Perreault: we will make sure that Trebor can attend the meeting
[14:11] Patroklus Murakami: likewise trebor
[14:11] Trebor Warcliffe: tu
[14:11] Pip Torok sees that as the best option
[14:12] Trebor Warcliffe: I should be available next sunday same time if thats ok
[14:12] Arria Perreault: good
[14:12] Trebor Warcliffe: right now my sundays are free but i dont know for how long
[14:12] Pip Torok: yes please trebor!
[14:12] Arria Perreault: we can table the discussion to the meeting of 17th July
[14:13] Trebor Warcliffe: The C.D.S. don’t just live in a community be a part of the community!!!
[14:13] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[14:13] Trebor Warcliffe: I bid you all farewell.
[14:13] Pip Torok: bye!
[14:13] Arria Perreault: Anyway thank you, Trebor, for your hard work
[14:13] Trebor Warcliffe est déconnecté(e)
[14:13] Fern Leissa: Bye Trebor
[14:13] Arria Perreault: bye trebor
[14:14] You decline, Windy Shores (178, 156, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[14:14] Arria Perreault: I think we don’t have time to take the next point
[14:14] Pip Torok: agree!
[14:14] Pip Torok: move to adjourn
[14:14] Sonja Strom: second
[14:14] Arria Perreault: let me give you some information first
[14:15] Arria Perreault: then we vote to adjourn ㋡
[14:15] Pip Torok: ok!
[14:15] Arria Perreault: (I note there is a second )
[14:15] Sonja Strom:
[14:15] Arria Perreault: I have posted a draft for the Order of Anzere
[14:15] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3490
[14:16] Arria Perreault: you can post your feedbacks there
[14:16] Arria Perreault: Rosie agrees to make a medal
[14:16] Fern Leissa: sure
[14:16] Pip Torok: good…
[14:16] Sonja Strom: great!
[14:17] Arria Perreault: About the reports of RA members, we can make them on the next meeting. Rosie said that she accepts to be responsible for the Sims upgrade
[14:17] Pip Torok: marvellous!
[14:17] Arria Perreault: now we can voteto adjourn ㋡
[14:17] Fern Leissa: Indeed :0
[14:17] Pip Torok: aye
[14:17] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:17] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:18] Arria Perreault: we are adjourned ㋡
[14:18] Pip Torok: (puts on his dancing-shoes for Noma Falta …
[14:18] Arria Perreault: thank you for the constructive meeting
[14:18] Sonja Strom: thanks everyone!
RA Meeting 17 July 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
a. Tier:
a. Order to honor citizen:
b. NFS Church
c. NL 4-18 City Building Redundancy Act: to be amended
d. Process for replacement of public buildings
Possible model:
Proposal of Pip Torok: “Rosie’s Kirche straightway be put in place of the present edifice. Then, after no more than one calendar month from the transfer, a referendum to be held to approve the transfer. If it (the referendum) falls, then the present edifice resumes its place, otherwise the Kirche remains”
– Tier: Fern
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:03] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:03] Rosie Gray: got it
[12:04] Arria Perreault: we can start with the admin part
[12:05] Draxtor Despres est connecté(e)
[12:05] Arria Perreault: a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:05] Timo Gufler est connecté(e)
[12:05] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the agenda?
[12:06] Fern Leissa: yes
[12:06] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:07] Arria Perreault: good
[12:07] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:07] Arria Perreault: I did not get any request
[12:07] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Will be speaking on behalf of the tier discussion.
[12:07] Arria Perreault: I guess the two persons in the attendance will talk ㋡
[12:08] Fern Leissa:
[12:08] Arria Perreault: Tor, do you have announcements or informations?
[12:08] Sonja Strom est connecté(e)
[12:08] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens
[12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: um, not really unless you want to introduce the kirche issue here
[12:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:09] Rosie Gray: it’s already on the agenda
[12:09] Arria Perreault: the Kirch is in the agenda
[12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Then no
[12:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Citizen concern here
[12:09] Arria Perreault: we are on point : II. Concerns of Citizens
[12:09] Arria Perreault: do you have some concerns?
[12:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes
[12:10] Arria Perreault: Trebor, you have the floor
[12:10] Trebor Warcliffe: I would like to see if we can put on the agenda for the next meeting the issue of bringing Hippo in world completly.
[12:10] Trebor Warcliffe: I think a posting in the forums to open up discussion amonsgst the citizens would be a good idea.
[12:11] Trebor Warcliffe: If and when it is approved
[12:11] Fern Leissa chuchote : Hi Sonja
[12:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Sonja
[12:11] Rosie Gray: hi Sonja
[12:11] Trebor Warcliffe: I know of at least 3 citizens who will help get it up adn running.
[12:11] Sonja Strom: Hi everyone
[12:11] Pip Torok: hi Sonie
[12:11] Arria Perreault: Hi Sonja ㋡
[12:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats all, I’m done…. for now hehe
[12:12] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:12] Pip Torok: Trebor, do you think the work of installing Hippo is dragging?
[12:12] Arria Perreault: good idea, Trebor. It would be good to see the consequences for our political system, especially for the vote and election rights.
[12:12] Trebor Warcliffe: No Pip it hasnt been approved yet therefore no work on it can take place
[12:12] Trebor Warcliffe: all we currently have is basically a test being performed on one SIM
[12:12] Trebor Warcliffe: Id like to see it be used estate wide
[12:12] Trebor Warcliffe: And for that we need to put it to a vote
[12:13] Arria Perreault: maybe we have to make new legislation or update some laws. It would be good to analyse this point
[12:13] Pip Torok: I had thought that this wd go through “on the nod” but we can approve by all means
[12:13] Trebor Warcliffe: I may be wrong but I was under the assumption it needed to be approved by the RA.
[12:13] Trebor Warcliffe: And I belive Sudane feels that way also though I make no attempt to speak for her.
[12:14] Arria Perreault: I think it has to be approved by the RA, as we have probably to adapt some legislation
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont think there would be a need to approve legislation
[12:14] Pip Torok: well if there is nothing to be discussed I propose that we do it ASAP at this meeting
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: It is simply a new way for the CDS to collect tier
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Shouldnt require legislation.
[12:14] Arria Perreault: ith this system, it is possible to rent a plot for one month and go
[12:15] Trebor Warcliffe: You can rent up to 6 months in advance I believe
[12:15] Arria Perreault: we have to analyse this point before to implemente this system
[12:15] Pip Torok: i move that the Hippo system be formally adopted as the new means of collecting CDS revenue
[12:15] Rosie Gray: I second Pip’s motion
[12:15] Trebor Warcliffe: You can also incorporate the 3.5% transaction fee LL charges CDS into each parcels tier collection
[12:15] Arria Perreault: Pip, this point was not in the agenda
[12:15] Arria Perreault: we cannot vote on it today
[12:16] Pip Torok: (sorry Mme LRA )
[12:16] Rosie Gray: why not?
[12:16] Arria Perreault: I am ready to take this point with an anyalysis of our code of law
[12:16] Trebor Warcliffe: I. ADMIN
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes (5 min)
[12:16] Arria Perreault: we did approve the agenda already
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I take this point for the next meeting
[12:17] Rosie Gray: okay
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I am not ready to approve something without knowing
[12:17] Trebor Warcliffe: Good point.
[12:17] Arria Perreault: Trebor, I want you come with a list of any possible consequences on our code of law
[12:17] Trebor Warcliffe: Always need to do our due diligence dont we.
[12:18] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria with all due respect I am not a lawyer.
[12:18] Arria Perreault: especially regarding the right of vote or election
[12:18] Arria Perreault: you can ask someone to help you
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand.
[12:18] Arria Perreault: if not, we will ask the SC
[12:18] You decline Home of Coney Island & On The Ro, Southfield (148, 90, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[12:18] You decline Legion XIII, ROMA Transtiberim (117, 230, 42) from A group member named Maali Beck.
[12:18] Trebor Warcliffe: Possible consequences on our code of law in regards to what???
[12:19] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:19] Lilith Ivory est connecté(e)
[12:19] Thinkerer Melville est déconnecté(e)
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Although it is true hippo is used mainly for renting, people will still have to buy the land. Hippo will only be collecting monthly tier.
[12:19] Arria Perreault: the Hippo system makes possible to have a land for one month and to go. I want to know how the SC can make its census with the Hippo system
[12:20] Trebor Warcliffe: How is the census made now?
[12:20] Rosie Gray: yes it only collects the funds
[12:20] Rosie Gray: doesn’t change anything
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: Actually Arria Hippo will make it more possible for greater tranaspancy.
[12:20] Arria Perreault: ask the SC. I have no idea. I think they ask Sudane
[12:20] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes much more transparency
[12:20] Rosie Gray: there has been much discussion already on the forum
[12:20] Rosie Gray: do we have to do it all again?
[12:20] Fern Leissa: Hi Lilith
[12:20] Arria Perreault: Tor, then you publish all this information on the forum until next meeting
[12:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you Rosie!!
[12:21] Pip Torok: I suggest we get the source to the Hippo documentation
[12:21] Rosie Gray: hello Lilith
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: sure, what I can. As rosie mentions the issue was discussed.
[12:21] Pip Torok: hi lilith!
[12:21] Arria Perreault: I want that citizen are informed, and also RA members
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: I think where we are now, is to find out if LA residents have found it as good or better
[12:21] Rosie Gray: it’s all there for anyone who is interested
[12:21] Arria Perreault: Hi Lilith
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: I personally like it.
[12:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Many of us have done research on our own. The issue has been addressed in the forums. Have you had the opportunity to review hte forum postings Arria?
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Pip, the documentation of Hippo system is not enough in my point of view. We have to know how it works with our current system
[12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: My only concern is that rolling it out to the estate will be a lot of work, esp for NFS.
[12:23] Trebor Warcliffe: I think many of your questions could be answered there adn actually reading hte Hippo handbook that is available on their website
[12:23] Rosie Gray: Arria, it has been discussed quite extensively
[12:23] Arria Perreault: make a summary then
[12:23] Rosie Gray: have you read the forum thread about it?
[12:23] Pip Torok: myppint as well mme LRA with the doc we can assess what facilities it has
[12:23] Arria Perreault: not only the advantages, but the consequences on our processes
[12:23] Trebor Warcliffe: How it works HOW in our current system? I’m sorry but you’re not making any sense.
[12:23] Sonja Strom est déconnecté(e)
[12:24] Rosie Gray: Arria, please have you read the forum thread?
[12:24] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[12:24] Trebor Warcliffe: It will make Sudane’s job or whoever is going to take care of it A LOT EASIER
[12:24] Trebor Warcliffe: to manage
[12:24] Arria Perreault: and I had this question in mind: how can we produce the list of citizen
[12:24] Pip Torok: well the documentation will tell us the capabilities of the Hippo system .. then we can propose features that it already has
[12:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Ask Sudane how many hours a month she spends on these tasks.
[12:25] Rosie Gray: it will not make any difference to the list of citizens
[12:25] Arria Perreault: we have seen this week how quick actions work
[12:25] Rosie Gray: it only collects money
[12:25] Arria Perreault: …
[12:25] Arria Perreault: so we can take the time to see how it work with our processes and what will be the changes for our citizen
[12:25] Tor Karlsvalt: In fact people may be more inclined to pay ahead and avoid losing citizenship.
[12:25] Trebor Warcliffe: So the issue of Hippo will be on next weeks agenda and the RA will have the ability to vote for or agaisnt its implementation?
[12:25] Arria Perreault: do you have already a concept to communicate this
[12:26] Arria Perreault: ?
[12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: sure
[12:26] Sonja Strom est connecté(e)
[12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: wb sonja
[12:26] Fern Leissa chuchote : wb Sonja
[12:26] Arria Perreault: Trebor, we will take this point of course. we want a summary, some information and I am sure you can provide this easely
[12:26] Sonja Strom waves
[12:27] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria with all due respect most of this has already been provided.
[12:27] Arria Perreault: including a summary (Hippo system in CDS for dummies)?
[12:27] Arria Perreault: a FAQ?
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt:
[12:28] Arria Perreault: the whole thread is long to read
[12:28] Trebor Warcliffe: Why is it the job of one person to do all the work for everyone
[12:28] Rosie Gray: just read the documentation, it is easy to understand
[12:28] Pip Torok: do you the URL for it Rosie?
[12:28] Trebor Warcliffe: Well Im sorry but if you want to be informed sometimes you have to do a little work in order to be informed
[12:28] Rosie Gray: let me find it
[12:28] Arria Perreault: do I have to understand that you refuse to do that?
[12:28] Fern Leissa: I don’t think it would hurt to again summarize the advantages/disadvantages of hippo and announce that it will be brought to a vote at the next RA meeting. That gives all citizens another chance to comment
[12:28] Arria Perreault: a simple FAQ
[12:29] Rosie Gray:
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I am sure he exec can provide a summer of pros and cons.
[12:29] Pip Torok: thanks Rosie
[12:29] Arria Perreault: thank you, Tor
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: summery
[12:29] Arria Perreault: other concern?
[12:30] Rosie Gray: … /index.php
[12:30] Rosie Gray: more specifically
[12:30] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria I am a citizen of the CDS I am not a member of the goverment. I volunteer MANY hours to topics in CDS that concern me and others. Please dont make it sound like an order for me to do something when you need assistance from someone.
[12:30] Arria Perreault: Tor has accepted to provide a summary, Trebor
[12:31] Trebor Warcliffe: Tor I will be more than happy to help you with that if you need it, just ask.
[12:31] Arria Perreault: now we can move to the next point:
[12:31] Arria Perreault: a. Tier
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: Hey I’m up again!!!
[12:32] Alexia Carnell est connecté(e)
[12:32] Arria Perreault: Thank you Trebor, for publishing your Masterplan in the forum
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: You’re welcome
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: I’m assuming that the RA is ready to vote on this issue?
[12:32] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3491
[12:33] Trebor Warcliffe: Considering the months it has been in discussion.
[12:33] Arria Perreault: … ist&num=50
[12:33] Draxtor Despres est déconnecté(e)
[12:33] Arria Perreault: do you want to add a comment, Trebor?
[12:34] Trebor Warcliffe: I think its pretty self explanatory
[12:34] Trebor Warcliffe: May I question the RA memebers individually?
[12:34] Arria Perreault: the RA will discuss this now
[12:35] Arria Perreault: Who wants the floor?
[12:35] Trebor Warcliffe: May I question the RA members individually?
[12:35] Fern Leissa: I can start if that’s ok?
[12:35] Arria Perreault: yes, Fern
[12:35] Fern Leissa: Ty Madame LRA
[12:36] Fern Leissa: I have read all of Trebor’s extensive data and text re the tier reduction
[12:36] Fern Leissa: I am quite comfortable with adopting his recommendations
[12:36] Fern Leissa: If there are many who would prefer that tier be calculated by prims… I could support
[12:37] Fern Leissa: But I absolutely think we must reduce tier… as one step in the process of bringing new citizens
[12:37] Fern Leissa: I do agree that events and music etc. are extremely impt
[12:37] Fern Leissa: But we need more pp to make these things happen
[12:37] Fern Leissa: Anna and Tor are working very hard to bring us entertainment
[12:38] Fern Leissa: Rosie has agreed to take over responsibility for the NG
[12:38] Fern Leissa: But we need more pp if we are really to move forward… and I think tier reduction is one piece to try
[12:38] Fern Leissa: done
[12:38] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:38] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:38] Arria Perreault: someone else?
[12:39] Arria Perreault: if not, I will give my opinion too
[12:39] Rosie Gray: I just raised my hand
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Rosie raised her hand
[12:39] Arria Perreault: sorry
[12:39] Arria Perreault: Rosie, you have the floor
[12:39] Rosie Gray: I’d like to say that I agreee 100% with what Fern has said
[12:39] Rosie Gray: and
[12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[12:40] Rosie Gray: that we need to move on with this
[12:40] Rosie Gray: done
[12:40] Pip Torok: (hear hear)
[12:41] Arria Perreault: thank you, Rosie
[12:41] Arria Perreault: Pip, do you wan to speak?
[12:41] Arria Perreault: want*
[12:41] Arria Perreault: or Sonja?
[12:41] Pip Torok: no i’d only repeat the last 2 speakers
[12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: b
[12:41] Fern Leissa: wb Tor
[12:42] Arria Perreault: I will give you my opinion
[12:42] You decline Legion XIII, ROMA Transtiberim (117, 230, 42) from A group member named Maali Beck.
[12:42] Arria Perreault: I have published it already in the forum
[12:42] Arria Perreault: I am against this tier reduction for several reasons
[12:42] Imotali Antiesse est déconnecté(e)
[12:43] Arria Perreault: first: I don’t think that people renounce to come here because of the tier
[12:44] Arria Perreault: second: we have the Group owned Land Bill wich allows us to increase the number of citizen
[12:44] Arria Perreault: all owner can share a land with a group and bring new people in our community for few money (250 L$)
[12:45] Arria Perreault: for this reason, we don’t need this tier reduction to increase the number of citizen
[12:45] Mathoni Zuhrah est déconnecté(e)
[12:45] Arria Perreault: finally to bring people here, there are other possibilities
[12:46] Arria Perreault: I have mentionned the program that Jamie has made when he was Chancellor: poeple could rent plots to open a shop in very good conditions for several months
[12:46] Pip Torok raises hand
[12:46] Arria Perreault: I have also mentionned this project of sandbox
[12:46] Arria Perreault: (I am not yet finished, Pip)
[12:47] Arria Perreault: we can finance these projects with our reserve
[12:47] Arria Perreault: it would be a terrible mistake to use our reserve to fill the hole of our finances
[12:48] Arria Perreault: it would be intelligent to use it to make programs in order to make our community attractive for poeple with projects which need land
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Finally
[12:48] Arria Perreault: I don’t think we can just approve a tier
[12:48] Arria Perreault: we need a mechanism to avoid problems
[12:49] Arria Perreault: for example: tier are increased after 6 months in red numbers. Until now we did not get any text, any bill accompanying this proposal of tier reduction
[12:49] Arria Perreault: I am done for now
[12:49] Arria Perreault: Pip, you have the floor
[12:49] You decline Archery Range ROMA Transtiberim (126, 232, 403) from A group member named Maali Beck.
[12:50] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[12:51] Arria Perreault: Pip?
[12:51] Pip Torok: two points … all of us 3 see tier eduction as simply ONE factor in the drive to attract new ppl … second … we wd be looking INTENTLY on the effect on our reserves … and we cd reverse this if necessary
[12:51] Pip Torok: done
[12:51] Rosie Gray: I motion that we adopt Trebor’s tier reduction to 80% occupancy rate master plan as posted on the forum.
[12:51] Pip Torok: seconded
[12:51] Arria Perreault: the discussion is not finsihed
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: I have nothing else to discuss Arria, thank you.
[12:52] Arria Perreault: we need a text
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: ???
[12:52] Rosie Gray: I have just made the motion, and it has been seconded
[12:52] Arria Perreault: In this case, we can discuss the motion
[12:53] Arria Perreault: Pip, can you give us the text you want we vote
[12:53] Rosie Gray sighs
[12:53] Pip Torok: yes
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: What is there to discuss? A motion is made and now you call for a vote, correct?
[12:53] Arria Perreault: I have an amendament
[12:53] Rosie Gray: can we have a vote please, on the motion
[12:53] Arria Perreault: we can amend the the text
[12:53] Arria Perreault: I want the text first
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: amend what text??
[12:54] Rosie Gray: I call the question
[12:54] Arria Perreault: the text of the motion
[12:54] Rosie Gray: I have made the motion
[12:54] Rosie Gray: I call the question, now
[12:54] Pip Torok: I move that we adopt Trebors tier reduction to 80% occupancy rate master plan as posted on the Forum
[12:54] Arria Perreault: I have an amendament
[12:54] Rosie Gray: we need to vote first
[12:55] Arria Perreault: we vote to discuss the motion, not to accept it
[12:55] Rosie Gray: no, we vfote to accept the motion
[12:55] Rosie Gray: it has been seconded
[12:55] Rosie Gray: I call the question… again
[12:55] Arria Perreault: I have a proposal to amend it
[12:56] Ingeborg Apfelbaum est déconnecté(e)
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: If you had a proposal to amend than it should have been addressed in your repsonce in the discussion as a suggestion
[12:56] Arria Perreault: I want to add “for 6 months”. Then the RA has to approve it again
[12:56] Arria Perreault: I have said that
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: You didnt address any changes you addressed that you didnt like it period.
[12:56] Rosie Gray agrees with Trebor
[12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: I think RA has the right to adjust the tier at anytime.
[12:57] Arria Perreault: [12:48] Arria Perreault: we need a mechanism to avoid problems
[12:49] Arria Perreault: for example: tier are increased after 6 months in red numbers. Until now we did not get any text, any bill accompanying this proposal of tier reduction
[12:57] Pip Torok agrees with Tor
[12:57] Rosie Gray: please call the vote on the motion as it stands
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: We dont need an amendment to address tier increase or reduction
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: If there is a concern than it is brought to the RA’s attention
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: Just as it has been done here
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Regarding the risk we take, we should approve it again in 6 months
[12:58] Rosie Gray: that is your opinion Arria
[12:58] Rosie Gray: please call the vote on the motion as it stands
[12:58] Rosie Gray: how many times must the question be called?
[12:58] Trebor Warcliffe: Well than if 6 months down the road you feel it needs to be addressed than you can brign it to the attention to the RA
[12:58] Arria Perreault: we really don’t need this tier reduction to increase thenumber of citizen
[12:58] Rosie Gray: again, that is your opinion
[12:58] Rosie Gray: call the question
[12:58] Trebor Warcliffe: There’s no reason to make it part of the proposal
[12:59] Fern Leissa: I think we need to vote on the motion
[12:59] Pip Torok: we do
[12:59] Arria Perreault: I will call the vote, but I tell you now tthat I will observe every month the financial report and see what we loose
[12:59] Trebor Warcliffe: It is no different than any other issue in the CDS if we feel it needs to be addressed than it is brought up to the attention of the RA
[12:59] Rosie Gray: exactly Trebor
[12:59] You decline Archery Range ROMA Transtiberim (126, 232, 403) from A group member named Maali Beck.
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: And to address your concern Arria
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes there may be a few months where we will dip into the reserves
[13:00] Arria Perreault: I will, don’t worry
[13:00] Arria Perreault: I think you just want to empty the reserve
[13:00] Pip Torok: ??
[13:00] Arria Perreault: that’s exactly what will happen
[13:00] Rosie Gray: I call the question… again
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: As you have pointed out yourself this is just one aspect of bringing the CDS back to prominence.
[13:00] Arria Perreault: with your proposal
[13:01] Rosie Gray: are you going to continue to talk?
[13:01] Fern Leissa: I do not want to empty the reserve Arria. I want to bring us new citizens. I am very worried
[13:01] Arria Perreault: I don’t think we will get so many more citizen to fill the gap
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: I am done thank you for the floor
[13:01] Arria Perreault: you will empty this reserve and make our community in danger
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria
[13:01] Fern Leissa: Our community is in danger. It is dying
[13:01] Arria Perreault: and we have other ways to get other citizen
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: How long will that take?
[13:02] Rosie Gray: Arria… vote now please or I will have to commit suicide
[13:02] Fern Leissa: no no… Rosie
[13:02] Arria Perreault: read the Citizen Bill first
[13:02] Arria Perreault: we have voted it in the 13th RA
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: How long will it take for my proposal to empty the CDS coffers?
[13:02] Arria Perreault: it allows us to have more than 1000 citizen
[13:02] Rosie Gray: CALL THE QUESTION!!!
[13:03] Arria Perreault: it will take 2-3 years maybe
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: CALL THE QUESTION
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: No sorry
[13:03] Arria Perreault: but we cannot use this money for other intelligent projects
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: It will take over 8 YEARS at our current occupancey rate
[13:03] Tor Karlsvalt: We are required to have two months tier in the reserve, btw.
[13:03] Rosie Gray: area are you going to totally ignore the rules a democratic meeting?
[13:03] Arria Perreault: and if we lose citizen?
[13:04] Arria Perreault: (Rosie, I know that I have to call this vote)
[13:04] Pip Torok: its my job to see that we do not, mme LRA
[13:04] Rosie Gray: then do it
[13:04] Abbey Zenith est connecté(e)
[13:04] Lizzo Dreamscape est déconnecté(e)
[13:04] Arria Perreault: I think we should have more time for the discussion
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: This has been in discussion FOR MONTHS
[13:05] Fern Leissa: A motion has been made and seconded
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: That is why the CDS never moves ahead with anything
[13:05] Lizzo Dreamscape est connecté(e)
[13:05] Arria Perreault: I will, Rosie, don’t worry
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Even going back to last term when I first started this undertaking
[13:05] Rosie Gray: must we listen to you forever before we get to vote?
[13:06] Trebor Warcliffe: As Im sure youre aware of if you’ve been reading my reports and forum postings.
[13:06] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[13:06] Pip Torok clearly recognises heel-dragging when it occurs
[13:07] Arria Perreault: I call the vote now
[13:07] Lizzo Dreamscape est déconnecté(e)
[13:07] Rosie Gray: thank you
[13:07] Arria Perreault: nay
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[13:07] Pip Torok: aye
[13:07] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:07] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:07] Arria Perreault: Sonja ㋡
[13:07] Sonja Strom: So far as I understand it this community – the CDS – is still doing well financially, and better than most communities in Second Life.
[13:08] Sonja Strom: I believe it would be good to reduce the tier levels, mostly because of current slowness in the SL and RL economies. Naturally as Representatives we want to do what is best for the citizens of the CDS on an individual basis and for the CDS in general. I believe at this time doing what is best includes reducing the tier costs.
[13:08] Sonja Strom: At the same time I also believe this proposal alters too much too radically, and its exact text has not been designed with enough collaboration in the community for me to personally vote its current wording into law.
[13:08] Lizzo Dreamscape est connecté(e)
[13:08] Sonja Strom: On the motion made I vote “nay.”
[13:08] Arria Perreault: the motion has carried
[13:08] Fern Leissa: ))
[13:08] Rosie Gray: yay!
[13:08] Arria Perreault: Please inform our treasurer to do what has to be done
[13:09] Trebor Warcliffe: I will get together with her at her earliest convenice
[13:09] Pip Torok: well the lesson to learn imo is financial vigilance
[13:09] Arria Perreault: Personnally I will observe the financial reports and publish every month an indicator
[13:09] Fern Leissa: That would be helpful Arria
[13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: The exec will take this as a challenge and advertise it and encourage people to check out CDS.
[13:10] Lizzo Dreamscape est déconnecté(e)
[13:10] Arria Perreault: to show ctizen and RA members how much money we are loosing
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: This is but one part in our campaign to bring the CDS back in the limelight.
[13:10] Lizzo Dreamscape est connecté(e)
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Next on the agenda???
[13:11] Arria Perreault: Trebor, I am the LRA, not you
[13:11] Arria Perreault: you come here with some arrogance
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: I was just asking a question
[13:11] Arria Perreault: I got your point, now we woit results for your policy
[13:11] Arria Perreault: the answer is in the agenda or in the forum
[13:12] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria I have never personally attacked you and I ask that you dont personally attack me, thank you.
[13:12] Lizzo Dreamscape est déconnecté(e)
[13:12] Arria Perreault: this is a RA meeting, Trebor, not a political meeting in the Biergarten
[13:12] Rosie Gray: can we move on?
[13:13] Lizzo Dreamscape est connecté(e)
[13:13] Arria Perreault: We can take our new items
[13:13] Arria Perreault: a. Order to honor citizen
[13:14] Arria Perreault: We have proposed to creater an order to honor citizen
[13:14] Thinkerer Melville est connecté(e)
[13:14] Arria Perreault: I have made a text that is in the forums
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: It is my understanding this was brought to the table as a way to honor Moon, am I correct?
[13:14] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:15] Arria Perreault: Order of Anzere Act
Arria Perreault
Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:14 am
Location: Locus Amoenus
[13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: that is right, but probably others in future.
[13:15] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:15] Arria Perreault: The RA can discuss the text, then the public
[13:15] Arria Perreault: who want the floor?
[13:15] Rosie Gray: I just raised my hand
[13:15] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:15] Arria Perreault: Rosie, then Pip
[13:16] Rosie Gray: I like this idea very much
[13:16] Pip Torok: 2 drafting amendments both in 5 …
[13:16] Rosie Gray: I thnk there could be a bit of rewording to it is all… maybe Pip is addressing that
[13:16] Pip Torok: 1) propose “The Chancellor will organise it”
[13:16] Rosie Gray: done
[13:16] Rosie Gray: lol
[13:17] Arria Perreault: thank you, Rosie
[13:17] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:17] Pip Torok: 2) another word for laudatio …. (dont know which yet)
[13:17] Pip Torok: done
[13:17] Arria Perreault: a speech?
[13:17] Sonja Strom: I like the proposal – it’s a very good one.
[13:18] Pip Torok agrees with Sonja
[13:18] Pip Torok: yes … “speech”
[13:18] Troy Kronfeld est connecté(e)
[13:18] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:19] Satir DeCuir est déconnecté(e)
[13:19] Rosie Gray: and The Chancellor ‘will’ organize it
[13:19] Arria Perreault: Here is the amended text:
[13:19] Arria Perreault: 1. An order is establish in order to honor CDS citizen for their contributions to the community. Its name is “Order of Anzere”. Its form is a medal.
[13:20] Arria Perreault: other comments?
[13:20] Rosie Gray: looks good
[13:20] Fern Leissa: yes nice
[13:20] Arria Perreault: can we vote it?
[13:20] Pip Torok: please lets vote it
[13:20] Arria Perreault: a second?
[13:21] Fern Leissa: I second
[13:21] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:21] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:21] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:21] Pip Torok: aye
[13:21] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:21] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:22] Arria Perreault: motion carries
[13:22] Carmen Roeth est connecté(e)
[13:22] Arria Perreault: Rosie has volunteered to create a medal
[13:22] Fern Leissa:
[13:22] Arria Perreault: thank you very much
[13:23] Sonja Strom: yay Rosie!
[13:23] Rosie Gray: my pleasure
[13:23] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:23] Arria Perreault: now we need a list of recipients or at least a recipient for the next Oktoberfest
[13:24] Pip Torok: I propose Moon Adamant
[13:24] Arria Perreault: a second?
[13:24] Rosie Gray: I second
[13:24] Fern Leissa: I second
[13:24] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:24] Rosie Gray: aya
[13:24] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:24] Pip Torok: aye
[13:24] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Is there a limit on how many people can be nominated and is there a certain time that nominations need to be made?
[13:25] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:25] Pip Torok: we can always nominate at future meetings trebor
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[13:25] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:25] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Question
[13:25] Arria Perreault: Moon Adamant will be the first recipient of the Order of Anzere for her action in the New Guild
[13:26] Arria Perreault: Tor?
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, I was wondering if the RA could have someone fashion a medal
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: I appoligize if you have discussed this already.
[13:26] Rosie Gray: I am doing that Tor
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:26] Pip Torok: (its been done, Tor!:)
[13:26] Rosie Gray: may I ask a question though?
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: then sorry
[13:27] Arria Perreault: Tor, can you add the ceremony in the program of Oktoberfest
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: I had been lost in an im
[13:27] Arria Perreault: ?
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[13:27] Arria Perreault: Rosie, ask your question
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: perhaps at the ball
[13:27] Rosie Gray: for a little bit of text on the medal
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: or maybe a sparate ceremony.
[13:28] Rosie Gray: can we have some suggestion from Madame LRA as to what it might be?
[13:28] Rosie Gray: perhaps in latin?
[13:28] Pip Torok: in moons case that wd be very appropriate
[13:28] Arria Perreault: I have to make some search. I will propose something for the next meeting. We need a moto..
[13:29] Rosie Gray: okay thank you
[13:29] Pip Torok: “Si monumentum requiris, circumpice” ….?
[13:29] EdDereDdE Laval est connecté(e)
[13:29] Pip Torok: 9sorry .. messpelt)
[13:29] Fern Leissa: ???
[13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: CDS needs a motto
[13:29] Carmen Roeth est déconnecté(e)
[13:29] Pip Torok: if you need a monument, just look around….
[13:30] Arria Perreault: I will also inform Moon personnally
[13:31] Arria Perreault: one of us has to prepare a speech ㋡
[13:31] Fern Leissa:
[13:31] Rosie Gray: yes excellent idea
[13:31] Pip Torok: i wd propose Sudane …
[13:31] Arria Perreault: it must be a RA member
[13:32] Arria Perreault: (it’s in the text we have voted)
[13:32] Rosie Gray: I think Sudane might be a recipient sometime
[13:32] Arria Perreault: of course it’s possible to get some help
[13:32] Pip Torok: ok … i volunteer and hope i get help!
[13:32] Fern Leissa: Perhaps then a couple of us could meet with Sudane for help in preparing content for the speech. I assume Pip you suggested Sudane because she knows her well?
[13:32] Arria Perreault: thank you, Pip
[13:33] Arria Perreault: yes, do it please
[13:33] Fern Leissa: I will help Pip. Be glad to. Just do not know Moon very well
[13:33] Pip Torok: yes … and because she has seen moons work at first hand
[13:34] Arria Perreault: Rosie, many people can be recipient. That’s why I am so glad that we have voted this bill.
[13:34] Arria Perreault: RA members are free to propose other people at any time ㋡
[13:35] Arria Perreault: can we move to the next point?
[13:36] Arria Perreault: a sad story
[13:36] Arria Perreault: Rosie can you inform the RA first
[13:36] Pip Torok: mme LRA may i amend my proposal in the light of events…
[13:36] Arria Perreault: we have also a text from Pip, that we can vote or mend
[13:36] Rosie Gray: well I think everyone knows what happened
[13:36] Arria Perreault: amend*
[13:37] Arria Perreault: ok Pip. I suggest we hear Rosie first to have the latest informations
[13:37] Rosie Gray: one moment then, please
[13:37] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:38] Rosie Gray: I have some news for everyone, and some of you I know will be upset by it.
[13:38] Rosie Gray: his deletion was certainly not my intention, as I fully wanted to comply with the expectation of archiving the church, and I did not ask him to do this. I just want to make that clear so that nobody thinks that I sabotaged it.
Rosie Gray
Seasoned debater
Seasoned debater
Joined: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:47 am
Location: west-coast Canada and Neufreistadt
[13:38] Rosie Gray: oops
[13:38] Rosie Gray: copied from my posting on the forum
[13:38] Sonja Strom: hehe
[13:39] Rosie Gray: done
[13:40] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt: /raises hand.
[13:40] Arria Perreault: are you done, Rosie?
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand.
[13:40] Rosie Gray: yes, done
[13:40] Sonja Strom: I received a personal email from BladeDancer explaining this also… and his version of what happened is very similar.
[13:40] Arria Perreault: Pip , then Tor
[13:41] Pip Torok: I propose we accept with alacrity rosies proposal and hope it is dopne with all despatch .
[13:41] Arria Perreault: I have an amendment to your proposal
[13:42] Arria Perreault: I think we should gave the possibility to people to propose changes to the building of Rosie
[13:43] Job Fiertze est connecté(e)
[13:43] Job Fiertze est déconnecté(e)
[13:43] Arria Perreault: for example, I have some trouble with the roof of the tower that is typically baroccco style
[13:43] Pip Torok: with respect i believe that ppl have already had quite enough time to propose those changes … and therefore repeat the hope that it is done with all despatch
[13:43] Rosie Gray: it is an exact duplicate of a RL Bavarian church
[13:43] Rosie Gray: I can show you the picture if you want
[13:44] Arria Perreault: yes, but from the baroccoa time ㋡
[13:44] Arria Perreault: you have also modern church in Bavaria
[13:44] Pip Torok: thats right Arria .. compatible with NFS
[13:44] Rosie Gray: it’s not a modern one
[13:45] Arria Perreault: not, but barocco time comes after middle age
[13:45] You decline, Windy Shores (178, 156, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: MoCA
[13:45] Pip Torok: yes .. but it would work for a medieval city imo
[13:45] Arria Perreault: yes, and many people have critics for this building
[13:46] Arria Perreault: anyway, I think you have to rezz your building quickly
[13:46] Arria Perreault: it would just be nice to let the possibility open to make changes
[13:46] Pip Torok: but many ppl have NO criticism … and i believe they are in the majority
[13:46] Pip Torok: but they have had the possibility…
[13:47] Arria Perreault: I know
[13:47] Sonja Strom raises hand
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: on moment
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: one
[13:47] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[13:47] Arria Perreault: in the same time, we were about the make a refenrendum about the model of church. it’s a bit different
[13:47] Arria Perreault: Sonja
[13:48] Sonja Strom: Would it be possible for changes to be made to this new old church after it is in place in the town?
[13:48] Sonja Strom: Thanks.
[13:48] Rosie Gray: depends on what the changes are Sonja
[13:49] Pip Torok: imo any change shd be made with a CLEAR majority of citizens behind it
[13:49] Trebor Warcliffe: agreed
[13:49] Arria Perreault: thta’s why I ask for a period where pople can still make proposal
[13:49] Arria Perreault: people has loosed the possibility for ever to have the former church, which is a pity
[13:49] Pip Torok: but with respect they have HAD that time and chance
[13:49] Rosie Gray: I’d like to point out that it’s not completely finished, as it needs to be in place to finish off the crypt part
[13:49] Arria Perreault: we have to offer an alternative
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: I believe this has been another topic for discussion that has already been in existance for quite some time
[13:50] Arria Perreault: Pip, the question is different now
[13:50] Pip Torok: why, Mme LRA?
[13:50] Pip Torok: i mean in the present circumstances why do we have to offer an alternative?
[13:50] Arria Perreault: in the past, people have made proposal or not witht the idea to have the choice between two churches
[13:51] Arria Perreault: now there is only one possible church
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: I believe the cholce was to update the church
[13:51] Lilith Ivory raises hand
[13:51] Pip Torok: i agree trebor …
[13:52] Trebor Warcliffe: And discussions on how an updated church would be built was addressed in the forum.
[13:52] Arria Perreault: yes, but we should have decided today for a referendum
[13:52] Arria Perreault: now we offer nothing to citizen
[13:52] Fern Leissa: It is a nice church that Rosie has made for us. I suggest we accept it. If pp are truly unhappy with certain things about the church that could be brough to the NG (=Rosie) for discussion of revision to a design element
[13:52] Pip Torok: i disagree, mme LRA … there is no longer material for a referendum
[13:53] Lilith Ivory raises her hand again
[13:53] Sonja Strom: My question was related to Fern’s las observation.
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: The main point of discussion that i remember from the forums was the placement of the crucifix
[13:53] Trebor Warcliffe: Rosie has that been addressed?
[13:53] Arria Perreault: Rosie, are you ready to listen people adressing proposals to you about the Church in the New Guild?
[13:53] Rosie Gray: yes it has been discussed
[13:53] Timo Gufler est déconnecté(e)
[13:54] Rosie Gray: in the forums… there has been a long thread about it
[13:54] Trebor Warcliffe: Has a decision been made?
[13:54] Arria Perreault: not formal., as far as I know
[13:54] Rosie Gray: yes I think a general agreement has been reached
[13:54] Pip Torok: exactly … and all with an opnion have given their opinion
[13:54] Rosie Gray: not formally though, that’s correct
[13:54] Rosie Gray: but anyone who has cared to has had lots of time to discuss it
[13:54] Trebor Warcliffe: yes indeed
[13:54] Arria Perreault: only the RA can make a formal decision
[13:55] Abbey Zenith est déconnecté(e)
[13:55] Fern Leissa: I make a motion that we accept Rosie’s church as the new church for NFS Marketplatz
[13:55] Pip Torok: which is now on the floor
[13:55] Arria Perreault: Pip has a motion for us
[13:55] Fern Leissa: woops. Sorry Arria and Pip
[13:55] Pip Torok: ill retrieve my one .. moment
[13:55] Arria Perreault: I have also proposed to amend this motion
[13:56] Lilith Ivory: ya know we might still have time to ask for a rollback
[13:56] Arria Perreault: giving a period to adress changes (it can be managed by the New Guild)
[13:56] Pip Torok: I propose we accept with alacrity rosies proposal and hope it is dopne with all despatch .
[13:56] Lilith Ivory: I wonder why nobody has done this right after this accident happened
[13:56] Sonja Strom: Very good idea Lilith!
[13:56] Lilith Ivory smiles
[13:56] Rosie Gray: oh great, then we can have a crappy old build back in place again
[13:56] Pip Torok: .. a second, anyone?
[13:56] Rosie Gray: and start all over
[13:56] Lilith Ivory: than we can decide in a propper way what to do next
[13:57] Arria Perreault: wait Pip
[13:57] Rosie Gray: lol
[13:57] Arria Perreault: I have made an amendment
[13:57] Arria Perreault: and Tor has an information about this rollback
[13:57] Arria Perreault: Tor
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: eys
[13:58] Sonja Strom: Rosie, how I see that is, it would allow us to preserve the former church… that can be completely independent of a decision to replace it.
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, I was beginning to wonder if we needed it given the sentiment.
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: but we have 72 hours to request a rollback.
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: We still would have the same permissions issues
[13:59] Arria Perreault: at least it is saved
[13:59] Rosie Gray: no it is not saved though Arria
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: be could take the oportunity to document the old chuch or blade might make another stab at saving a copy.
[13:59] Rosie Gray: unless he is willing to spend the required amount of time to do so
[13:59] Rosie Gray: which he did not seem willing to do
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: He mentioned in an email that merely taking control of his object did not seem to work.
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont think it would be saved? And also arent there pictures of the old church available to use for a rebuild?
[14:00] Rosie Gray: why would you want to rebuild it when it was so badly made in the first place?
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: If a rebuild is the way the citizens want to go?
[14:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Anyway, if we request a rollback, Sudane would hve to do it.
[14:00] Trebor Warcliffe: I agree Rosie
[14:00] Rosie Gray: and I have many many photos of it
[14:01] Trebor Warcliffe: Here’s my opinion for what its worth.
[14:01] Rosie Gray: … 907782670/
[14:01] Tor Karlsvalt: we might end up with being in just the same place we are now. We need to keep that in mind.
[14:01] Rosie Gray: you can see most of them here
[14:01] Pip Torok: I propose that we make all despatch for a rollback to retrieve the old church, and at the same time accept with alacrity Rosies proposal to install to new church
[14:01] Trebor Warcliffe: Circumstances has brought us to an unpleasant occurance
[14:01] Trebor Warcliffe: Currently we have no church
[14:02] Trebor Warcliffe: But we do have a replacement church that has been in the works for months and open for discussion for months
[14:02] Trebor Warcliffe: Besides the argument of replacing the old church with a new church (which has been taken care of already)
[14:02] Trebor Warcliffe: The only other hot button topic I remember from the forums
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: was the issue of having an image of Jesus at the altar
[14:03] Pip Torok: is there a second to my proposal?
[14:03] Arria Perreault: until now no
[14:03] Fern Leissa: I second Pip’s proposal
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: I would feel that considering the circumstances it would be in the CDS best interest to approve Rosies build and get it in world.
[14:03] Tor Karlsvalt: i think that is Pip’s proposal
[14:04] Pip Torok: it is Tor
[14:04] Tor Karlsvalt: but we with the rollback.
[14:04] Trebor Warcliffe: This will also alllow us another piece of promotional material to use for the CDS.
[14:04] Arria Perreault: I will call the vote as Pip got a second
[14:04] Tor Karlsvalt: I think if blade were careful hie could select it all and save it as a bundle.
[14:04] Pip Torok: aye
[14:04] Rosie Gray: he does not have the skill Tor
[14:04] Tor Karlsvalt: then maybe work on it elsewhere
[14:04] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:04] Rosie Gray: or the patience
[14:05] Rosie Gray: aye
[14:05] Lilith Ivory: he might be willing to give permission to modify his objects to a person he trusts
[14:05] Rosie Gray: he tried to give it to me already Lilith
[14:05] Rosie Gray: but it didn’t work
[14:05] Pip Torok: Sonja? Arria?
[14:05] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe that was lag.
[14:05] Rosie Gray: don’t know why
[14:05] Arria Perreault: Sonja, your vote
[14:05] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:05] pixivor Allen est déconnecté(e)
[14:05] Tor Karlsvalt: perhaps if one relogged
[14:05] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:05] Lilith Ivory: I´d gladly help you and blade as I have some experience with dealing with other peoples prims
[14:06] Pip Torok lets his breath out …
[14:06] Arria Perreault: How many time do you need to rezzyour church
[14:06] Rosie Gray: so do I Lilith
[14:06] Rosie Gray: plenty of experience
[14:06] Lilith Ivory was married to a building newb for years
[14:06] Arria Perreault: Rosie?
[14:06] Rosie Gray: sorry I don’t understand your question Arria
[14:06] Tor Karlsvalt: all those years and he was always a newb?
[14:06] Arria Perreault: how much time do you need to install your church in NFS?
[14:07] Rosie Gray: oh a couple of hours
[14:07] Rosie Gray: but then it will need to be finished
[14:07] Arria Perreault: ok
[14:07] Rosie Gray: the crypt I mean
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: May I ask a question that sort of pertains to this situation?
[14:07] Tor Karlsvalt: So I will ask Sudane to request a rollback to Friday 12:00 AM SLT
[14:08] Rosie Gray: aren’t you going to get Blade’s agreement to work on it though Tor?
[14:08] Rosie Gray: or it is all redundant
[14:08] Tor Karlsvalt: i think so Rosie
[14:08] Tor Karlsvalt: just one last stab at it
[14:08] Arria Perreault: I just regret that you are not open anymore to proposal of poeple. I suggest that citizen who still want to propose changes come to the new meeting of the New Guild that you will proably call soon
[14:08] Rosie Gray: I will certainly entertain suggestions
[14:09] Arria Perreault: thank you
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Trebor raises hand
[14:09] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes, thank you
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Do we have measures in place to prevent this from happening again?
[14:09] Arria Perreault: it’s th next point
[14:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Also how many other public buildings in CDS arent owned by the CDS
[14:10] Pip Torok: only Sudanes proposal in the Forums
[14:10] Arria Perreault: I have discussed this yesterday with Fern.
[14:10] Arria Perreault: c. NL 4-18 City Building Redundancy Act: to be amended
[14:10] Rosie Gray: I don’t think any of them are, currently
[14:10] Arria Perreault: we have this legislation
[14:11] Arria Perreault:
[14:11] Arria Perreault: When possible, full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be kept in inventory by the Dean and Gildemeister.
[14:11] Arria Perreault: the text is very short
[14:11] Rosie Gray: yes it seems this wasn’t done
[14:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Are they currently?
[14:12] Arria Perreault: and the “when possible” is the reason why nothing was done
[14:12] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont understand, sorry.
[14:12] Tor Karlsvalt: b
[14:12] Arria Perreault: we have to amend this bill. it’s only for new buildings of course
[14:12] Arria Perreault: starting for the new church
[14:13] Trebor Warcliffe: That doesnt help this disaster from happening with older builds though?
[14:13] Rosie Gray: no it doesn’t change what is already here
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a CA, but I don’t think she has a lot in her inventory.
[14:13] Arria Perreault: for this, I have put the next point
[14:13] Trebor Warcliffe: What would need to be done to make the “possible” a reality?
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt: someof our most important builds seems ot predate the CA
[14:13] Arria Perreault: Trebor, let the RA discuss first, please
[14:14] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we solve the question in the future by changing this bill
[14:14] Trebor Warcliffe: It’s kind of hard to have to wait until the end of a discussion to particiapate and give an opinion
[14:14] Arria Perreault: it’s our rules of proceedings
[14:15] Pip Torok: Trebor could start a thread perhaps?
[14:15] Arria Perreault:
[14:15] Trebor Warcliffe: I apologize I thought that if it wasnt an issue actually being voted on at the time than it was pretty much an open discussion for all those in attendance.
[14:16] Arria Perreault: I want to hear RA member first on this point
[14:16] Rosie Gray raises hand
[14:16] Fern Leissa: Madame LRA may I make a comment on this?
[14:16] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[14:17] Rosie Gray: oh you go ahead Fern
[14:17] Arria Perreault: yes
[14:17] Fern Leissa: kk. thanks
[14:17] Arria Perreault: (I have a proposal for the text of this bill)
[14:17] You decline, Windy Shores (178, 156, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[14:18] Fern Leissa: I agree we need to modify the text. I would make it mandatory to supply a full perm copy of any public builds
[14:18] Fern Leissa: You may already be going to suggest that
[14:18] Arria Perreault: Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be kept in inventory by the Content Archivist.
[14:18] Fern Leissa: I’m also wondering if we don’t want to ask for a couple of images of the build as well
[14:18] Arria Perreault: good idea
[14:19] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[14:19] Arria Perreault: Full perm copies and snapshots of all city owned buildings shall be kept in inventory by the Content Archivist.
[14:19] Fern Leissa: I agree Arria with your text, but I think we should add who is resposible for getting those copies to the CA
[14:19] Fern Leissa: The builder?
[14:19] Rosie Gray: it would have to be the builder
[14:19] Rosie Gray: nobody else can do it
[14:20] Fern Leissa: Right… but I think we should say that specifically.
[14:20] Arria Perreault: ok, Fern
[14:20] Tor Karlsvalt: b btw
[14:20] Fern Leissa: Or that… the CA is responsible for obtaining full perm copies…
[14:20] Fern Leissa: Done
[14:20] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[14:21] Arria Perreault: Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. In addition pictures has to be published in the portal.
[14:21] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[14:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes it is my understanding the CA is an individual person, correct?
[14:21] Trebor Warcliffe: ???
[14:22] Arria Perreault: yes, a civil servant
[14:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok than wouldnt we be in the same situation we have now
[14:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Where only one person has permissions?
[14:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Wouldnt it make sense to have it as a group owned build?
[14:22] Arria Perreault: the copy must be full perm
[14:22] Tor Karlsvalt: it would treb, tell LL
[14:23] Pip Torok: thats where Sudanes forum article comes in
[14:23] Lilith Ivory: didn´t the CA create an Alt to preserve the builds?
[14:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok I see
[14:23] Rosie Gray raises hand
[14:23] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[14:23] You decline Transtiberim Path, ROMA Transtiberim (178, 110, 21) from A group member named Maali Beck.
[14:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Even though it belongs to “one person” the full permissions allows it to be transferred to whoever needs to be
[14:23] Rosie Gray: I think we need to include something about respecting the creator’s permission intent
[14:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Good point Rosie
[14:24] Arria Perreault: what do you propose, Rosie?
[14:24] Rosie Gray: so that it is clear that the full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise
[14:24] Fern Leissa: Ok. good point
[14:25] Arria Perreault: Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.
[14:25] Rosie Gray: otherwise most people won’t want to give over a full permission copy of their builds
[14:25] Arria Perreault: I agree
[14:25] Rosie Gray: sure that works
[14:25] Fern Leissa: I like this text
[14:25] Trebor Warcliffe: Second question
[14:25] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[14:25] Trebor Warcliffe: May I?
[14:26] Trebor Warcliffe: tu
[14:26] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand
[14:26] Arria Perreault: Trebor first, then Tor
[14:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Is there anything we can do to get the old builds to the CA
[14:26] Trebor Warcliffe: that way we dont have the loss of a build like we just had with the church
[14:26] Arria Perreault: in this text, no. but we have to take action for that, I agree
[14:27] Trebor Warcliffe: I udnerstnad not in this text
[14:27] Trebor Warcliffe: this text is a seperate issue
[14:27] Arria Perreault: yes, for future building
[14:27] Trebor Warcliffe: I just dont want to see other builds of ours just disappear if at all possible
[14:27] Arria Perreault: for example for the church that Rosie will install
[14:28] Arria Perreault: Trebor, I think we have understood your concern
[14:28] Arria Perreault: let us finish this text, please
[14:28] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[14:28] Arria Perreault: we will do somthing for that too
[14:28] Arria Perreault: Tor
[14:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you, M. LRA
[14:28] Tor Karlsvalt: several things on this matter.
[14:28] Tor Karlsvalt: last term I did finally get Alaisi stonebender to create an alt for CA
[14:29] Tor Karlsvalt: She mentioned at the time that she had few builds in her own inventory.
[14:29] Tor Karlsvalt: The name of the alt escapes me but I will take a moment shortly to look for it.
[14:29] Arria Perreault: can we have a list of what she has currently?
[14:30] Tor Karlsvalt: I do note that the law requires the RA to request an inventory.
[14:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I think that request is in order.
[14:30] Tor Karlsvalt: she has had the alt now some time and should have moved things over to it.
[14:30] Arria Perreault: can you publsih it in the forums?
[14:30] Tor Karlsvalt: I will report it to you
[14:30] Tor Karlsvalt: hopefully be next week and the forums would be ok also.
[14:31] Tor Karlsvalt: I note at the time I spoke to her, it seemed that the important builds were not in her inventory
[14:31] Arria Perreault: good
[14:31] Tor Karlsvalt: The walls for instance.
[14:31] Rosie Gray: Sudane has a copy of the walls
[14:32] Rosie Gray: and some of the other buildings
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I think much of this was in place prior to the CA.
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: well we probably need to put this all where we all can find it.
[14:32] Fern Leissa: yes with the CA alt
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: yes ok done
[14:32] Arria Perreault: Thank you, Tor
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I will look for that convo with Alaisi
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[14:33] Arria Perreault: I think we have to make a campaign to get all public buuildings in the CA alt
[14:33] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes great idea Arria
[14:33] Rosie Gray agrees
[14:33] Arria Perreault: now I suggest we finish our text (for future buildings)
[14:33] Arria Perreault: The text is:
[14:34] Arria Perreault: Full perm copies of all city owned buildings shall be provided by the builder to the Content Archivist. The full-permission copy is for the CDS intended purpose only, and not to be given or sold otherwise. In addition pictures have to be published in the portal by the Executive.
[14:34] Arria Perreault: can we move to vote this text?
[14:34] Fern Leissa: Yes
[14:35] Arria Perreault: a second?
[14:35] Pip Torok: yes
[14:35] Sonja Strom: I second.
[14:35] Pip Torok: seconded
[14:35] Arria Perreault: vote:
[14:35] Rosie Gray: aye
[14:35] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:35] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:35] Pip Torok: aye
[14:35] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:35] Arria Perreault: good work ㋡
[14:35] Fern Leissa:
[14:35] Tor Karlsvalt: back
[14:36] Tor Karlsvalt: I kept the convo in a word doc. lucky me
[14:36] Arria Perreault: As I said and to address Trebor’s concern, we really have to start a campaign to get copies for the most important buildings of CDS (public buildings)
[14:36] Tor Karlsvalt: The CA is CDSArchive
[14:36] Arria Perreault: the first step will be the list published by Tor or Aliasi
[14:36] Sonja Strom: interesting name…
[14:36] Arria Perreault: and a call to builder
[14:37] Fern Leissa: Is this something we could assign to Aliasi, Arria?
[14:37] Tor Karlsvalt:
[14:37] Fern Leissa: A survey of all public buildings and there current status re perms and copy w/ CA?
[14:37] Arria Perreault: it would help, yes
[14:38] Tor Karlsvalt: Actually I think the law stipulates that the RA can request an inventory.
[14:38] Tor Karlsvalt: i assume that can merely come from the LRA
[14:38] Arria Perreault: ok
[14:38] Tor Karlsvalt: she has requested it.
[14:38] Tor Karlsvalt: The CA is really under the SC.
[14:38] Arria Perreault: I think it’s the first step
[14:38] Tor Karlsvalt: all way complicated.
[14:39] Arria Perreault: I will ask the CA (with copy to Delia)
[14:39] Fern Leissa: that is strange… seems like CA should be under the Exec
[14:39] Rosie Gray: pardon… but I need to leave shortly
[14:39] Fern Leissa chuchote : Topic for another day
[14:39] Tor Karlsvalt: well it is sort of Fern but not.
[14:39] Arria Perreault: the we can make a call to builders to encourag them to give their buildings
[14:39] Tor Karlsvalt: appt by the SC, I make sure she has an agreement signed.
[14:40] Arria Perreault: I think we will adjourn now
[14:40] Fern Leissa: ok
[14:40] Pip Torok: ok!
[14:40] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[14:40] Tor Karlsvalt: hizzah!
[14:40] Arria Perreault: I think we have made many important decisions today
[14:40] Arria Perreault: Sonja?
[14:40] Sonja Strom: I want to make it clear I am happy for public participation in meetings of the Representative Assembly.
[14:40] Sonja Strom: With regard to the Rules of Procedure for public participation in the meetings, they can be found in the CDS portal at
[14:40] Fern Leissa:
[14:41] Sonja Strom: Under item “4. Public proceedings”
[14:41] Sonja Strom: it says:
[14:41] Sonja Strom: “All meetings of the RA will be public, and all citizens of CDS are welcome to attend and participate. During the meeting, any citizen can talk in any point of the agenda after having asked the LRA. ”
[14:41] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[14:42] Arria Perreault: Thank you Sonja ㋡
[14:42] Arria Perreault: Can I have a motion to adjourn?
[14:42] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah thanks sonja
[14:42] Tor Karlsvalt: didn’t even know we had this.
[14:42] Sonja Strom: I move we adjourn.
[14:42] Fern Leissa: I second
[14:42] Arria Perreault: vote
[14:42] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:42] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:42] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:42] Rosie Gray: aye
[14:43] Arria Perreault: we are adjourned
[14:43] Rosie Gray: ttfn
[14:43] Arria Perreault: thank you for the meeting
The RA can modify this system at any time.
2. The following actions are seen as special contribution: building, organization of events or any other attraction, contribution to the history or to the documentation of the the community.
3. Only benevolent contributions can be taken in consideration. It is not possible to get the Order of Anzere for a work made as civil servant.
4. The RA decides the attribution of the order to one or several citizen.
5. The ceremony of the attribution of the Order of Anzere is held during the Oktoberfest. The Chancellor will organise it. A member of the RA makes a speech about each recipient of the Order of Anzere.
Kind regards
Pip Torok, RA member
Can you publish the content of the inventary of the Content Archivist on the forums until the next RA meeting (24th July) ?
For your information, the RA has amended on its meeting on 17th July 2011 the City Building Redundancy Act (NL 4-18)
Delia Lake, Dean of the SCRA Meeting 31 July 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
d. Dates of meetings in summertime
b. inventar of the public buildings by the Content Archivist
a. Referendum for the Kirche:
b. CDS asset security issues:
c. Hippo System (Hippo System for Dummies is still missing) (20 min)
– Tier: Fern (Fern will contact Trebor)
– Sims upgrade: Rosie (if Rosie accepts)
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:09] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:10] Arria Perreault: Admin part
[12:10] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the agenda?
[12:11] Rosie Gray: aye
[12:11] Pip Torok: with one proviso mme … that both “rival” referendum question-sets are fuly discussed …
[12:11] Trowzer Boa est déconnecté(e)
[12:11] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip, of course
[12:11] Pip Torok:
[12:12] Arria Perreault: it’s open
[12:12] Arria Perreault: as I said, what I wrote is a proposal
[12:12] Arria Perreault: we have 20 min and we can vote to add time
[12:12] Arria Perreault: can we go with this agenda?
[12:12] Pip Torok: aye
[12:13] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:13] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:13] Sonja Strom est connecté(e)
[12:13] Arria Perreault: Fern has requested a 7 day vote
[12:13] You decline << Pok’Ta Pok >> “Juego de Pel, Blue Savannah (35, 94, 23) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[12:13] Tor Karlsvalt: sonja is online
[12:13] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:13] Pip Torok: hooray!
[12:14] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:14] Rosie Gray: I would like to speak please
[12:14] Arria Perreault: wo wants to speak today? (citizen)
[12:14] Pip Torok: i wish to speak on IVa
[12:14] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand
[12:14] Arria Perreault: Pip.I ask only citizen. RA memebers can speak
[12:14] Pip Torok: (sorry!)
[12:15] Arria Perreault: Tor
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: yes thanks
[12:15] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: I have an announcemnt of interest
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: As some of you already know there is a change in the leadership of Al Andalus. Rose Springvale has tendered her resignation as the Sultana of Al Andalus.
[12:16] Rosie Gray: hi Sonja
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: At this moment, I believe the VDI board, the non profit that owns Al Andalus has not made its decision on accepting her resignation. However, Rose has announced it to the citizens of Al Andalus.
[12:16] Pip Torok: hi Sonja
[12:16] Sonja Strom: hi everyone!
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: I speak for everyone in CDS and wich Rose and the citizens of AA the best.
[12:16] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hear hear!
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: thank you Ms. LRA
[12:17] Sonja Strom: Sorry I am late – I have no good excuse, the time just got away from me.
[12:17] Arria Perreault: thank you for this information, Tor
[12:17] Sonja Strom: Sorry to have interrupted you as well, Tor.
[12:17] Arria Perreault: Hi Sonja. we are still on admin
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: no problem Sonja
[12:17] Arria Perreault: Tor, do you see points to discuss in a further RA meeting?
[12:18] Arria Perreault: I mean about AA
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[12:18] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:18] Arria Perreault: d. Dates of meetings in summertime
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Fern wanted to speak of the rythm of RA meetings in summertime
[12:19] Arria Perreault: she is not there today
[12:19] Arria Perreault: do you want to speak about that? do you want to change something?
[12:20] Rosie Gray: probably we should wait to hear from Fern
[12:20] Pip Torok: I suggest the 5 of us get together and wrk out out what we can manage
[12:20] Rosie Gray: that’s a good suggestion Pip
[12:20] Arria Perreault: ok. we wait for Fern
[12:21] Arria Perreault: I ahve added a point Information in the Agenda. I have 2 informations
[12:21] Arria Perreault: a. Request for a ruling to the SC
[12:21] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:22] Arria Perreault: I want to inform, Rosie
[12:22] Ulysse Alexandre est déconnecté(e)
[12:23] Arria Perreault: as you know, I have made a request to the SC aboutt he current situation in the RA
[12:23] Arria Perreault: my request is publsihed in the forum
[12:24] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3496#p17815
[12:24] Arria Perreault: Delia has answered me that she will contact the other SC members
[12:24] Arria Perreault: I don’t know how much time we have to wait
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I want to add the following point:
[12:26] Arria Perreault: As LRA, I should have seen the problem since the beginning, when Rosie was elected or even candidate.
[12:26] Arria Perreault: of course, I knew the existence of the Charter of the New Guild, but I did not have all articles in mind
[12:26] Arria Perreault: I want to apologize for that.
[12:27] Arria Perreault: Rosie has also announced to me that she will make a statement today
[12:27] Arria Perreault: I hope that the question can be solved quickly
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I don’t want to block the situation. If I have made a request to the SC, it’s because I have not the answer
[12:28] Patroklus Murakami est déconnecté(e)
[12:29] Arria Perreault: my main concern is to make sure that all what we vote here is valid and cannot be contested later
[12:29] Patroklus Murakami est connecté(e)
[12:29] Arria Perreault: b. inventar of the public buildings by the Content Archivist
[12:29] Pip Torok: before we move on i believe Rosie has a statement to make
[12:30] Arria Perreault: Pip, we agreed that she will speak under Citizen concerns or RA members concerns
[12:31] Pip Torok: ah … as long as her statement is made and minuted …
[12:31] Arria Perreault: one sentence to say that the content of the invntary of the Content Archivist is published in the forum
[12:31] Ulysse Alexandre est connecté(e)
[12:31] Arria Perreault: it is very short
[12:32] Rosie Gray: that’s okay with me Arria
[12:32] Arria Perreault: I will give the link later
[12:32] Arria Perreault: or in the summary
[12:32] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Rosei, do you want to speak under this point?
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Rosie*
[12:33] Rosie Gray: yes please
[12:33] Arria Perreault: you have the floor
[12:33] Rosie Gray: thank you
[12:33] Rosie Gray: Citizens of the C.D.S., members of the R.A., and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Scientific Council, whom I specifically address this to:
[12:33] Rosie Gray: I wish to make a statement at this time, concerning my participation in the C.D.S.
[12:33] Rosie Gray: I will say “done”, when I am finished.
[12:33] Rosie Gray: Please bear with me.
[12:34] Rosie Gray: Our Leader of the R.A., Arria Perreault, has said that since I have been elected as Secretary of the New Guild, I am in violation of its charter stating that a member of the R.A. cannot hold that position.
[12:34] Rosie Gray: She has asked me to choose whether to stay as a member of the R.A., or as the Secretary of the N.G.
[12:34] Rosie Gray: Since accepting the nomination and election to the N.G., I have spent a lot of time discussing its function and history with the outgoing Secretary, Moon Adamant, and various other people. I have also read all of the forums and the other documentations that I can find about it, to better understand its role within the C.D.S. community.
[12:34] Rosie Gray: My acceptance of the Secretary position for the N.G. was in good faith, and I had no intentions of undermining the RA, or NG functions in any way.
[12:35] Rosie Gray: I have not, in fact, actually done anything in this position yet, other than to create a document with input from any citizen that wished to contribute, about what they would like to see done with the CDS sims to upgrade and improve them.
[12:35] Rosie Gray: I do not know why it has taken a month for Arria to decide that she should bring up the point of the NG charter. It seems disingenuous of her to be suddenly concerned about this, when she was not initially.
[12:35] Rosie Gray: It was Arria that suggested that I be in charge of sims upgrade, as a member of the RA.
[12:36] Rosie Gray: I, as are all of you, a volunteer. I do so with a clear conscience and with only the intentions of helping this community grow.
[12:36] Rosie Gray: The CDS badly needs new citizens, new volunteers, and I am afraid that it will dwindle and fade away unless we gain some.
[12:36] Timo Gufler est connecté(e)
[12:36] Rosie Gray: Arria has asked the S.C. to make a ruling about the validity of the votes made during the 3 RA meetings that I have attended since my election as the N.G. secretary. I think that my votes should be held up, for these reasons:
[12:36] Rosie Gray: Firstly, I acted in good faith, and on behalf of the citizens that voted for me to stand for RA. To negate my votes would be a disservice to those voters who also acted in good faith.
[12:36] Rosie Gray: Secondly, I have spent all of the time as NG Secretary researching the NG and have not made any other actions that could be construed as in conflict with the RA.
[12:37] Rosie Gray: Thirdly, although it may contravene the charter of the New Guild, it does not contravene anything in the RA charter – this would follow that the concern is more particularly for the NG or for the SC, not for the RA.
[12:37] Rosie Gray: I have thought long and hard about this situation, and come to the conclusion that only the Scientific Council can make the decision to solve this question. I leave it in their capable hands to make the wisest judgement as to where I should remain in service to the community.
[12:37] Rosie Gray: Thank you, I am done.
[12:37] Pip Torok: hear hear
[12:38] Arria Perreault: thank you, Rosie
[12:39] Arria Perreault: I have apologized for my mistake and I agree that only the SC can make the decision about this question.
[12:39] Arria Perreault: I suggest that you send your statement to the Dean of the SC
[12:40] Rosie Gray: okay, good suggestion I will do so
[12:41] Arria Perreault: I have a question: do you intend to keep both position?
[12:41] amgadsef Anton est connecté(e)
[12:41] Rosie Gray: I intend to follow whatever the SC decides is best
[12:41] Arria Perreault: m question to the SC was only about the votes
[12:42] Arria Perreault: I did not ask if someone can hold both positions at the same time
[12:42] Rosie Gray: yes, but I have put that question to them
[12:42] Rosie Gray: since you have asked me to choose
[12:43] Arria Perreault: you don’t intend to respect the Charter of the New Guild?
[12:44] Rosie Gray: I intend to let the SC decide
[12:44] Rosie Gray: if you would like a little more clarification
[12:44] Pip Torok feels that Rosie has put her wishes very clearly
[12:45] Rosie Gray: when Moon discussed the situation of the NG with me
[12:45] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[12:45] Rosie Gray: she indicated that the rules of its operation were needlessly complex in her opinion
[12:45] Rosie Gray: we didn’t go into a lot of detail
[12:45] Rosie Gray: at any rate, I will let the SC decide
[12:46] Arria Perreault: you have to make a specific request, in this case
[12:46] Rosie Gray: I think I have just done so
[12:47] Arria Perreault: I have made a request about the votes only. The SC can decide that the votes are valid because you have acted in godd faith. Now we all know the article 22 of the Charter of the New Guild
[12:47] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:48] Arria Perreault: a validation of the votes doesn’t allow you necessarly to continue to have both position
[12:48] Rosie Gray: I have just said that I put the quesiton to the SC
[12:48] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[12:48] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes, thank you
[12:48] Sudane Erato: maybe Arria has not understodd what Rosie proposed
[12:49] Thinkerer Melville est connecté(e)
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: Do i have the floor?
[12:49] Arria Perreault: yes, and then I am interested to hear Sudane
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: The NG is a non-governmental organization
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: in the CDS
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: it would be no different than if I started
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: a Merchants Guild that
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: wouldnt be a governmnet organizatiuon either
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: As such
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: in my opinion
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: Rosie hasn’t violated anything in regards to the governmnent of the CDS
[12:51] Trebor Warcliffe: She has possibly
[12:51] Trebor Warcliffe: violated the charter of the New Guild (a PRIVATE organization) in the cds
[12:51] Arria Perreault: Trebor, the New Guild let ist Charter approved by the RA
[12:52] Arria Perreault: this makes the RA not totally “private”
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: So based on that information it would be up to the NG to determine whether she can maintain that position or not
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: The RA isnt private
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: The NG is
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: Even if RA approved the NG it has nothing to do with it
[12:52] Arria Perreault: The RA approved the New Charter too
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: It is not a government entity
[12:53] Arria Perreault: that’s whatI want to be analyzed by the SC
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: Well obviously so does Rosie
[12:53] Trebor Warcliffe: That is why she is asking the SC to decide
[12:53] Rosie Gray nods in agreement
[12:53] Arria Perreault: yes, I agree
[12:53] Patroklus Murakami est déconnecté(e)
[12:54] Lydiash Ansome est déconnecté(e)
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: So than you are not asking her to make a decision correct?
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: You are allowing the SC to make the decision?
[12:54] Pip Torok notices that in the NG there is a post “faculty chair” that is unfilled and forms no impediment to RA membership
[12:54] Patroklus Murakami est connecté(e)
[12:54] Rosie Gray: this was my request in my statement Arria
[12:54] Rosie Gray: that the SC decide
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes I understand Rosie
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats my point, either the NG decides or the SC can decide if the NG doesnt want to
[12:55] Mathoni Zuhrah est déconnecté(e)
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[12:55] Bells Semyorka est connecté(e)
[12:55] Arria Perreault: you want to ask the SC if the New Guild Charter can impeach you to be a RA member, despite the fact it was also approved by the RA?
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: impeach?
[12:56] Bagheera Kristan est connecté(e)
[12:56] Tor Karlsvalt Raises hand
[12:56] Rosie Gray: can you put that in other words Arria, I am not sure what you mean
[12:56] Arria Perreault: (Arria’s mothertongue is not english)
[12:56] Pip Torok: i move we go to the next item and let the sc or ng ruling take its course
[12:56] Mathoni Zuhrah est connecté(e)
[12:56] Arria Perreault: let me find an other word
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: Sonja and Tor have requested time to speak Pip before we move on
[12:57] Pip Torok listens for a “seconded”
[12:57] Mathoni Zuhrah est déconnecté(e)
[12:57] Pip Torok: ok
[12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I waive the floor to pip.
[12:58] Arria Perreault: you want to ask the SC if the New Guild Charter doesn’t allow you you to be a RA member, despite the fact it was also approved by thyou want to ask the SC if the New Guild Charter can impeach you to be a RA member, despite the fact it was also approved by the RA?e RA?
[12:58] Patroklus Murakami est déconnecté(e)
[12:58] Rosie Gray: let me say again
[12:58] Patroklus Murakami est connecté(e)
[12:58] Arria Perreault: you want to ask the SC if the New Guild Charter doesn’t allow you you to be a RA member, despite the fact it was also approved by the RA
[12:58] Rosie Gray: I am asking the SC to make a decision not only on how my votes stand, as you have asked
[12:59] Rosie Gray: but I ask them to make a decision as to what should happen with the NG and RA positions that I am holding
[13:00] Arria Perreault: yes, I think I have understood that
[13:00] Rosie Gray: okay ㋡
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria technically the NG can’t force Rosie to resign from her position as RA they can only ask her to step down from the Chair because she is a member of the RA.
[13:01] Arria Perreault: I suggest you make a specific request
[13:01] Arria Perreault: now Pip, Tor and Sonja
[13:02] Pip Torok: i pass …
[13:02] Arria Perreault: Tor
[13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: I respectfully waive the floor
[13:02] Bells Semyorka est déconnecté(e)
[13:02] Arria Perreault: Sonja?
[13:03] Sonja Strom: I have nothing to add to the conversation, thank you.
[13:03] Arria Perreault: any other citizen concerns?
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: None here
[13:04] Patroklus Murakami raises hand
[13:04] Lizzo Dreamscape est déconnecté(e)
[13:04] Arria Perreault: Pat
[13:05] Patroklus Murakami: thx, just to say that i’ve been filming the session for a CDS promo machinima. can ppl say they’re happy for me to film them if they have not done so already?
[13:05] Sudane Erato: fine with me Pat
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Very happy
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: np pat
[13:05] Patroklus Murakami: ty i think that’s everyone now.
[13:06] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:06] Arria Perreault: a. Referendum for the Kirche
[13:06] Patroklus Murakami est déconnecté(e)
[13:06] Pip Torok recalls “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera” …
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[13:07] Arria Perreault: I open the discussion (20 min). There is two motions in the form. I suggest that we discuss the referedum first
[13:07] Arria Perreault: Trebor, let me give the floor to RA members first, please
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok please dont forget about me though
[13:08] Arria Perreault: sure
[13:08] Arria Perreault: who wants to speak?
[13:08] Pip Torok wd like 1-2 minutes to bring up his referendum-set-proposal
[13:08] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:08] Pip Torok: can you excuse me for 1-2minutes please Mme LRA?
[13:08] Sonja Strom: Pip, you have 1-2 minutes, hehe
[13:08] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[13:09] Sonja Strom: The clock is running….
[13:09] Sonja Strom: (laughs)
[13:09] Arria Perreault: does anyonw want to speak waiting for Pip?
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: I can if you like, Im kind of thinking we can solve the Kirche issue without a referendum
[13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: We have to, referenda are not binding.
[13:10] Arria Perreault: we listen to you, Trebor, then Pip
[13:10] Arria Perreault: Tor is right
[13:10] Rosie Gray: just trying to find it on the forum, the link doesn’t work from the Agenda
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok first let me make sure I understand exactly what a referendum is
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: This is a proposal to put on the next RA ballot
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: For the citizens to vote on correct?
[13:11] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3500
[13:11] Arria Perreault: yes, Trebor
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok thank you
[13:11] Pip Torok: i have my set here mme LRA
[13:12] Trebor Warcliffe: I can continue or I can give the floor to Pip considering he is RA
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: ???
[13:13] Arria Perreault: I think has priority. we come to your idea later
[13:13] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[13:13] Pip Torok: thank you … i am proposing … once we have agreed to have some of referendum … that the referendum take this form:
[13:13] new purple skirt for gown: starting to send, please wait…
[13:13] Pip Torok: 1. The building created by Rosie Gray has been installed in the MarktPlatz for one month. Do you now wish it to replace the original building created by Bladedancer Pendragon?
[13:13] new purple skirt for gown: done sending
[13:14] new purple skirt for gown: Done with task, menu available again.
[13:14] Arria Perreault: thank you Pip
[13:14] Rosie Gray thinks that Pip’s purple skirt is quite eloquent
[13:14] Pip Torok: youll see that hat the referendum makes sense in the context of the new church having a months trial IN SITE
[13:14] Pip Torok: done
[13:14] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:15] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:15] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:15] Rosie Gray: This proposal that you have put on the forum Arria
[13:15] Rosie Gray: I think it would have been appropriate to discuss with the RA first
[13:15] Rosie Gray: rather than making your own proposal
[13:15] Rosie Gray: to me this is not a very democratic approach
[13:16] Pip Torok: agree
[13:16] Arria Perreault: It’s only a proposal Rosie ㋡
[13:16] Rosie Gray: yes I understand, but what if we all put proposals like that
[13:16] Rosie Gray: without first discussing with the rst of the RA?
[13:16] Arria Perreault: we can, of course
[13:16] Arria Perreault: Pip has added his own proposal
[13:16] Rosie Gray: it is only right, since it is meant to come from the rA
[13:17] Arria Perreault: I just wanted to start the discussion in the forum
[13:17] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[13:17] Arria Perreault: I am also one of the RA member
[13:17] Arria Perreault: Sonja
[13:17] Arria Perreault: (or I am the only one who cannot make proposal ? )
[13:18] Sonja Strom: I think it could be good to say that Referendums in the CDS are only informative to the RA. They are not legally binding. Thanks.
[13:18] Rosie Gray: you can, but you said it was from the RA
[13:18] Rosie Gray: when it was from you
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria you presented a proposal on behalf of the RA when you were the only individual to contribute to the proposal.
[13:18] Arria Perreault: you misunderstood what I wrote
[13:18] Arria Perreault: I did not, believe me
[13:18] Rosie Gray: that is how it appears
[13:18] Rosie Gray: since, that is what you said
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: That is how it appears
[13:19] Arria Perreault: maybe, but it’s far from my intention
[13:19] Rosie Gray: “…the RA will ask the following questions…`
[13:19] Sonja Strom: It did not appear that way to me.
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: Well even a better reason to first consult with your peers
[13:19] Arria Perreault: that’s why I wrote “Proposal” just above
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: before you make actions on your own
[13:19] Rosie Gray: okay then I can accept that, since I understand that English is not your first language
[13:19] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:19] Pip Torok feels that this perception of primacy or otherwise is the paramount point to be established here
[13:19] Rosie Gray: but perhaps you can learn from this that this is how it seems.
[13:20] Arria Perreault: I wrote “proposal” and then a text that the RA could vote
[13:20] Arria Perreault: it has the form of a motion
[13:20] Arria Perreault: as it is a proposal, the RA is not engaged as long as the text is not voted
[13:20] Rosie Gray: I will not belabour the point
[13:21] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: A proposal from the RA needs to be from the RA not an individual member of the RA but from the group as a whole.
[13:21] Arria Perreault: can we discuss the question of the referendum now
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes please
[13:21] Rosie Gray: yes
[13:21] Pip Torok: yes
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: I am ready to continue with my ideas on the kirche ref whenever I can please
[13:22] Arria Perreault: (Trebor, my txt was wrong, but not my intention. Should I apologize again for my bad english?)
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Nope we’re good thank you
[13:22] Arria Perreault: thx
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: So do I have the floor?
[13:23] Arria Perreault: does anyone in the RA wants to add something or do you want to listen Trebor?
[13:23] Pip Torok: nothing from me right now mme lra
[13:23] Rosie Gray: nor from me
[13:23] Arria Perreault: you have the floor, Trebor
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok I dont feel we need to wait until the next ballot to resolve this issue
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Lets take Rosies Church
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Puit it on an empty parcel
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: Do group notices to all in the CDS
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: Let them explore the church while the old church is still inworld
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: Than they can offer suggestions, input, opinions, etc
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: It is important to update our SIMS but at the same time do all we can to preserve our heritage
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: If we remove old buildings Id like to have the capability
[13:26] Pip Torok: wd you agree to a months interval trebor?
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: I feel with forum postings and group notices
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: that a month woudl be long enough
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: for the RA
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: to get a general feel
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: of what the citizens of the CDS
[13:26] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: want in regards to this matter
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes Rosie?
[13:26] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:26] Rosie Gray: I wanted to say a couple of things
[13:27] Rosie Gray: firstly, I have got a full permissions copy now of the old Kirche
[13:27] Rosie Gray: and I’ve given it to the archivist
[13:27] Trebor Warcliffe: EXCELLENT
[13:27] Sudane Erato: great!
[13:27] Pip Torok: ) marvellous
[13:27] Arria Perreault: very good
[13:27] Trebor Warcliffe: That is awesome news
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[13:28] Rosie Gray: secondly, I’d like to say that the kirche that I’ve made took me approx. 70 hours to create, between researching what is appropriate for a Bavarian medieval town, and building it
[13:28] Rosie Gray: but it is not completely finished
[13:29] Rosie Gray: as it needs to be put into place to do that… to do the crypt that I have planned
[13:29] Rosie Gray: it needs to merge with the ground
[13:29] Rosie Gray: just so everyone understands that
[13:29] Trebor Warcliffe: What exactly is hte crypt if i may ask?
[13:29] Sudane Erato: the basement
[13:29] Rosie Gray: well… I planned a crypt for the basement of the kirche
[13:29] Trebor Warcliffe: Pardon me Im not a very religious person
[13:29] Rosie Gray: it’s where the coffins go
[13:29] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[13:30] Trebor Warcliffe: oooh ok
[13:30] Trebor Warcliffe: cool
[13:30] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:30] Arria Perreault: you should visit the one of the <Monastery
[13:30] Trebor Warcliffe: Ive explored hte monestary probably didnt know what iw as looking at though LOL
[13:31] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[13:31] Rosie Gray: also, that part of the crypt plans
[13:31] Pip Torok: i wouild suggest therefore that rosie’s church now be placed in situ for tyhe month
[13:31] Rosie Gray: were to include some of the memorials from the old Kirche
[13:31] Trebor Warcliffe: good idea
[13:31] Lizzo Dreamscape est connecté(e)
[13:31] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:32] Pip Torok: and hope to hear any objections to my suggestion from the floor …
[13:32] Arria Perreault: Rosie, I understand that you need to put your church in place to finish it?
[13:32] Rosie Gray: yes that is correct Arria
[13:32] Rosie Gray: to complete the crypt part
[13:33] Arria Perreault: let me remind you that we have already voted to replace the church
[13:33] Arria Perreault: the question of today is only to add a referendum about the church in the next ballot (in december)
[13:34] pixivor Allen est connecté(e)
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: Im confused Arria
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: If a vote has been made to replace the church, and we wont lose hte church because we have a full perm copy
[13:34] Arria Perreault: the referendum is not bidding, Trebor
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: than why would we need a ref?
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: I understand its not binding
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: i get that
[13:35] Rosie Gray: we have not decided as an RA if we want a referendum
[13:35] Trebor Warcliffe: But if we already solved the problem than what is there to answer
[13:35] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:36] Arria Perreault: it could interesting to knwo what citizen think about replacement of building
[13:36] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:36] Pip Torok: more or less what you said, mme lra … it does mean that the CITIZENS are directly heard
[13:37] Arria Perreault: I agree
[13:37] Trebor Warcliffe: There has already been a LOT of feedback on this matter from the citizens
[13:37] Rosie Gray: yes there has
[13:37] Trebor Warcliffe: Even before this term began
[13:37] Rosie Gray: mostly before this term began
[13:37] Sonja Strom: I think it is good for us to allow the citizens to have official, direct participation in this decision. I see nothing wrong with it being a referendum question.
[13:38] Rosie Gray: I would like to ask a question about this then
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Cant they have direct participation without us having to wait untuil next ballot
[13:38] Arria Perreault: yes Rosie
[13:38] Rosie Gray: is this the expectation, that every sim upgrade project be voted on by referendum?
[13:38] Pip Torok: imo the main thing is that the church be installed _without undue delay_ … the referendum can and should wait till later
[13:38] Arria Perreault: (no Trebor)
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt wonders if the exec should merely plan some sort of ceremony and have the bildings switched.
[13:39] Pip Torok: i hope not, Rosie … !
[13:39] Arria Perreault: I think it is possible, Pip
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Sure they can Arria
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Call a vote of the citizens
[13:39] Pip Torok: thats why an NG is needed!
[13:39] Rosie Gray: it seems a good way to go in circles and never accomplish anything
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Do a group notice to all CDS citizens
[13:39] Arria Perreault: I can’t call a vote of citizen
[13:39] Pip Torok: so lets install the church …!
[13:39] Arria Perreault: Rosie, let me tell this
[13:39] Trebor Warcliffe: My point is this
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Last election 55 citizens
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: 30 voters
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Read the forum postings about the issue of replacing the church
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Overall feedback from those citizens was replace the old as long as we can save the old
[13:40] Arria Perreault: I think that the further projects in the sims upgrade have to be done a bit differently than the project of the church
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand
[13:40] Arria Perreault: people have to be involved since the beginning
[13:41] Arria Perreault: not when a building is ready
[13:41] Pip Torok: ??
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: They have been
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: the NG contracts for builds
[13:41] Arria Perreault: if it is the case, we will never have a referendum
[13:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Anyone who wanted to state an opinion has had the opportunity
[13:41] Rosie Gray: you think there should be a referendum for every sim upgrade?
[13:41] Ceasar Xigalia est déconnecté(e)
[13:41] Arria Perreault: the New Guild will work and come to the RA for decision and for financial matters
[13:42] Pip Torok: in that case I move that the new church be installed with the minimum of delay
[13:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Youre making the replacement of one building more difficult than bringing an entire SIM inworld
[13:42] Rosie Gray: indeed
[13:43] Arria Perreault: Rosie, if people are involved since the beginning (idea), we don’t need to make a referendum each time
[13:43] Pip Torok: (a “seconded”?)
[13:43] Trebor Warcliffe: Democracy has been in play in regards to this manner since Rosie first brought it to the forums
[13:43] Rosie Gray: second
[13:43] Arria Perreault: Trebor, you should try once to make a project of sim in CDS
[13:43] Rosie Gray: indeed it has been
[13:43] Trebor Warcliffe: People have been involved
[13:44] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria explain to me how anybody who wants to be involved in this decison hasnt had the oppurtunity
[13:44] Arria Perreault: we don’t need to vote about that. we have already voted the replacement, Pip
[13:44] Rosie Gray: there has been plenty of opportunity for anyone who cares to participate, to do so
[13:44] Arria Perreault: Rosie can install the church after this meeting
[13:44] Pip Torok: have we … and with the minimumof delay????
[13:44] Trebor Warcliffe: We cant get 25 people to vote in our elections, if they choose not to participate than they can if not its their loss
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: I volunteer to write an article on the new Kirche
[13:45] Rosie Gray: thank you Trebor
[13:45] Arria Perreault: Trebor, I think it works with an active New Guild which is also a democratic institution
[13:45] You decline Club Bella Luz ~ Windy Shores, Windy Shores (177, 155, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: we have a copy of the church. We can use it on occaisions.
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: to be presented to various in-world publications
[13:45] Trebor Warcliffe: as a promotional tool
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria unfortunately we dont have a lot of active members like yourself and the rest of us here. We have to keep that in mind.
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: We care
[13:46] Pip Torok: mme lra when exactly did we vote to install the churh?
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: We give a damn
[13:46] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats why we participate
[13:46] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[13:47] Arria Perreault: we have voted on 17th July
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Pip it was your motionwhen I was to attempt a rollback
[13:47] Trebor Warcliffe: If the ACTIVE citizens of the CDS are going to make progress in the CDS than they are going to have to take the reins and make it happen.
[13:48] Trebor Warcliffe: Sorry Sonja i didnt mean to hit enter yet and interrupt you
[13:48] Pip Torok: and so we agree that it was passed and that there is NO barrier to Rosie starting work whenever she is ready?
[13:48] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip
[13:49] Arria Perreault: Trebor, I suggest we have a deabte about citizen participation in an other time
[13:49] Arria Perreault: Sonja, you have the floor
[13:49] Sonja Strom: This is not a normal issue of content – this question is about how the citizens feel about replacing an original Neualtenburg building with a new build (which I feel is much higher quality).
[13:49] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[13:50] Arria Perreault: we have used much more than our time of discussion about this question
[13:51] Arria Perreault: do you want to vote the motion of Pip or mine or to postpone the discussion in the next meeting or anything else?
[13:51] Zeus Argus est connecté(e)
[13:52] Arria Perreault listening for motions
[13:53] Pip Torok: move to vote
[13:53] Sonja Strom: second
[13:53] amgadsef Anton est déconnecté(e)
[13:54] Arria Perreault: we vote your motion, Pip?
[13:54] Pip Torok: ie to vote on my motion
[13:54] Arria Perreault: can you paste again the text?
[13:54] Pip Torok: ok minute …
[13:54] Arria Perreault: there is a 7day vote
[13:54] Raffila Millgrove est connecté(e)
[13:55] Pip Torok: I move that the new church be installed with the minimum of delay
[13:56] Arria Perreault: it was not the motion with the referendum?
[13:57] Pip Torok: thats the motion i thought you meant … the original i had proposed is i believe not relevant … i withdraw my referendum motion
[13:57] Timo Gufler est déconnecté(e)
[13:57] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:57] Pip Torok: I move that the new church be installed with the minimum of delay
[13:57] Zeena Stoop est connecté(e)
[13:58] Arria Perreault: any second?
[13:58] Rosie Gray: second
[13:58] Arria Perreault: we vote
[13:58] Pip Torok: aye
[13:58] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:58] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:58] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[13:59] Arria Perreault: Fern has requested the right to vote on this topic
[13:59] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:59] Arria Perreault: but the motion carries
[13:59] Arria Perreault: I note that we will not have a referendum about the church
[14:00] Arria Perreault: I think it’s too late to take a second point today
[14:00] Zeena Stoop est déconnecté(e)
[14:00] Arria Perreault: we have two other points that are important for the next meeting
[14:01] Arria Perreault: one is the proposal of Sudane: CDS asset security issues
[14:01] Arria Perreault: the other one is the Hippo system
[14:02] Arria Perreault: I have a request for both proponents
[14:02] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand
[14:02] Arria Perreault: Sudane and Trebor
[14:02] Arria Perreault: Tor
[14:02] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[14:02] Tor Karlsvalt: I have a document for you
[14:02] Tor Karlsvalt: i can give you the link
[14:02] Tor Karlsvalt: … t?hl=en_US
[14:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Trebor suggest that I merely post this to the forum
[14:03] Tor Karlsvalt: i agree
[14:03] Trebor Warcliffe: To allow for citizen feedback
[14:03] Arria Perreault: Yes, please
[14:04] Arria Perreault: thank you very much, Tor
[14:04] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[14:04] Arria Perreault: it was my request
[14:04] Pip Torok raises hand
[14:04] Arria Perreault: Pip
[14:05] Pip Torok: to save time arranging meetings can we make use of the relevant software?
[14:05] Pip Torok thinks of the comng RA meetings
[14:05] Arria Perreault: which software do you mean?
[14:06] Pip Torok: the one we have used in the past to agree suitable attendance times..
[14:06] Arria Perreault: Doodle?
[14:06] Pip Torok: yes!
[14:06] Rosie Gray: good idea
[14:06] Arria Perreault: do you want to ask for each meeting?
[14:06] Tor Karlsvalt raises hand for announcements
[14:07] Pip Torok: no just to establish when each of us CANNOT attend … then to work from there
[14:07] Arria Perreault: I thought that sunday at noon was fine for everyone in the RA
[14:07] Arria Perreault: ok, I understand
[14:07] Arria Perreault: np for me
[14:07] Pip Torok: it is for me … but we have summer vacations …
[14:07] Rosie Gray: things change for people
[14:08] Arria Perreault: we can have the next meeting in 2 weeks
[14:08] Pip Torok: fine for me!
[14:09] Arria Perreault: Rosie, Sonja?
[14:09] Arria Perreault: 14th August
[14:09] Rosie Gray: right now it’s okay for me, but that could change
[14:09] Arria Perreault: in this case, you tell me
[14:09] Sonja Strom: In two weeks is good for me.
[14:10] Arria Perreault: the next meeting is in 2 weeks
[14:10] Pip Torok: so (with luck) we can do it…
[14:10] Arria Perreault: Tor had some announcements
[14:10] Tor Karlsvalt: yes thank you Ms. LRA
[14:11] Tor Karlsvalt: After my earlier statement I came to learn that the VDI Board rejected Rose’s resignation. She is now asking for people to help. I still on behalf of CDS wish AA the best in their troubled time. Thank you.
[14:12] You decline Club Bella Luz ~ Windy Shores, Windy Shores (177, 155, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[14:12] hippoRENT Rental Box (Web-Enabled) v5.65: Arosa Cottage “Perreault” @ Arosa 13, 243, 130 – Your house / haus has 4 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 58 seconds left to run. Land fee is coming due, please top it off soon. / Landgebuehr wird bald faelig, bitte eine Zahlung machen.
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt: i know it is all difficult to conprehend
[14:13] Pip Torok feels that Tor speaks for all of us
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt: it all seems a turmoil
[14:13] Arria Perreault: thank you, Tor
[14:14] Arria Perreault: any other announcements? events?
[14:15] Tor Karlsvalt: Cindy is scheduled for the 20th at noon
[14:15] Trebor Warcliffe: ???
[14:15] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[14:15] Tor Karlsvalt: btw pip
[14:15] Arria Perreault: where?
[14:16] Tor Karlsvalt: sory
[14:16] Tor Karlsvalt: the Old Bowl
[14:16] Bells Semyorka est connecté(e)
[14:16] Arria Perreault: ok
[14:16] Tor Karlsvalt: thought that would make a nice summer concert venue
[14:17] Arria Perreault: can we adjourn (I need a motion)?
[14:17] Sonja Strom: I move we adjourn.
[14:17] Rosie Gray: seconded
[14:17] Arria Perreault: vote
[14:17] Rosie Gray: aye
[14:17] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:18] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[14:18] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[14:18] Pip Torok: aye
[14:18] Thinkerer Melville est déconnecté(e)
[14:18] Arria Perreault: we are adjourned
[14:18] Pip Torok: claps as well!
[14:18] Arria Perreault: thank you for the meetingRA Meeting 14 August 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
b. Hippo System (20 min)
FAQ: … t?hl=en_US
c. Estate power in CDS
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Oh. ok Trebor. You look fine… but it was worrying
[12:04] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Hi Sandra
[12:05] Arria Perreault: Hi Sandra
[12:05] Arria Perreault: a. Review this agenda
[12:05] Sandra Galdonaldo: Good evening all:)
[12:05] Arria Perreault: The agenda is in the box
[12:05] Arria Perreault: It was published on the CDS forum on friday
[12:06] Arria Perreault: do you agree with this agenda?
[12:06] Pip Torok: yes
[12:06] Fern Leissa: yes
[12:06] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:06] Fern Leissa: Hi Calli
[12:06] Pip Torok: hi Calli
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Hi Calli
[12:06] Callipygian Christensen: hi everyone
[12:07] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Hello Calli, good to see you.
[12:07] Arria Perreault: can we keep this agenda?
[12:07] Fern Leissa: yes
[12:07] Pip Torok: yes
[12:07] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:08] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:08] Arria Perreault: Sonja cannot attend the meeting today. She has asked for a 7-day vote
[12:08] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items
[12:09] Arria Perreault: who wants to speak today (non-RA members)
[12:09] Arria Perreault: ?
[12:09] Fern Leissa: Hi Moonrise
[12:09] Rosie Gray: hi Moonrise
[12:09] Pip Torok: hi Moonrise … long time!
[12:10] Moonrise Azalee: hi!
[12:10] Rosie Gray:
[12:10] Trebor Warcliffe: Hi Moonrise
[12:10] Moonrise Azalee: hi!
[12:10] Arria Perreault: Hi Azalee
[12:10] Bagheera Kristan is Online
[12:10] Moonrise Azalee: just rezzing… slowly
[12:10] Moonrise Azalee: Hello Arria
[12:11] Pip Torok: slow rezzings are good for the moon …
[12:11] Arria Perreault: I’d like to remind the attendance that the RA has rules of procedures:
[12:11] Moonrise Azalee: lol.
[12:11] Arria Perreault: Please raise you hand before to speak
[12:11] Arria Perreault: I have one point under Informations
[12:11] Arria Perreault: a. Information from the SC meeting
[12:12] Arria Perreault: I have requested a ruling to the SC about the question of the article 22 of the New Guild Charter. The SC has met. I want to thank the SC to have organized a meeting quickly.
[12:14] Arria Perreault: The SC has considered that the New Guild has to solve the question of the membership of its newly elected Secretary
[12:14] Arria Perreault: The SC has considered that the New Guild is a private organization.
[12:15] Arria Perreault: the fact that the RA has approved the Charter of the New Guild was not seen as a sign of a special link between the any CDS governmental branch and the New Guild
[12:16] Arria Perreault: I have commented this decision in the forum
[12:16] Aileen Zessinthal is Offline
[12:16] Arria Perreault: I mention two things here:
[12:16] Arria Perreault: first: the SC did not invalidate our votes (it was my main concern)
[12:17] Arria Perreault: second: the decision of the SC opens other questions like the relation and the collaboration between the New Guild and the CDS gov
[12:18] Arria Perreault: one of this question is in the agenda (Estate power)
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Now the question of the article 22 is in the hands of the New Guild
[12:19] Arria Perreault: any question or comment?
[12:19] Fern Leissa: may I?
[12:19] Arria Perreault: yes, Fern
[12:19] Pip Torok: yes … first of all … do we know the the NG currently exists?
[12:20] Valibrarian Gregg is Online
[12:20] Pip Torok: second … who now represents the NG?
[12:20] Pip Torok: (sorry Fern!)
[12:20] Fern Leissa: I don’t know that the ra has any jurisdiction here.. but I would like to suggest that we
[12:20] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:20] Fern Leissa: recommend that Rosie call a NG meeting and that the nG]
[12:21] Fern Leissa: NG vote on whether or not they wish to amend the requirement that the NG head cannot hold a governmental posit
[12:21] Fern Leissa: position.
[12:22] Fern Leissa: I’d also like to recommend that the NG look to review and perhaps simplify its charter
[12:22] Fern Leissa: As the size of the population does not warrent such a complicated structure… and
[12:22] Fern Leissa: probably cannot support it
[12:22] Fern Leissa: done
[12:22] Arria Perreault: The SC considers that the NG is a private organization. I understand that we don’t have any juridiction on the NG. We can only make an advice.
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Rosie?
[12:23] Pip Torok raises hand
[12:23] Arria Perreault: Rosie has raised hand
[12:23] Rosie Gray: I was just going to say, that I would call a meeting of the NG soon
[12:23] Rosie Gray: date and time tba
[12:24] Arria Perreault: do you intend to take this point in the agenda?
[12:25] Rosie Gray: sorry, I’m not sure what you are asking me?
[12:26] Arria Perreault: do you intend to take the question of the article 22 of the NG Charter in the agenda?
[12:26] Rosie Gray: I think that the Agenda will be decided sometime later
[12:26] Rosie Gray: it doesn’t matter at the moment
[12:27] Rosie Gray: but of course everyone’s concerns will be addressed
[12:28] Arria Perreault: I think it is a concern for this meeting (at least from me)
[12:28] Rosie Gray: no Agenda is prepared right now Arria
[12:28] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises Hand
[12:28] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[12:28] Rosie Gray: but it would seem necessary to address the charter
[12:29] Trebor Warcliffe: The New Guild
Group Description: The New Guild is a public-chartered, non-profit, non-partisan, Non-Governmental Organization that is open to all citizens of the CDS. The New Guild mission incorporates organizing, planning, and executing high-quality content, while providing on-going education and certification of content-creation skills.
[12:29] Trebor Warcliffe: This isnt an RA concern can we please move on to RA concerns.
[12:29] Pip Torok hopes his raised hand is noticed
[12:29] Arria Perreault: Pip (sorry)
[12:30] Pip Torok: just to say .. that we shd keep in mind that our stance to NG (and SC) should be primarily advisory although in the last analysis we are the legislative body
[12:30] Pip Torok: done
[12:31] Arria Perreault: thank you Pip (you’re right)
[12:31] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens
[12:31] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:32] Arria Perreault: who wants to speak?
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:32] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes thank you
[12:32] Trebor Warcliffe: May I ask who has teh ability to update the web portal?
[12:33] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[12:33] Arria Perreault: I can inform you easely
[12:33] Arria Perreault: maybe two points: the law and the reality
[12:33] Trebor Warcliffe: ok?
[12:35] Arria Perreault: the communication bill say that the LRA, the Chancellor and the Dean of the SC should have access to all official communication channels ofCDS
[12:35] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[12:35] Arria Perreault: of course the PIO should also have the ability to update the portal
[12:35] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes and maybe the Content Archivist
[12:36] Trebor Warcliffe: So who CURRENLTY has access to it?
[12:36] Arria Perreault: yes of course
[12:36] Arria Perreault: now the reality and maybe a point about the history of the portal
[12:36] Trebor Warcliffe: I have two concerns regarding this matter, that is why I am asking these questions.
[12:36] Arria Perreault: I was PIO when Alexicon Kurka was Chancellor. we have created this portal with Mizou Vavoom
[12:37] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[12:37] Arria Perreault: right now, only me and Sonja have an access
[12:38] Arria Perreault: I try to update it regularly
[12:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Why do only you and Sonja have access currently?
[12:38] Arria Perreault: I offer also regularly the possibility to have an access to everyone who should have this ability to update
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: So you do have the ability to grant access to the other citizens who shold have access?
[12:39] Arria Perreault: I have make sure that the Content Archivist get an acces at every term
[12:40] Fern Leissa: / raises hand
[12:40] Arria Perreault: I ask Alexicon
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: I’m speaking currently for this term. Tor the chancellor, Anna the PIO, Soro the head of the SC
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: My two points are this
[12:40] Arria Perreault: I was going to write to Soro
[12:40] Arria Perreault: Anna and Tor can have an access at any time
[12:40] Arria Perreault: it’s not closed, Trebor
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: One it has been almost two weeks that I sent an email to Arria, Tor, and Sudane to edit the link for the Master Parcel List
[12:41] Arria Perreault: Anna has preferred to open a blog beside the portal
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: Yet it still hasnt been posted
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: My second concern adn a much greater concern
[12:41] Arria Perreault: I will do it, Trebor. I came from my holidays today
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: There is a LOT of information on teh web portal that is either out of date or no longer pertinent
[12:41] Sandra Galdonaldo: good nite all:)
[12:41] josjoha Resident: nighty san
[12:42] Fern Leissa: Good night Sandra
[12:42] Arria Perreault: (Soro and I, we should also get an access to the CDS blog )
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Wouldnt it benefit teh community as a whole to have more than just two people to currently have access?
[12:42] Rosie Gray: goodnight Sandra
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Im sure it would ease the workload for Arria and Sonja
[12:42] Arria Perreault: our intention was to share this, of course
[12:43] Arria Perreault: ask Anna again
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: I’ve been working on a checklist
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: of items i noticed that need to be edited
[12:43] Pip Torok agrees with treb as long as we do not get chaos as a result
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: If you like I can post this to the forum
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: and those responsible can update accordingly
[12:43] Arria Perreault: as far as I know, I don’t think that she wants an access
[12:43] Arria Perreault: yes,please post it
[12:43] Arria Perreault: it’s useful
[12:43] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: Ok I will
[12:44] Arria Perreault: Calli
[12:44] Callipygian Christensen: Access to the portal, and access to the CDS forums etc should be something that is automatically updated at each change of government
[12:44] BigRedCoyote Resident is Online
[12:44] Arria Perreault: (I would like to update the members of the SC)
[12:45] Arria Perreault: Calli, I think I have written a mail to Alexicon every term
[12:45] Callipygian Christensen: automatically, as in, ‘someone with the power to do so is required to give access to those who now are entitled ALONG WITH a note of how to use it and any other pertinent information
[12:45] Arria Perreault: I can give the names of people who will never use it of course
[12:45] Trebor Warcliffe: Excellent idea Calli
[12:46] Rosie Gray agrees with Calli’s suggestion
[12:46] Fern Leissa: /raises hand
[12:46] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria why are you trying to throw dirt into a positive conversation?
[12:46] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:46] Callipygian Christensen: I don’t believe I have evermet Alexicon – if someone not really active in CDS controls that sort of update, perhaps that is part of the problem?
[12:46] Pip Torok: ?
[12:46] Arria Perreault: Alexicon has always responded
[12:47] Rosie Gray: who is Alexicon?
[12:47] Fern Leissa: Arria, if I understand, you have asked Alexicon to update portal access each term? Is that right?
[12:47] Arria Perreault: we will adress this question. let me think about
[12:47] Arria Perreault: for the next meeting
[12:47] Fern Leissa: Also..
[12:47] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:47] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes who is Alexicon and why does he/she have access to our portal
[12:47] Callipygian Christensen: Then it seems a simple solution to have the new LRA, or some other designate, make sure that all accesses are in place – done
[12:47] Arria Perreault: he is the creator of the portal
[12:48] Fern Leissa: Is it the Content Archivist that should have access or the RA Archivist?
[12:48] Arria Perreault: he was Chancellor of CDS
[12:48] Arria Perreault: the RA Archivist, sorry
[12:48] Pip Torok: /raises hand
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Fern first, then Pip
[12:49] Pip Torok: may I suggest that the portal software is acquired and held by the Content Archivist?
[12:49] Fern Leissa: lastly…
[12:49] Fern Leissa: It seems part of the question is not just who has access but who is responsible for updating specific portal pages
[12:49] Pip Torok: (sorry again, Fern)
[12:49] Fern Leissa: Maybe that is an issue we need to look at .
[12:49] Arria Perreault: I agree, Fern ㋡
[12:49] Fern Leissa: Done. Np Pip
[12:49] Fern Leissa:
[12:50] Arria Perreault: the technical ability to update is not as important as the redaction of contents
[12:50] Arria Perreault: I am glad to hear that
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: I will add the work I’ve done to the forum and welcome any and all contributions to that work so whoever is tasked with updatign the portal will have a good foundation to work with.
[12:51] Arria Perreault: Pip, the software need some technical ability (at least fort hr administration)
[12:51] Trebor Warcliffe: I have not other citizen concerns for this RA meeting thank you.
[12:51] Arria Perreault: now our portal is hosted by Alexicon
[12:51] Arria Perreault: other concerns?
[12:51] Moonrise Azalee raises hand
[12:52] Arria Perreault: Moonrize, you have the floor?
[12:52] Moonrise Azalee: Just wanted to offer, that having the hosting info for the portal is important to ensure that there is a back up in case the site goes down.
[12:52] Moonrise Azalee: even if it can just be assured that a back up copy is made from time to time so that content would not be lost
[12:53] Moonrise Azalee: done
[12:53] Arria Perreault: thank you, I will ask Alexicon
[12:53] Arria Perreault: other concerns?
[12:54] Arria Perreault: no one
[12:54] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS
[12:54] Arria Perreault: a. CDS asset security issues
[12:55] Arria Perreault: Infortunately Sudane is not there today
[12:55] Arria Perreault: do you want to discuss this point ?
[12:56] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:56] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[12:56] Pip Torok: if you feel Sudanes prsence is vital, then I suggest we move on
[12:56] Rosie Gray: I think we should wait until Sudane is here
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Can I consider that we have a motion to table and a second?
[12:57] Rosie Gray: motion
[12:57] Rosie Gray: so motioned
[12:57] Pip Torok: seconded
[12:57] Arria Perreault: vote to table the topic
[12:57] Pip Torok: aye
[12:57] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:57] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:57] Rosie Gray: aye
[12:58] Arria Perreault: motion carries
[12:58] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:58] Arria Perreault: b. Hippo System
[12:58] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[12:58] Arria Perreault: Tor has published a FAQ about the use of Hippo System
[12:59] Arria Perreault: (later Trebor)
[12:59] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[12:59] Arria Perreault: … t?hl=en_US
[12:59] Pip Torok: where is the FAQ, mme LRA?
[12:59] Pip Torok: tku!
[12:59] Arria Perreault: in the agenda in the forum, the link works
[13:00] Arria Perreault: … t?hl=en_US
[13:00] Arria Perreault: here is the complete link
[13:00] Arria Perreault: the document is clear
[13:01] Arria Perreault: there is also a thread in the forum
[13:01] Arria Perreault: I open the discussion (for RA members first)
[13:01] Arria Perreault: who wants to speak?
[13:01] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:01] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:02] Pip Torok: is there an urgency to this question? .. I thought it had beeen settled.
[13:02] Pip Torok: done
[13:02] Arria Perreault: the RA has to decide the implementation of Hippo System in the 5 sims of CDS
[13:03] Marian Sapphire is Online
[13:03] Pip Torok: ah ..
[13:03] Arria Perreault: currently a test is made in LA
[13:03] Arria Perreault: the idea is to have it everywhere
[13:04] Soro Dagostino is Online
[13:04] Arria Perreault: the FAQ explains the advantages and disadvantages
[13:04] Pip Torok: may i suggest that we all read the FAQ first and in the meantime table this item?
[13:04] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[13:04] Arria Perreault: well … we have asked this FAQ several meetings ago
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand!!!!
[13:05] Arria Perreault: Fern, Rosie?
[13:05] Fern Leissa: raises hand
[13:05] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:05] Fern Leissa: I would support implimenting the Hippo system for all sims but am willing to wait until the next meeting
[13:06] Fern Leissa: If Pip would like more time to study the FAQ.
[13:06] Arria Perreault: I need a motion and a second
[13:06] Pip Torok: so motion
[13:06] Fern Leissa: second
[13:06] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:06] Pip Torok: aye
[13:06] Bagheera Kristan is Offline
[13:06] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:06] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand again
[13:07] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:07] Arria Perreault: thank you. This point is postponed to the next meeting
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: HELLOOOOO
[13:07] Arria Perreault: Trebor, do you want to wait the next meeting or to speak now?
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: No i want to speak now
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: First off
[13:08] Arria Perreault: you have the floor
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: I understand it is correct procedure
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: for a citizen to wait until the end of a discussion
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: to voice their opinion
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: HOWEVER how can you table a motion without even asking the a citizen for input before you make that decision?
[13:09] Trebor Warcliffe: You ask me to wait until the end of the discussion, you end the discussion and dont allow me to speak.
[13:09] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont get it
[13:09] Arria Perreault: the motion was seconded. we have only postpone the point to a next meeting
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: You asked for the motion before you asked for citizen input
[13:10] Arria Perreault: we want to let our members some time to read the documentation
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: Maybe the citizen input would have made a difference
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: adn the motion wouldnt have needed to be tabled
[13:10] Trebor Warcliffe: until next meeting
[13:10] Arria Perreault: we take this in two weeks. everybody will have read the FAQ and we will vote
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Youre missing my point madam LRA
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: I should have been able to address the RA
[13:11] Pip Torok concedes Trebor’s point
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: before this motion was even tabled
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: You took administrative action without ciitizen input
[13:11] Arria Perreault: a motion was made as 2 RA members have asked the same thing
[13:11] Trebor Warcliffe: Youre still not getting it
[13:12] Arria Perreault: I think it’s better to have your explanation the day we make the vote
[13:12] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[13:12] Trebor Warcliffe: I should be allowed to address the RA before ANY decision is made by the RA
[13:12] Arria Perreault: yes, I get it
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:12] Callipygian Christensen: Trebor, may I interject something here?
[13:12] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes please
[13:14] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:14] Callipygian Christensen: Arria, Trebor is trying to say, I think, that he had indicated he had a comment. YOu asked for a motion and a seconder- it didnt just pop up, but Trebor feels his comment has relevance and RA members should hear it to consider ALONG with the FAQ, not after
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you
[13:14] Callipygian Christensen: He si asking you to consider your order of action, to allow the thoughts of a citizen to be placed before the RA
[13:14] Rosie Gray nods in agreement
[13:14] Arria Perreault: I understand that
[13:14] Pip Torok nods
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: If you understanf that than why wasnt I given the opportunity to speak
[13:15] Arria Perreault: in the same time, we intented to postpone this point to the next meeting. your arguments about Hippo are more useful when we vote.
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: you ask me to follow your rules yet you change these rules whenever you care to
[13:15] Callipygian Christensen: Incorrect Madame LRA
[13:16] Pip Torok respectfully disagrees
[13:16] Rosie Gray disagrees with LRA as well
[13:16] Callipygian Christensen: You do not know what this citizen plans to say, so how can you know when they will be useful
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: Arria you have no way of knowing what Im goign to say
[13:16] Arria Perreault: ok. I am sorry
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: EXACTLY
[13:17] Arria Perreault: in the same time, we have voted and one member would like to read the FAQ
[13:17] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:17] Trebor Warcliffe: A vote that was made BEFORE it should have been made
[13:17] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:17] Rosie Gray: I suggest that we hear Trebor
[13:17] Callipygian Christensen: Perhaps the members of RA who would like to hear what Trebor has to say could indicate that
[13:18] Rosie Gray: and that we consider our vote and question again afterwards
[13:18] Arria Perreault: of course
[13:18] Pip Torok: i would like to hear trebor
[13:18] Arria Perreault: Trebor, you have the floor
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: First I ask that the vote to table the discussion be removed from teh record until after Im done please.
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: And than a vote to table or not or to vote on the topic can and should be made
[13:19] Rosie Gray: I agree, this is the proper procedure
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: When this part is setttled I will continue, thank you.
[13:19] Arria Perreault waiting for a motion from a RA member
[13:20] Rosie Gray: motion to remove previous motion and vote from the record
[13:20] Pip Torok: second
[13:20] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:20] Daffodil Fargis is Online
[13:20] Pip Torok: aye
[13:20] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:21] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:21] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:21] Arria Perreault: Trebor we listen to you
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you for the floor madame LRA
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: My RA members thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Whether you vote on Hippo today or the next meeting
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: there are a few things I feel need to be brought to your attention
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Hippo is well established in SL
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: It is constantly beign updated and improved
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: It is VERY inexpensive for the amount of work it is capable of
[13:23] Trebor Warcliffe: There are options besided collection of tier that the CDS may find very useful
[13:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Currently since at least May 1st
[13:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Hippo has been in operation in the LA
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Alexi Navarathna, Alexia Carnell, Anna Toussaint, Bromo Ivory, Danton Sideways, Fern Leissa, Mikelo Serevi, Moonrise Azalee, Sonja Strom, Tor Karlsvalt
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: Are all citizens who are currently paying tier in LA since that time
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: There has been multiple opportunities for them to express their dislike of Hippo in the forums if they didnt like it.
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: I feel teh issue can be voted on today but as a citizen I also respect the wants of the RA members to research it a little more.
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: I will say
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: To implement it
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: in all 5 SIMS
[13:25] Trebor Warcliffe: Will be a very arduous task
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: I would like to see if at all possible (if it gets accepted) that we can gather a group of volunteers to help Sudane, Tor, and Anna in this huge task
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you for your time today
[13:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Done
[13:26] Arria Perreault: thank you, Trebor
[13:26] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:26] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:27] Daffodil Fargis is Offline
[13:27] Pip Torok: I appreciate trebors input … and wd also add that it is also important to peruse the FAQ just in case there is some aspect to consideer before the vote
[13:27] Pip Torok: done
[13:27] Fern Leissa: raises hand
[13:28] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:28] Fern Leissa: I would also like to note that Sonja is not here
[13:28] Fern Leissa: I think we can wait two weeks to decide.. as we have waited since May.
[13:29] Arria Perreault: other opinions? Rosie?
[13:30] Arria Perreault: if it is not the case, I need again motion and second
[13:30] Pip Torok: motion to table this agenda item to the next meeting
[13:30] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:31] Arria Perreault: Rosie?
[13:31] Rosie Gray: I was just going to agree with Fern, although I myself am comfortable with the Hippo system, but we need to wait for Sonja anyway
[13:31] Rosie Gray: done
[13:31] Arria Perreault: thank you
13:32] Arria Perreault: I need a second for Pip’s motion
[13:32] Fern Leissa: second
[13:32] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:32] Pip Torok: aye
[13:32] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:32] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:33] Soro Dagostino is Offline
[13:33] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:33] Rosie Gray whispers: sorry
[13:33] Guillaume Mistwalker is Online
[13:33] Arria Perreault: motion carries. we will take this point in the next meeting
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you all, I have to leave for today.
[13:34] Arria Perreault: RA members have homeworks for the next meeting: reading the FAQ
[13:34] Rosie Gray: bye Trebor!
[13:34] josjoha Resident: o/
[13:34] Arria Perreault: good bye, Trebor
[13:34] Trebor Warcliffe is Offline
[13:34] Fern Leissa: Bye Trebor
[13:34] Pip Torok: bye Treb!
[13:34] Arria Perreault: Next point
[13:35] Arria Perreault: c. Estate power in CDS
[13:36] Arria Perreault: I have asked the Chancellor to give the list of poeple who have an Estate power on our sims
[13:36] Arria Perreault: It seems that the Secretary of the New Guild has an Estate Power
[13:37] Arria Perreault: I find this strange as the New Guild is seen as a private organization
[13:37] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:37] Arria Perreault: Infortunately Tor did not publish this list
[13:38] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:38] Rosie Gray: Moon, as previous NG secretary
[13:38] Rosie Gray: had estate powers
[13:38] Rosie Gray: and really it would be impossible to carry out the work of the NG without it
[13:38] Rosie Gray: which might answer your question
[13:39] Rosie Gray: done
[13:40] Arria Perreault: I know. But it was before the SC decides that the NG was a totally private organization. Do we give this power to other chairs of other NGO ?
[13:40] Arria Perreault: that’s what I want to know now
[13:40] Rosie Gray: it is necessary for the NG
[13:40] Rosie Gray: but I won’t debate it now
[13:40] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[13:40] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:41] Callipygian Christensen: Madame LRA, jsut as a point of clarity here, and it may result from a language issue
[13:41] Callipygian Christensen: The SC interprests what exists, so to say ‘the SC decided’ is somewhat incorrect
[13:41] Rosie Gray nods
[13:42] Fern Leissa: raises hand
[13:42] Callipygian Christensen: the SC stated that ‘this is what the NG has always been
[13:42] Arria Perreault: yes, the SC has made an interpretation and this interpretation has some consequences in my opinion
[13:43] Arria Perreault: the NG had a priviligied role in CDS, although it was not a governmental branch
[13:43] Arria Perreault: this role is questionned now
[13:43] Rosie Gray: with respect Arria, you are the only one questioning it
[13:43] Callipygian Christensen: Since the NG was always tasked with sim development, its logical for the Seretary to have estate powers. I think what you are trying to reach is the question of ‘Do we change the whole style in which sim planning and development occurs’
[13:43] Pip Torok questions the questionning of it
[13:44] Arria Perreault: yes, Calli, as advisory board
[13:44] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:44] Arria Perreault: now the Secretary of the Guild is also a RA member
[13:44] Arria Perreault: I see a problem
[13:44] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:45] Rosie Gray: It seems to me that nobody else has expressed this question
[13:45] Rosie Gray: it is only you, Arria that are questioning
[13:45] Rosie Gray: put it as a question to the enitre RA
[13:45] Rosie Gray: and vote on if this question should be pursued
[13:45] Arria Perreault: I want to make people aware of that
[13:45] Rosie Gray: otherwise, please drop the question
[13:45] Michele Mrigesh is Online
[13:46] Pip Torok: I agree with Rosie in this matter
[13:46] Arria Perreault: if there is no motion and no second, there is no vote
[13:46] Rosie Gray: that is correct
[13:46] Rosie Gray: so you might as well drop it
[13:46] Rosie Gray: and stop wasting our time
[13:47] Arria Perreault: as citizen, I will continue to ask Tor to give a list of people who have estate power and the conditions to get that powers
[13:47] Arria Perreault: V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term
[13:48] Arria Perreault: – Sims upgrade: Rosie
[13:48] Rosie Gray: yes thank you
[13:48] Rosie Gray: the new Kirche has been installed, and work is being done on it to finish it
[13:48] Rosie Gray: I am working on the crypt
[13:49] Rosie Gray: Sudane is working on the side-chapel
[13:49] Rosie Gray: and Lilith will be doing some gardening
[13:49] Rosie Gray: Tor is preparing a cornerstone to commemoreate
[13:49] Rosie Gray: commemorate*
[13:49] Rosie Gray: other than that, nothing else to report
[13:49] Arria Perreault: and the list?
[13:49] Rosie Gray: what list?
[13:50] Arria Perreault: the list you have published in the forum
[13:50] Rosie Gray: there is a document of suggestions from citizens
[13:50] Rosie Gray: is that what you mean?
[13:50] Rosie Gray: yes, that is there
[13:50] Arria Perreault: yes. how do you intend to work on this list?
[13:51] Rosie Gray: I had thought that once the NG gets organized again
[13:51] Arria Perreault: can we set some priorities here in the RA?
[13:51] Rosie Gray: that we could go over the suggestions
[13:51] Rosie Gray: and make some recommendations to the RA for proceeding
[13:52] Rosie Gray: it’s a bit premature now
[13:52] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:52] Arria Perreault: – Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
[13:53] Pip Torok: yes … first of all can i request that every citizen greets a newcomer to the 5 sims …
[13:53] Pip Torok: and generally make him/herself sociable to the newcomer
[13:53] Pip Torok: so that they feeel AT HOME here
[13:54] Pip Torok: secondly .. i want to organise meetings with groups of potential new citizens
[13:54] Pip Torok: either here in CDS (eg the poetry sessions) or “abroad” …
[13:55] Arria Perreault: potential citizen? friends of CDS?
[13:55] Pip Torok: thirdly i wish to keep in touch with CDS citizens who have suggestions …
[13:55] Pip Torok: done
[13:55] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:55] Pip Torok: any questions/comments?
[13:56] Arria Perreault: well, I have a suggestion for the marketing of the CDS
[13:56] Pip Torok: I’m all ears!
[13:56] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:56] Arria Perreault: I did not work on events these last times, but I have made an interesting experience in the Monastery
[13:56] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:57] Rosie Gray: I was wondering where the duties of Pip on this and the duties of our Chancellor and PIO overlap
[13:58] Pip Torok: well i see them as coalescing rather than as overlapping .. ill make sure there are no “holes” … nor any duplication of work
[13:58] Rosie Gray: okay thanks Pip
[13:59] Rosie Gray: may I ask what it is you’ve done in the MOnastery, Arria?
[13:59] Valibrarian Gregg is Offline
[13:59] Arria Perreault: well Pip has mentionned things he intended to make. we can all do that. the RA can also take decisions and the Executive has to implemente these decision
[13:59] Pip Torok: i shd mention that trebor has expressed great interest and ill want him at our first meeting
[14:00] Arria Perreault: you can also make a commission, Pip
[14:00] Pip Torok: true … tho ill concentrate on the work of the “commission” rather than on the fact of it ….
[14:00] Arria Perreault: I am working on some improvements in the Monastery currently
[14:01] Marian Sapphire is Offline
[14:01] Pip Torok: can you tell me (now or later) what was interesting about the Monastery experince, mme lra?
[14:02] Zoe Foodiboo is Offline
[14:02] Arria Perreault: I have add the Monastery in the Destination Guide of Second Life
[14:02] Arria Perreault: here is the link
[14:02] Pip Torok: ah …
[14:02] Arria Perreault:
[14:02] Fern Leissa: I saw that
[14:02] Pip Torok: thank you, mme lra
[14:02] Arria Perreault: it has a great impact on traffic
[14:03] Arria Perreault: I think that we should choose several places in CDS and add them in this list
[14:03] Pip Torok: anyway .. i need to concentrate on the result: MORE active voting and thinking citizens for this democracy…
[14:04] Rosie Gray: yay Pip!
[14:04] Fern Leissa: What about Rosie’s new church?
[14:04] Rosie Gray: wb Moonrise
[14:04] Pip Torok: what about it fern?
[14:04] Fern Leissa: On the Destination Guide
[14:04] Moonrise Azalee: (sorry)
[14:04] Pip Torok: ah! …
[14:05] Rosie Gray: Pat made a suggestion about having some kind of event around the new church
[14:05] Arria Perreault: we should make a list of places of interests in CDS and encourage citizen to add their place if they are conform to the conditions
[14:05] Pip Torok: well its important to think then act on what will DRAW potential citizens to us …
[14:05] Pip Torok: … the look n feel of the whole …
[14:05] Pip Torok: … our democracy …
[14:05] Pip Torok: .. the commiunity and us lovely folk in it! etc
[14:06] Fern Leissa: Hey! What about the RA meetings ?
[14:06] Pip Torok: of course .. if thats a drawing point…
[14:06] Arria Perreault: Rosie, I think it would be a good idea. I though that a serie of concert classical music would be a good thing
[14:06] Moonrise Azalee giggles
[14:06] Moonrise Azalee: /raises hand
[14:06] Arria Perreault: Moonrize
[14:07] Pip Torok: true, tho i’d like Tor second opinion (and trebs) about what will DRAW citizens in
[14:07] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand too
[14:07] Arria Perreault: Moonrize first
[14:07] Moonrise Azalee: I worry about the open level of the forum. all the inner arguments can be read. perhaps some of the areas of the forum could be kept private for members only so that prospective new members arent frightened
[14:07] Arria Perreault: then Calli
[14:08] Moonrise Azalee: At least the meeting transcripts
[14:08] Guillaume Mistwalker is Offline
[14:09] Arria Perreault: all what we say here is public. the information channel for newcomers should be the portal, not the forum
[14:09] Pip Torok: I take yr point, M … tho by RA UK Parliamentary standards or Univ student meeting standards, CDS is still quite tame
[14:09] Moonrise Azalee: Yes. but all people are able to read the forums
[14:10] Moonrise Azalee: and some of the things there are quite negative and not much a draw when trying to show new peeps how ‘great’ we all are, lol
[14:10] Arria Perreault: it’s transparency
[14:10] Fern Leissa:
[14:10] Pip Torok: but the point about fright and bad-feeling is well taken
[14:10] Rosie Gray: it’s transparency alright, which is not very appealing to someone considering joining us
[14:10] Moonrise Azalee: Sure, transparency is important, but inner discussions about issues that seem so volatile and ugly do not serve us well
[14:11] Moonrise Azalee: People reading accusations against our own Councilor , the large amount of funds etc.
[14:11] Pip Torok: when theyre nonproductive and go round in circles i 100% agree, M
[14:11] Garidin Resident is Online
[14:12] Zoe Foodiboo is Online
[14:12] Moonrise Azalee: I think the forums , at least the categories other than Welcome , should be left for people who are members of the community already.
[14:12] Moonrise Azalee: The way many, many forums are.
[14:12] Pip Torok: perhaps one of the points when i introduce the concept of democracy is the possibility of some sort of contention
[14:12] Moonrise Azalee: that is all
[14:12] Callipygian Christensen waits (my comment is sort of an addendum to this one)
[14:12] Arria Perreault: thank you Moonrise
[14:12] Arria Perreault: Calli
[14:12] Callipygian Christensen: I’ll point out the elephant behind the curtain here. You need to define what type of new citizens you want, because frankly, ime, you don’t want the bulk of SL residents here. If a group of a dozen active people who wanted to really get involved apppeared, mostof the old gaurd of CDS would soil their undies
[14:13] Moonrise Azalee nods
[14:13] Rosie Gray laughs aloud
[14:14] Callipygian Christensen: and its fine to not want radical change, but start out from an honest point of ‘we only wnat to atttract people who ‘fit in’
[14:14] Pip Torok: Intersting … i wonder how much of an old guard that makes me ( ))
[14:14] Fern Leissa: raises hand
[14:14] Pip Torok: but I WANT active thinking discussing citizens ….
[14:15] Callipygian Christensen: because luring in a lot of people who want a pretty garden and a nice ‘homeowners’ assocatiaon’ sort of gov’t just means lots of short term ‘citizen’s and more bad publicity for the CDS
[14:15] Rosie Gray: hmmm
[14:15] Pip Torok: 100% agree Calli
[14:15] Rosie Gray: on the other hand, it could put off some people who don’t realize how much negativity has gone one here
[14:16] Rosie Gray: who DO want to be productive members of an active community
[14:16] Callipygian Christensen: Razzy’s comment about the forum’s is valid..but Ithink they should stay open..because they are a fairly honest view of what it’s like to try to fucntion here
[14:16] Pip Torok: yes … but when ppl disagree, unfortunately there is always the possibility that tempers are lost
[14:16] Rosie Gray: that’s true, and reading all of them takes a certain level of dedication
[14:17] Callipygian Christensen: Pip, with all respect, it’s moe than just the lost tempers- it’s the apparent intransigence of the culture
[14:17] Pip Torok: for most RL and SL ppl imo direct democracy is a new concept…
[14:17] Zoe Foodiboo is Offline
[14:17] Arria Perreault is Offline
[14:17] Garidin Resident is Offline
[14:17] Pip Torok: we’re not taught it in many schools …
[14:17] Arria Perreault is Online
[14:18] Pip Torok: its not in the workplace or even union meetings
[14:18] Pip Torok: .. its CERTAINLY not in the Boardroom
[14:18] Arria Perreault: I hope that someone can paste the transcript to me
[14:19] Pip Torok: .. in fact the university studemt meeting is oftem the only point of experience for many
[14:19] Pip Torok ends his sermon and apologises!
[14:19] Arria Perreault: thank you Rosie
[14:20] Fern Leissa gave you RA Mtg. 2011-08-14.
[14:20] Callipygian Christensen: Pip, my point is that if CDS is to be an educational place about democracy, then target only those people who are interested in being active at that level..but dont be surprised that its a very small portion of the SL residents
[14:20] Arria Perreault: thank you Fern
[14:20] Arria Perreault: )
[14:20] Fern Leissa: yw
[14:20] Pip Torok: I take your point .. thank you for reinforcing it
[14:20] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[14:20] Arria Perreault: maybe we should make marketing outside SL
[14:21] Callipygian Christensen: (and frankly, right now, this democracy runs very much like RL..half the current citizens dont read the forums or participate, not even to vote)
[14:21] Arria Perreault: in the Web
[14:21] Pip Torok: exactly … so an inner transformation into a working and vibrant democracy is close to my heart …
[14:22] Callipygian Christensen: and on that note, RL calls me away
[14:22] Arria Perreault: maybe we could make a google campaign
[14:22] Rosie Gray waves to Calli
[14:22] Callipygian Christensen: I am off on vacation..see you all in a week or so
[14:22] Fern Leissa: Bye Calli
[14:22] Moonrise Azalee: Bye Calli
[14:22] Rosie Gray: have fun!
[14:22] Arria Perreault: it’s not that expensive
[14:22] Arria Perreault: Bye Calli
[14:22] Pip Torok: … mme lra if there are no further questions, shall we move on?
[14:22] Arria Perreault: yes
[14:22] Rosie Gray: yes please!
[14:23] Arria Perreault: VI. Informations from the Executive team
[14:23] Arria Perreault: any points here?
[14:23] Pip Torok: what about “Sima Animation”????
[14:23] Pip Torok: Sims
[14:24] Arria Perreault: I have worked mostly on this idea of destination guide
[14:24] Arria Perreault: I will work on events soon
[14:25] Arria Perreault: IX. Adjournment
[14:25] Arria Perreault: a motion?
[14:25] Pip Torok: motion to adjourn
[14:26] Fern Leissa: second
[14:26] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:26] Pip Torok: aye
[14:26] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:26] Arria Perreault: we are adjournedRA Meeting 28 August 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
a. Hippo System: informations sent by the Treasurer
b. CDS asset security issues (20 min)
a. CDS Portal update
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:22] Pip Torok: tks
[12:22] Arria Perreault: we are quorate. we can beginn
[12:23] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN (10 min)
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:23] Arria Perreault: do you agree with this agenda?
[12:23] Sonja Strom: yes
[12:23] Pip Torok: just to move V2 a little earlier if possib le?
[12:24] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip
[12:24] Pip Torok: otherwise yes
[12:24] Arria Perreault: thx
[12:24] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:24] Arria Perreault: Rosie and Fern have requested a 7-day vote
[12:25] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items. (non-RA members)
[12:25] Arria Perreault: nobody is in the attendance
[12:25] Arria Perreault: II. INFORMATIONS
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I don’t have any informations
[12:26] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:26] Arria Perreault: nobody is in the attendance. Maybe you have some citizen concerns?
[12:27] Pip Torok: i have talked to 2-3 new citizens … they have general questions but little more … that may change in future
[12:27] Arria Perreault: nice
[12:27] Arria Perreault: do you think we should organize an event to welcome them?
[12:28] Pip Torok: yes … i suggest tanzhaus where ppl can sit ask danc and whatever to music…
[12:28] Arria Perreault: is it your house?
[12:29] Pip Torok: yes … in nfs outside the walls
[12:29] Arria Perreault: nice
[12:29] Arria Perreault: do you care about the music or do you want me I help you?
[12:30] Pip Torok: no thank you .. it is possible we may have naftali there
[12:30] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[12:30] Arria Perreault: any other concerns?
[12:31] Sonja Strom: has there been an announcement about this meeting to the CDS group?
[12:31] Arria Perreault: no soory
[12:31] Sonja Strom: I saw it in the Forum…
[12:31] Arria Perreault: I will do it now
[12:31] Pip Torok: not yet … i wanted to arrange a date with naftali first
[12:31] Sonja Strom: maybe we should make one now.
[12:31] Arria Perreault: in the forum, yes, but not in the group
[12:31] Sonja Strom: oh, sorry, I meant this RA Meeting.
[12:31] Pip Torok: sorry
[12:32] Pip Torok: i’m sure the storm has put most citizens off because of lag
[12:32] Sonja Strom: Arria, will you do that, or would you like for me to do it?
[12:33] You decline Praetorium, Colonia Nova (28, 161, 41) from A group member named Arria Perreault.
[12:33] Sonja Strom: Ah, done ~ thanks
[12:33] Pip Torok:
[12:33] Arria Perreault: the notice has been sent.
[12:34] Arria Perreault: yes, I think that many people are not there because of the storm
[12:34] Pip Torok: and received loud and clear!
[12:34] josjoha Resident: hi everyone !!
[12:34] Arria Perreault: Hi Jos ㋡
[12:34] Pip Torok: hi josjoha
[12:34] Arria Perreault: welcome
[12:34] Sonja Strom: hi jos!
[12:34] josjoha Resident: ty
[12:34] Arria Perreault: we are under CDS concerns
[12:34] Sonja Strom: welcome
[12:35] Pip Torok: weve already done citizens concers jos
[12:35] josjoha Resident: ah oki
[12:35] Arria Perreault: do you have some concerns to express?
[12:35] josjoha Resident thinks
[12:35] Arria Perreault: Hi Mizou?
[12:35] josjoha Resident: nothing special, I hope everyone is in good spirits and healthy of body and mind
[12:35] Pip Torok: hi Mizou
[12:35] Arria Perreault: welcome ㋡
[12:35] Pip Torok: thank you … we do our best
[12:36] Sonja Strom:
[12:36] Arria Perreault: we are under “citizen concerns”
[12:36] josjoha Resident: hey Mizou
[12:36] Arria Perreault: do you have some concerns to express?
[12:36] Sonja Strom: hello Mizou, welcome
[12:36] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Sonja
[12:37] Arria Perreault: no other citizen concerns?
[12:37] josjoha Resident: 2 poseballs on this chair
[12:38] Sonja Strom: hahaa
[12:38] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:38] Pip Torok: (for split personalities perhaps?:)
a. Hippo System: informations sent by the Treasurer
[12:38] josjoha Resident: well .. we had an interesting meeting in the NG of course
[12:38] Sonja Strom: there is no poseball on the seat next to me —
[12:38] Mizou Vavoom nods in agreement
[12:38] Sonja Strom: maybe it could go to there
[12:38] Arria Perreault: Jos, do you want to say something?
[12:39] Sonja Strom considers making a motion about this
[12:39] josjoha Resident: well, … what we call in the Netherlands “taking yourselve seriously”
[12:39] josjoha Resident: (yes i could say a short thing)
[12:39] Arria Perreault: go ahead Jos
[12:39] josjoha Resident: taking yourselve seriously means that if together was made a charter or a groundrules and principles,
[12:40] josjoha Resident: that you will take that prior effort seriously, and not throw it out too easily on an unrelated issue
[12:40] Pip Torok: hi Gwyn!
[12:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: \
[12:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn waves
[12:40] Arria Perreault: Hi Gwyn ㋡
[12:40] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Gwyn
[12:40] josjoha Resident: but then keep to the charter “take your own charter decision serious”
[12:40] Arria Perreault: welcome ㋡
[12:40] Sonja Strom: hi Gwyneth
[12:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe hi all
[12:40] Sonja Strom: we are listening to josjoha
[12:40] josjoha Resident: and if it does not work well, go back to that debate on charters, constitutions and all that ‘big stuff’ and debate it again, and maybe alter it.
[12:41] josjoha Resident: This is what I wanted to say only, I have *no* opinion about whether the NG should be independent or not, just say that “we should take ourselves seriously, if we make charters and principles.” ty and everyone good luck, ty.
[12:41] Arria Perreault: thank you, Jos
[12:42] Sonja Strom: Thank you, Jos . . . I agree.
[12:42] Arria Perreault: does anyone want to say something? (still in citizen concerns)
[12:42] Arria Perreault: (I also agree about this principle, Jos)
[12:43] Pip Torok: yes … my feeling is that the NG shd arrange the sec issie as a matter of highest priority .. for the sake of CDS in general
[12:43] josjoha Resident: Arria, ty, it seems to be quite widely felt; and i really do mean that the debate about NG independence is as far as I am concerned totally in the open.
[12:44] Arria Perreault: yes, I think that it is an issue that has to be solved
[12:44] Sonja Strom: The New Guild does now need to find a new Chairperson. Is there any way we could help with that?
[12:45] Pip Torok: only as individual citizens i suggest
[12:45] Arria Perreault: as RA, I am affraid that we can’t
[12:45] Sonja Strom: makes sense
[12:45] Pip Torok: for example i am encouraging one person to arrange an NG meeting and put himself forward
[12:45] Sonja Strom: ok
[12:46] Arria Perreault: as RA, we can only handle the laws (existing or non-existing laws) about expansion and infrastructure keeping
[12:47] Arria Perreault: I hope that someone will call this meeting
[12:47] Pip Torok: I will check with this person to make sure that at least someone does
[12:47] Arria Perreault: other opinions or concerns?
[12:48] Arria Perreault: thx Pip
a. Hippo System: informations sent by the Treasurer
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Sudane has sent a message to me and she also published an information in the forums
[12:49] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3456&p=17848#p17846
[12:49] Arria Perreault: ‘m going to ask the RA to delay this decision for a few weeks. We are having some serious problems with some of our residents being able to pay their boxes.
[12:49] Arria Perreault: This is the message of Sudane in the forum
[12:50] Arria Perreault: Infortunately, she is not here to give us more informations
[12:50] Mizou Vavoom: For myself the problem has been sorted after about 2 weeks
[12:50] Mizou Vavoom: I presume same for Danton
[12:50] Arria Perreault: Mizou, can you inform us?
[12:51] Arria Perreault: is it solved?
[12:51] Pip Torok: wd it help if you cd tell Sudane how you solved the problem Mizou?
[12:51] Mizou Vavoom: Yes, the Hippo system was not accepting payments for about 2 weeks, i informed sudane and she worked on th eproblem, it is sorted since this week. Thank u
[12:51] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:52] Mizou Vavoom: I didn t solve the problem myself one day it just worked again
[12:52] Pip Torok: so presumably there is simply the implemenattion of Hippo throught CDS
[12:52] Arria Perreault: the question is now? can we vote on Hippo system or not
[12:52] Arria Perreault: ?
[12:52] Pip Torok: (perhaps Sudanic magic behind the scenes?:)
[12:53] Mizou Vavoom: Yes lol
[12:53] Pip Torok: I feel that we can …
[12:53] Arria Perreault: Sonja?
[12:54] Pip Torok: I Propose that the Hippo system be implemented as speedily as practical
[12:54] Arria Perreault: Pip, can we say so?
[12:54] Arria Perreault: Hippo system is implemented in CDS to collect tiers as soon as all technical issues are solved?
[12:55] Pip Torok: its general enough to give carte blanche to all parties imo … and it is noncontroversial
[12:55] Arria Perreault: or do you mean the same?
[12:55] Pip Torok: i mean the same!
[12:55] Pip Torok:
[12:55] Arria Perreault: good
[12:56] Arria Perreault: I need a second for your motion ㋡
[12:56] Sonja Strom: I’m sorry, what was your question for me?
[12:57] Arria Perreault: the question was: can we vote now on Hippo system?
[12:57] Sonja Strom: I could vote on it.
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Pip has made a motion: ” I Propose that the Hippo system be implemented as speedily as practical”
[12:57] Pip Torok: no second to my proposal btw
[12:57] Arria Perreault: and we need a second
[12:58] Sonja Strom: I second
[12:58] Arria Perreault: vote
[12:58] Pip Torok: aye
[12:59] Sonja Strom: aye
[12:59] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:59] Arria Perreault: motion carries
[12:59] Arria Perreault: there are 7-day votes though
[13:00] Arria Perreault: thank you. I will inform Sudane and Tor
[13:00] Arria Perreault: b. CDS asset security issues
[13:00] Arria Perreault: for this question, I really think we need Sudane
[13:00] Arria Perreault: there is a thread in the forum
[13:00] Pip Torok: (if its not too late “practical” in the motion should have been “practicable” .. I hope that didnt change the meaning…
[13:01] Arria Perreault: ok, Pip
[13:02] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3486
[13:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn rwads
[13:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *reads
[13:03] Arria Perreault: Sudane has made a proposal to solve the issue of the CDS assets in case she can’t access the CDS account (Rudeen)
[13:04] Arria Perreault: the solution is a scripted device
[13:04] Arria Perreault: Timo will elp Sudane to program it
[13:04] Arria Perreault: help*
[13:05] Pip Torok: imo I see this as a thoughout and practical SL-based plan that we should encourage
[13:05] Pip Torok: thought-out
[13:05] Arria Perreault: 1. The asset owner will rez a box and place several notecards into it (along with the script). One notecard will have the owner-alt avatar names and passwords. Another notecard will have the following message in it, where the numbered citizens are actual persons designated by the RA:
citizen 1
citizen 2
citizen 3
citizen 4
[13:06] Arria Perreault: 2. The script in the box will detect the asset owner’s presence in SL (Not the alts. If the owner is present, we know that the community has access to the alts). If the owner is not in-world for 2 weeks, the box will send the owner an IM and an email of warning.
[13:06] Arria Perreault: 3. If the owner remains absent for another week, it will send another IM and email of warning.
[13:06] Arria Perreault: 4. If the owner remains absent yet a fourth week, it will IM and email to the owner the final warning. It will also IM the names of the qualified individuals on the notecard the information that they must plan to gather for the password retrieval process. It will also IM to each of them the message with the construction and first part of the password. Any appearance by the owner in world during all this time will reset the timer and stop this process. The timer can also be suspended manually should the owner be on a planned absence from SL for more than a month.
[13:07] Arria Perreault: 5. To accomplish the owner alt password retrieval, after the 4th week timer, all members listed on the notecard must gather together, at the same time, at the box. Any one of them types the password into open chat so that the box can hear. They will then all touch the box, with password and touches all happening within a short time interval, like one minute. Once that happens, the notecard with the secret information will be delivered to all of them. This retrieval process can be refined as the device development proceeds.
[13:07] Arria Perreault: the reactions were positive in the forum
[13:08] Arria Perreault: there was one question about the time of the whole process
[13:08] Arria Perreault: Answer of Sudane: we just keep a US$ balance in Rudeen’s account which will match the timing needs of the rest of the plan
[13:09] Arria Perreault: we have already postpone this issue because Sudane was not there
[13:09] Arria Perreault: do you think we should postpone again?
[13:10] Pip Torok: my feeling is that we regrettable should postpone
[13:10] Arria Perreault: second?
[13:10] Pip Torok: perhaps a proposal encouraging the planning?
[13:10] Sonja Strom: has Sudane said she plans to be here for the discussion in the RA?
[13:11] Arria Perreault: I have asked her to come. I did not get an answer.
[13:11] Arria Perreault: in the same time, she is problably concerned by the storm
[13:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hm. She’s in Irene’s path; maybe she is suffering power losses?
[13:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Right…
[13:11] Pip Torok: (Irene-problems possibly)
[13:11] Sonja Strom: could be
[13:12] Sonja Strom: Does anyone here have anything they want to say about this topic?
[13:12] Arria Perreault: we can discuss, of course
[13:12] Pip Torok: I propose that plannin g on asset security should be encouraged
[13:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn *raises hand* and wonders if she can add anything
[13:13] Arria Perreault: Gwyn, you have the floor
[13:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you
[13:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Pat raised in the forums the concern about security, and hacking and so forth
[13:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, I just wanted to say two things…
[13:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) Timo is not really a newbie in programming. So he’ll do whatever is technically possible to deal with eventual security flaws. And he has teh expertise and knowledge of doing so.
[13:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, sure, there are no 100%-safe solutions,
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and LL can also introduce permission bugs. But — these are very rare!
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Which comes to 2)
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 2) When evaluating what is more safe — not having a fallback plan if some of the asset owners die,
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or being overly worried about hackers and LL permission problems,
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the first case is actually more worrying!
[13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just take a look at the current situation.
[13:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sudane is not dead (hehe) but the storm might have thrown down the power lines
[13:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Imagine that she only logs in in a month or two..
[13:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, an asset owner might really have lots of reasons for not being available
[13:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: To conclude, I’d certainly like to have the RA approve *something* in that area, even if it’s only “official sanctioning” for Timo to finish development and do some tests with the RA and the EXec.
[13:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: That’s it, thank you
[13:17] Pip Torok wonders whether a buddy-system might be practicable
[13:18] Arria Perreault: Gwyn, do you suggest that we should first give the go to start the developement and then approve the final script when tested?
[13:18] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[13:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well I personalluy don’t know if Timo has done any pºublic demos yet… has he?
[13:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: He might also be concerned that he starts on such a project without any sanctioning… it could be a waste of time for him
[13:19] Arria Perreault: as far as I know, he did not
[13:20] Arria Perreault: I think also that we should approved twice: launc and final product
[13:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: But with at least some nice patting on the back from official sources, he’ll know that we’re taking the suggestion seriously and that he’s most welcome to develop a prototype
[13:20] Arria Perreault: Sonja, you have the floor
[13:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (sorry — I’ll hiush now…. I need to have dinner anyway — and will return as soon as possible ㋡ )
[13:20] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[13:20] Pip Torok agrees with gwyn
[13:20] Sonja Strom: thank you, Gwyn!
[13:21] Sonja Strom: bon apetite!
[13:21] Arria Perreault: bye Gwyn ㋡
[13:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I’ll be right back
[13:21] Sonja Strom: I am very thankful for all of the thought and work that has gone into this issue.
[13:21] Sonja Strom: Not the least of thanks should go to Sudane and Timo for all they have put into it.
[13:21] Sonja Strom: In principle I agree with the concepts,
[13:22] Sonja Strom: but I also do wonder about hacking.
[13:22] Sonja Strom: For example, around a year ago I had the experience of my entire inventory being copied by a bot, out of my control.
[13:22] Sonja Strom: I reported this to Linden Lab immediately.
[13:22] Pip Torok: !!
[13:23] Sonja Strom: I also talked with Gwyneth about it, to better know how I should respond –
[13:23] Sonja Strom: probably she will remember.
[13:23] Sonja Strom: I am fairly sure LL did something with the information, but I’m not sure what – I never received any response from anyone about it.
[13:23] Sonja Strom: I think what Gwyneth has said about security issues makes sense, but things also change over time.
[13:23] Sonja Strom: Even if now a system could be almost completely secure, if no changes were made in it that might no longer be the case two years from now.
[13:24] Sonja Strom: Maybe we can work this all out in a way that makes sense, so I really am in support of the concept.
[13:24] Sonja Strom: All of this said, I also wonder if another way to approach this concept would be for there to be an Assistant Treasurer.
[13:24] Pip Torok: (hi Tor)
[13:24] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[13:24] Sonja Strom: Hi Tor.
[13:24] Arria Perreault: Hi Tor
[13:24] Mizou Vavoom: hi tor
[13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Everyone.
[13:25] Arria Perreault: we are takling about the proposal of Sudane about security assets
[13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: oh ok
[13:26] Arria Perreault: thank you Sonja
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Her plan is a good one, but naturally has to be tested.
[13:27] Arria Perreault: now the question is: should we postpone the topic until Sudane can attend the meeting or do you have a motion (like a go to start on subject to test and regualr check)?
[13:27] Pip Torok: AFAIK its also a first for SL …
[13:28] Arria Perreault: I had also the following question: is there any costs or is there a volunteer work?
[13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: I think we should postpone it. I think she has most up to date info on progress made. I think Timo is working on the script. However, I would suggest that we make it madidory that at least by the middle of evey term, the chancellor certify that that the system is working.
[13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: as far as I know nobody has asked for compensation.
[13:29] Arria Perreault: yes, Tor, we have to vote a text in this direction. I tend to postpone the topic too
[13:29] Sonja Strom: Thank you Tor, that makes sense.
[13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: good
[13:29] Arria Perreault: I just need a motion and a second
[13:30] Sonja Strom: anyone else here want to say anything about this subject?
[13:30] Pip Torok: I propose a motion along the lines of Tor’s suggestion
[13:30] Sonja Strom: I move this RA discussion be continued to the next meeting.
[13:31] Arria Perreault: I have 2 motions now ㋡
[13:31] Sonja Strom: what is the first motion?
[13:31] Pip Torok: (deadly embrace of motions!:)
[13:31] Arria Perreault: one is to postpone (Sonja)
[13:31] Tor Karlsvalt:
[13:31] Arria Perreault: Pip suggest that we vote Tor’s proposal, but the text has to be written
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe then we can wait.
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I doubt if this is near completion.
[13:32] Sonja Strom: Tor, do you want us to include any more in this motion than that the discussion be continued to the next meeting?
[13:33] Tor Karlsvalt: no, don’t think so.
[13:33] Sonja Strom: ok
[13:33] Sonja Strom: I second Pip’s motion.
[13:33] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:33] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:33] Pip Torok: aye
[13:33] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:33] Arria Perreault: motions carries
[13:34] Arria Perreault: there are 7-day votes though
[13:34] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:34] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:34] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:34] Pip Torok: mme lra may i present my report now then leave?
[13:35] Arria Perreault: in this case, we can adjourn the meeting
[13:35] Arria Perreault: after you leave, we don’t have quorum anymore
[13:35] Pip Torok: i thought you might wish to discuss issues … but i bow to your decision…
[13:36] Mizou Vavoom i sleaving discreetly
[13:36] Arria Perreault: we can discuss of course, but not vote
[13:36] Tor Karlsvalt: by Mizou
[13:36] Tor Karlsvalt: bye
[13:36] Arria Perreault: bye Mizou ㋡
[13:37] Pip Torok: bye Mizou
[13:37] Arria Perreault: before we adjourn, I am pleased to announce our Chancellor that the RA hs voted the introduction of Hippo System
[13:37] Tor Karlsvalt: oh ok
[13:37] Tor Karlsvalt: it should work out ok
[13:38] Pip Torok: the report is short … first now that we have new citizens can i ask all citizens to welcome them and be sociable to them …
[13:38] Arria Perreault: Mizou told us thtat her issue was solved
[13:38] Sonja Strom: ok
[13:38] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[13:38] Pip Torok: second I am arranging a “hello” party and will give details later
[13:38] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[13:38] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip, good idea
[13:38] Arria Perreault: we love parties
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, i think we have three new citizens
[13:39] Sonja Strom: yay!
[13:39] Arria Perreault: what are thir names?
[13:39] Arria Perreault: their*
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt: I have met them all and they seem very nice.
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt: one is from Tennesee
[13:39] Pip Torok: thirdly .. i am using the poetry sessions to bring in new citizens but i welcome suggestions from all quarters .. i have a few of my own btw
[13:39] Pip Torok: done
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt: one is from Sweden
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt: and one is from donno
[13:39] Pip Torok: Mothercare Warden
[13:39] Tor Karlsvalt:
[13:40] Arria Perreault: it would be good to have a updated citizen list
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, I agree and we need one soon anyway.
[13:40] Tor Karlsvalt: oh we are planning Oktoberfest
[13:40] Arria Perreault: Sudane told me it’s easy to do with Hippo System
[13:40] Arria Perreault: great news, Tor
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: have Damian Carbonell, Noma Falta and Savannah Coronet lined up
[13:41] Pip Torok: if all agree, I will take my leave now …
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: and Cindy hopfully Naf
[13:41] Arria Perreault: yes, Pip
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: ok pip see u in a bit
[13:41] Arria Perreault: I will come too
[13:41] Pip Torok: thank you goodbye
[13:41] Arria Perreault: (with some french texts)
[13:41] Sonja Strom: bye Pip
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: I have feelers out for a traditional german folk dj or act
[13:42] Pip Torok: ah ..!
[13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: seems those are hard to come by.
[13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: well I have an idea for a french singer btw
[13:42] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: heard her at the norwegian memorial earlier this month.
[13:42] Sonja Strom:
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I tried my darnest to get Tiroler Eck but they just don’t respond
[13:43] Arria Perreault: I have maybe some names. can I give them?
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Anyone hear of Max Kleeze
[13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I think he is german, but does jazz.
[13:43] Arria Perreault: no
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: well we are planning a parade to open the event on sat Sept 24th
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: start at the Quay
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: mostly walking
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: costumes flags etc
[13:44] Sonja Strom: Max Kleene I know a little.
[13:44] Tor Karlsvalt: we want to get moon to be the grand Marshall
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: then on the platz we have a little ceremony
[13:45] You decline Club Bella Luz ~ Windy Shores, Windy Shores (177, 155, 22) from A group member named guapitaa Eternal.
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Rosie made a really nice medal for her.
[13:45] Sonja Strom: great!
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: i thnk I have it.
[13:45] Arria Perreault: great
[13:45] Arria Perreault: Pip has to make the speech
[13:45] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:46] Arria Perreault: in the name of the RA
[13:46] Tor Karlsvalt: can you guys cam on the table I rezzed it there
[13:46] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:46] Sonja Strom: I see it.
[13:47] Sonja Strom: It looks very nice
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe we should desplay it here for a bit before or after
[13:47] Sonja Strom: also quite Bavarian, but I guess that makes sense
[13:47] Tor Karlsvalt a accepté votre envoi.
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: it looks good pinned to someone
[13:48] Sonja Strom: I can imagine that, yes.
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: I’ll admitt on the table there it is sort of small
[13:48] Arria Perreault: It’s only a suggestion. I got a request from the manager. The singer has made a concernt in the Amphitheater in the past. She is good.
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: well we wanted to move some events around.
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Anna wants to do a bumpercar concert with cindy and naf.
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: I guess that went very well last year.
[13:49] Arria Perreault: nice medal
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: the wildcard is Naf.
[13:50] Sonja Strom: yes, it was fun last year
[13:50] Arria Perreault: elegant even, with the ribbon
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: If I can I might just have a 20s-30s waltz night at the old bowl terrace
[13:51] Arria Perreault: Tor, can I have a pic of the medal? I will open a page on the Portal (Hall of Fame)
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: oh good idea
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I wonder if Rosie has a good pic.
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: or maybe we can put it on a pillow or something.
[13:52] Arria Perreault: yes, good suggestion
[13:52] Tor Karlsvalt: we could desplay it here
[13:52] Tor Karlsvalt: make a case for it.
[13:52] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[13:52] Tor Karlsvalt: so the ball will be the 2nd of Oct.
[13:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Calli will dj.
[13:53] Tor Karlsvalt: i think that was set for noon or one slt.
[13:53] Arria Perreault: can you publish all dates on the forums: Oktoberfest, ball, …
[13:53] Tor Karlsvalt: we want to have events so europeans and N Americans can come.
[13:53] Tor Karlsvalt: sure, I still want to fill in some
[13:54] Tor Karlsvalt: oh we are going to do a ballon fest
[13:54] Arria Perreault: maybe the start and the end
[13:54] Tor Karlsvalt: anna wants to do sort of a warmup and then a race from LA to the high tower on the schloss.
[13:54] Arria Perreault: I am in holidays from 8th to 14th oct
[13:55] Tor Karlsvalt: oh lucky you
[13:55] Tor Karlsvalt: i love Oct. but alas I have to do ratings that month
[13:55] Arria Perreault: maybe I will miss a part of Oktoberfest
[13:55] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[13:56] Tor Karlsvalt: we are doing from the 24th through the 2nd
[13:56] Arria Perreault: good
[13:56] Tor Karlsvalt: I think the real one in Munich is from the 13th to the 3rd.
[13:56] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we move to the Taverna to join Pip
[13:56] Sonja Strom: I second
[13:56] Tor Karlsvalt: oh yes, almost time
[13:56] Arria Perreault: I have to find out my texts ㋡
[13:56] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[13:57] Arria Perreault: thank you for all these informations Tor
[13:57] Arria Perreault: I will publish the transcript until now
[13:57] Tor Karlsvalt: see you down in LA
[13:58] Arria Perreault: see you
3 aye
Vote subject to 7-day votes
3 aye
Vote subject to 7-day votesRA Meeting 9 September 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
a. CDS asset security issues (20 min)
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
[12:03] Arria Perreault: can we start?
[12:03] Fern Leissa: Yeah.. I know the feelin
[12:03] Fern Leissa: Yes Arria Great
[12:03] Arria Perreault: Rosie and Sonja have asked for a 7-day vote
[12:03] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:04] josjoha Resident: ty
[12:04] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN (10 min)
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:04] Pip Torok: I imagine most citizens are “celebrating” ..
[12:04] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the current agenda? do you want to add something?
[12:04] Fern Leissa: I am find with the agenda as is
[12:04] Arria Perreault: Pip?
[12:05] Pip Torok: yes
[12:05] Pip Torok: i agree with the agenda
[12:05] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:05] Arria Perreault: Sonja and Rosie have asked for a 7-day vote
[12:05] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Jos have asked to speak ㋡
[12:06] josjoha Resident: aye o/
[12:06] Fern Leissa:
[12:06] Arria Perreault: II. INFORMATIONS
a. CDS Portal update
[12:06] josjoha Resident: hi Callip
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Hi Calli
[12:06] Callipygian Christensen: hi hi
[12:06] Fern Leissa: Hi Calli
[12:06] Arria Perreault: I have an information about the CDS portal
[12:06] Pip Torok: hi calli
[12:07] Arria Perreault: as you know, Trebor wanted to talk about the CDS portal and this point was in the agenda of the last meeting.
[12:08] Arria Perreault: Then Mizou has volunteered to create a new design for the CDS Portal
[12:08] Arria Perreault: we had a first meeting that I attented
[12:08] Arria Perreault: it was very good
[12:09] Arria Perreault: then Mizou has proposed a design
[12:09] Arria Perreault: the link is in the forums
[12:10] Fern Leissa: Thank you Arria. I did see the discussion about a new web portal but did not realize there was a link to Mizou’s design
[12:10] Fern Leissa: This is a great community effort and I’m happy to see it moving along so smoothly
[12:11] Pip Torok: Do we know when the new-style portal will go into operation?
[12:11] Pip Torok: (agree!)
[12:11] Arria Perreault: sorry the link i in Facebook
[12:11] Arria Perreault: there was a second meeting that I could not attent
[12:11] Fern Leissa: Ah..tx. I’ll check there
[12:12] josjoha Resident:
[12:12] Arria Perreault: thank you Jos
[12:12] josjoha Resident: ty Arria
[12:12] Pip Torok: what is this jos?
[12:13] Arria Perreault: the prototype for the future portal
[12:13] josjoha Resident: The link to the design by Mizou, if you pardon my interruption.
[12:13] Pip Torok: ah!
[12:13] Arria Perreault: she is working with WordPress. It means that we will have to migrate our contents to a new system
[12:14] Pip Torok: I suppose our contents will be moved but that we ourselves wont need to move it, madame lra?
[12:14] Arria Perreault: Pip, I don’t know yeat
[12:15] Arria Perreault: I think that it is the opportunity to update contents and to improve them (re-write)
[12:15] Arria Perreault: I hope that it will be possible to migrate some other like the code of law quite automatically
[12:16] Arria Perreault: for the moment no RA action is needed
[12:16] Arria Perreault: every citizen can give an opinion about the design
[12:16] Arria Perreault: question?
[12:17] Fern Leissa: None from me
[12:17] Pip Torok: only that i approve any pictorial design provided that the portal is as functional if not more than the old one
[12:18] Arria Perreault: ok Pip
[12:18] Arria Perreault: We can thank Mizou for her work
[12:18] Arria Perreault: and follow the developement of the project
[12:18] Pip Torok: can that be from the whole of the RA, mme lra?
[12:19] Arria Perreault: I don’t understand the question?
[12:19] Pip Torok: (the thanks to Mizou i meant)
[12:19] Arria Perreault: yes ㋡
[12:19] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Jos have asked to speak
[12:20] Arria Perreault: Jos you have the floor
[12:20] josjoha Resident: Thank you Arria:
[12:20] josjoha Resident: Today I made a design for a 256x256m simulator, link: It is not specifically made for CDS, but it could be a design for another sim. It has 50 plots of 10×10, and has a unique history to it back to pre-history and geological time. The design can be used with any Government system. Merely wanted to put it out, may be fun to do. I would of course enjoy it to assist in building it !
[12:21] josjoha Resident: That’s it, thank you.
[12:21] Pip Torok: jos, will you be keeping it until we can make an assessment/
[12:22] Pip Torok: ?
[12:22] josjoha Resident: Of course, that page will be there for years.
[12:22] Arria Perreault: thank you, Jos
[12:22] josjoha Resident: Everyone who enjoys this design or a derivative: feel free to use it, it’s yours.
[12:23] Pip Torok: ok … but imo its more appropriate if all citizens separately assess it then give their opinion via the Forums …
[12:23] Pip Torok: thank you!
[12:23] josjoha Resident:
[12:23] Fern Leissa: I assume we can contact you if we have questions jos?
[12:23] josjoha Resident: Of course, but this is only a design – which I of course can attempt to build – but I have no resources to buy anything.
[12:24] Pip Torok: btw jos does the design include a recommendation of its placing vis a vis the 5 sims?
[12:24] josjoha Resident: It seemed that it might be south below Monestary ?
[12:24] Arria Perreault: I find your idea interesting (I have studied archaeology and anthropology in the past)
[12:24] josjoha Resident: the roads would roughly go there, but I have not yet looked into that properly, though if you want me i will.
[12:24] Arria Perreault: Hi Delia
[12:24] Fern Leissa: Hi Delia
[12:25] josjoha Resident: Hi Delia
[12:25] Pip Torok: hi Delia!
[12:25] DeliaLake Beaumont: Hi everyone
[12:25] Fern Leissa: Did you remarry Delia? You have a new last name?
[12:25] josjoha Resident: There are some steep ground alevations in CDS, but with a different ground water setting a lot should be possible
[12:25] Pip Torok: (double-barrelled names seem to be all the rage!
[12:25] Fern Leissa chuchote : Sorry jos
[12:25] DeliaLake Beaumont: lol, an alt today
[12:26] josjoha Resident: Fern ? sup
[12:26] Fern Leissa: I interruped you
[12:26] Fern Leissa: Sorry
[12:26] josjoha Resident: oh np
[12:27] josjoha Resident: I will look into the placement, I will enjoy doing it and write a report in the page.
[12:27] Pip Torok: you realise of course jos that we are making no commitment at this stage?
[12:27] Arria Perreault: South Monastery is high in the mountains
[12:27] Arria Perreault: the water will be a lake
[12:27] josjoha Resident: Pip, of course, I fully understand and assume absolutely nothing.
[12:28] josjoha Resident: Arria, yes, that was also the idea.
[12:28] Arria Perreault: Jos, there is a formal process to propose a new sim
[12:28] josjoha Resident: Arria, ah ok, I didn’t know – and don’t really have a sim, it’s only a design for one.
[12:28] Arria Perreault: we have two ways: either the proposal come from the CDS or from a private person
[12:29] Arria Perreault: ok. I just inform you
[12:29] Fern Leissa: Hi Zoe Welcome to CDS
[12:29] josjoha Resident: I know that Cleo also wants small plots, and ppl seem to like very cheap spots – if we did this void and 50 plots i suppose that is about as cheap as you can get ??
[12:29] Zoe Foodiboo: Hi everyone’
[12:29] josjoha Resident: Hi Zoe
[12:29] Arria Perreault: Hi Zoe
[12:30] Arria Perreault: welcome in the representative assembly of CDS
[12:30] josjoha Resident: I thought it could just be a void sim, with 30-40 prims per home.
[12:30] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:30] Pip Torok: but dont forget that the looknfeel is paramount jos
[12:30] josjoha Resident: Still 125,- dollars a month or so seems like a lot of money to me
[12:31] Arria Perreault: I suggest that you paste the link in the forums to ask for feedback
[12:31] josjoha Resident: Oki Arria, ty.
[12:31] josjoha Resident: I’m not really pushing for this, just thought it is an idea.
[12:31] josjoha Resident: ty
[12:32] Arria Perreault: thank you, Jos ㋡
[12:32] Arria Perreault: any other concern?
[12:32] Arria Perreault: if it is not the case, I suggest that we move to the next point
a. CDS asset security issues (20 min)
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Infortunately Sudane is not here
[12:34] Fern Leissa: I would really like to hear from Sudane… so perhaps we should postpone again
[12:34] Arria Perreault: we have already discussed this point during the last meeting
[12:34] Arria Perreault: yes, Fern
[12:34] Pip Torok: seconded (if thats a proposa
[12:34] Arria Perreault: vote
[12:34] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:34] Pip Torok: aye
[12:34] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:34] Arria Perreault: motion carried
[12:35] Arria Perreault: there is also 2 7-days votes
[12:35] Arria Perreault: I will write to Sudane to make sure that she comes
[12:35] Fern Leissa:
[12:35] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS
[12:36] Arria Perreault: there is no new items
[12:36] Pip Torok: before we go on mme lra?
[12:36] Arria Perreault: Pip
[12:37] Pip Torok: may i suggest that we all formulate question to put to sudane before the next meeting … it wd be to everyones benefit
[12:37] Arria Perreault: good idea
[12:37] Fern Leissa: agree
[12:37] Arria Perreault: in the forums?
[12:37] Pip Torok: yes
[12:37] Arria Perreault: good
[12:37] Arria Perreault: there is already a thread
[12:37] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we continue it
[12:38] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3486
[12:39] Fern Leissa: yes please
[12:39] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS
[12:39] Arria Perreault: there is no new item for today
[12:41] Arria Perreault: RA members and citizen are allowed to make proposals to the the RA by publishing in the forums or by writing to the LRA (a reminder)
[12:41] Arria Perreault: V. Reports of RA members about the priorities of the term
[12:41] Arria Perreault: do you have something to report?
[12:41] Pip Torok: yes mme lra
[12:41] Arria Perreault: Pip
[12:43] Pip Torok: first i take cali’s point about the calibre of citizen to be our ideal … in short able to debate without fear or favour but who can give ear to other ideas and to consider everything deeply
[12:43] Callipygian Christensen frowns
[12:43] Pip Torok: second .. i had hoped th poetry session and gwyns talk may bring possible new recruits but that has not apparently yet happened
[12:44] Pip Torok: so .. i will advertise the poetry session far more widely …
[12:44] Pip Torok: i have promised help from other poetry groups
[12:45] Arria Perreault: you can announce the poetry event in SL events list
[[12:45] Pip Torok: btw poetry groups are known to have ppl who are both deepthinkers and good speakers
[12:45] Pip Torok: and last
[12:46] Pip Torok: i propose to make a representation to caledon ONCE i have permission from this who can give it
[12:46] Pip Torok: done
[12:47] Pip Torok: questions?
[12:47] Arria Perreault: My suggestion: what has to be discussed can be discussed in a commission (for example the profile of future citizen)
[12:47] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[12:47] Fern Leissa: me/ raises hand
[12:47] Fern Leissa:
[12:47] Arria Perreault: you can also come with proposal (like the representation in Caledon). I suggest that you start is the forum
[12:47] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:47] Pip Torok: very true … certainly with trebor who has expressed interest and all other are welcome
[12:47] Fern Leissa: Calli first?
[12:48] Arria Perreault: sorry
[12:48] Arria Perreault: Calli, you have the floor
[12:48] Callipygian Christensen: Just to clarify, Pip – your interpretation of my comment goes further than I intende
[12:48] Pip Torok: ah … cd you correct me plse?
[12:49] Callipygian Christensen: MY point was that CDS isn’t the place where people who just want a pretty house and somone keeping the lawns trimmed is going to a) last long or b) actually participate..
[12:49] Pip Torok: fair enough, thank you
[12:49] Callipygian Christensen: so I was suggesting more that advertising and promotion be more specific to people or groups most likely to want to be here and involved, than a shotgun approach of ‘hey everyone, come live here’
[12:49] Callipygian Christensen: done
[12:50] Pip Torok: right … and my report i hope implies that tendency
[12:50] Callipygian Christensen: (and I didn’t mean to fully cap the ‘my’ lol..was a typo’
[12:51] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:51] Fern Leissa: Ty Arria
[12:52] Fern Leissa: I think I would still prefer indiscriminate recruitment. I would prefer the boadest group of interests..
[12:52] Fern Leissa: I am also hopefull that some that didn’t even know they were interested.. and come for land or whatever
[12:52] Fern Leissa: Find themselves interested after a while.
[12:52] Fern Leissa: done
[12:53] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:53] Arria Perreault: well I am a bit shared between both positions
[12:53] Pip Torok: I see what you mean fern .. my opinion is that committed citizens have a divergence of interest quite apart from their ideal of a democratic approach
[12:54] Arria Perreault: I think it woul be a good thing to define the profil of potentially interested poeple
[12:54] Zoe Foodiboo: Thank you for having me, everyone. I must dash.
[12:54] Pip Torok: the problem with “late” converts imo Fern is that theyll stay “unconverted” ie apathetic to elections and voting
[12:54] Arria Perreault: thank you, Zoe
[12:54] Fern Leissa: I do not want a “club of like-minded” pp. I think that defeats the purpose of CDs
[12:55] Fern Leissa: Bye Zoe
[12:55] Fern Leissa: That is my concern
[12:55] Pip Torok: yes … but then independence of mind will always tend against a “club2 atmosphere, no?
[12:56] Fern Leissa:
[12:56] Callipygian Christensen: I wasn’t really suggesting only like-minded people Fern…just trying to consider what is the most effectiv way to promote and also retain
[12:57] DeliaLake Beaumont raises her hand
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Delia
[12:57] DeliaLake Beaumont: I’m thinking that Calli is raising an important point
[12:58] Pip Torok: i wd suggest 3 things : 1) a LIKEABLE Community 2) a locality with our current look n feel 3) a trasparent democratic process in ope ration
[12:59] Pip Torok: if we can show these 3 things i think our best chance is there…
[12:59] DeliaLake Beaumont: that people who are just looking to “hang their hat, or bed” rather than being part of a community will probably not become active citizens
[12:59] Pip Torok: exactly Delia
[12:59] Arria Perreault: I agree
[12:59] Fern Leissa: huum… may I address that point?
[13:00] Arria Perreault: I have to admit though that I had no idea about the democratic institutions of CDS when I bought a house here. I got interested later.
[13:00] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:00] Fern Leissa: That’s what I was going to say Arria. I bought land here because there was a nice bookstore in NFS and I wanted to live by a river
[13:01] Pip Torok: hi alexia
[13:01] Alexia Carnell waves
[13:01] Fern Leissa: But… after meeting pp… well… I got interested and stayed
[13:01] Fern Leissa: Hi Alexia
[13:01] Arria Perreault: Hi Alexia
[13:02] Alexia Carnell waves to all
[13:02] Arria Perreault: some poeple come for the institutions, some others for the landscapes and some for the themes
[13:03] Pip Torok: so can I conclude that we emphasise that fact of our democracy and let ppl come around instantly or slowly according to their wishes?
[13:03] Arria Perreault: we can have different target group
[13:03] Fern Leissa: Yes so.. we need to be careful not to target to narrowly. Takes all kinds. Course some of you may wish I weren’t here lol
[13:04] Arria Perreault: Pip, I wonder if we should not have a marketing commission which could address these issues and give directions to the executive
[13:04] Pip Torok: talking of themes, Mizou and i agree about a possible new theme … more in the Forums
[13:05] Pip Torok: certainly mme lra .. tho i hope this does not delay our recruitment per se
[13:05] Arria Perreault: of course
[13:05] Arria Perreault: are you finished Pip?
[13:06] Pip Torok: yes
[13:06] Arria Perreault: I have made some reflexions about the animations of the sims
[13:06] Arria Perreault: I want to share them before to start a discussion in the forum
[13:06] Arria Perreault: until now we had the regional commissions
[13:07] Arria Perreault: they are both sleepy now for different reasons
[13:07] Arria Perreault: I have tried to think about a more dynamic way to encourage the organization of events
[13:08] Arria Perreault: I think that we have to encourage private initiatives
[13:09] Arria Perreault: Pip is organizing these nice poetry events and he had also make an event to welcome new citizen
[13:09] Arria Perreault: Gwyn is thinking to make an event to talk about democracy
[13:09] Arria Perreault: there is probably other initiatives
[13:10] Arria Perreault: we should make a mecanism that allow the Executive to help these citizen to organize their events
[13:11] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:11] Arria Perreault: a. by by helping (land, promotion, attribution of public prims, …)
[13:11] Arria Perreault: and also to attribute them some money to help to pay a musician
[13:11] Arria Perreault: (this is the b.)
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Citizen could apply to request some help (financial or material)
[13:12] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Pip is first, the Calli
[13:12] Pip Torok: right …
[13:13] Pip Torok: imo the exec can BOTH initiate dances with money attributed to them and with musicians of their own choice
[13:13] Pip Torok: AND help out private initiateves ..
[13:14] Pip Torok: secondly private initiatives by their very nature dont normally need public encouragement ;0
[13:14] Pip Torok: done
[13:14] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:15] Callipygian Christensen: Much as i am a big supporter of live music and DJs in SL, paying money for them as a way to attract residents is, imo, a very expensive method with low results
[13:16] Callipygian Christensen: They make an event lively, no doubt, but if you are seeing this as money spent on musicisans = new residents, a better investment might be a banner ad on the SL marketplace or on one of the other SL specific sites
[13:16] Pip Torok raises hand to answer call’s point
[13:17] Arria Perreault: Calli, the goals of events are not only to attract new residents. Current residents appreciate them and maybe stay longer in our community
[13:17] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:17] Pip Torok: i was about to make that verym point mme lra
[13:18] Callipygian Christensen: I agree Pip – and maybe its just hairsplittting..I’d see that as a budget item of ‘enhancing the sims’, not part of promoting new residents
[13:18] Callipygian Christensen: sorry.that was a reply to Arria
[13:18] Arria Perreault: I am not only thinking to live music and DJ, Calli
[13:18] Callipygian Christensen: then its a reply to you too Pip
[13:18] Fern Leissa: May I comment next mme LRA?
[13:18] Pip Torok:
[13:18] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:18] Fern Leissa: ty
[13:19] Fern Leissa: I agree with Calli that DJ’s and music does not seem to be an effective way of recruiting new citizens
[13:19] Fern Leissa: I do however like the idea you are putting forth
[13:19] Fern Leissa: That we should welcome and support private efforts to enliven our sims
[13:20] Fern Leissa: I especially think the govt could be helpful in terms of publicity for an event
[13:20] Fern Leissa: But also maybe we could have some sort of mini grant program where you apply for supplemental funding or prims for your event
[13:21] Fern Leissa: done
[13:21] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:21] Arria Perreault: I will start a thread in the forums about this question
[13:21] Fern Leissa: Good
[13:21] Arria Perreault: next point: VI. Informations from the Executive team
[13:22] Arria Perreault: I did not get any information from Tor
[13:22] Arria Perreault: I just know that CDS is now in the SL Destination Guide
[13:22] Arria Perreault: which is a good thing
[13:23] Pip Torok: i have given copies of Tors intro to CDS to around 3 dozen visitors
[13:23] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[13:23] Fern Leissa: wow
[13:24] Arria Perreault: There is also a thread from Trebor in the forums about Oktoberfest
[13:24] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3523
[13:25] Arria Perreault: MoCA will open a new exhibition for Oktoberfest
[13:25] Arria Perreault: VII. Concerns of RA Members
[13:26] Arria Perreault: any point?
[13:26] Pip Torok: (wd welcome the inclusion of links to every exhibit in MoCa)
[13:26] Fern Leissa: I have one though it is not really an ra issue
[13:26] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:27] Fern Leissa: The NG. I know there was some discussion about a citizens meeting of the NG to get things restarted and elect a new Director
[13:27] Fern Leissa: I don’t believe anything has happened
[13:28] Fern Leissa: Is there any thing we can do to get things moving again?
[13:28] Fern Leissa: That’s my concern
[13:28] Pip Torok: istrongly agree .. in fact imo that is the overridingly urgent issue currently in CDS
[13:29] Pip Torok: without an NG we are rudderless
[13:29] Arria Perreault: the only thing we can do as RA is to discuss about the way CDS is handling the replacement of infrastructure or its expansion. Is it through a NGO or a governmental organization.
[13:30] Pip Torok: we do not plan … we do not review building standards … we are in danger of becoming a sprawl
[13:30] Arria Perreault: not the RA, Pip
[13:30] Arria Perreault: an other governmental organization
[13:30] Pip Torok: we being CDS in general, not the RA
[13:31] Arria Perreault: I think that the Guild (the first one) was a banch of the government
[13:31] Arria Perreault: branch*
[13:32] Fern Leissa: So… it remains for us as private citizens to try and move things forward? That is our only option?
[13:32] Pip Torok: well if the indeterminacy of its status is the root cause, lets settle it ASAP
[13:32] Arria Perreault: yes, I think
[13:32] Pip Torok: and to urge the SC to make a more productive decision
[13:32] Arria Perreault: Pip, we can put this question in the agenda of the RA, if you want
[13:33] Pip Torok: thank you, mme lra
[13:33] Fern Leissa: Somehow.. this seems a serious problem. As sim development is an important part of any community.
[13:34] Arria Perreault: do you want me I add this point in the agenda of the next meeting, Pip?
[13:34] Fern Leissa: I would like to put this on the agenda as a point of discussion Arria.
[13:34] Callipygian Christensen raies her hand
[13:34] Pip Torok: yes please, mme lra
[13:34] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:34] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:35] Callipygian Christensen: Pip, could you clarify what you mean by the SC making a more productive decision – is there something before the SC right now that has not been publicized?
[13:36] Pip Torok: yes … the decision to state that it is a “private grouping” in effect leaves us all in the air ..
[13:36] Pip Torok: as you can see, it became a stalemate
[13:36] Pip Torok: the best qualified sec was disallowed
[13:37] Callipygian Christensen: That is not the SC’s problem ..and I don’t believe you want the SC to start basing decisions on what is most convenient.
[13:37] Pip Torok: wihout a further footing imo there is no chance of anyone coming forward (i myself asked 2 ppl)
[13:39] Pip Torok: well then … i hope the sc will recognise that the future direction of CDS IS a concern for them
[13:39] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we discuss the question of the NG in the next meeting
[13:39] DeliaLake Beaumont raises her hand
[13:39] Arria Perreault: Delia
[13:39] Callipygian Christensen: It seems that RA could ask a citizen to call a meeting of theNG with the specific purpose of identifying or electing a new person
[13:39] Pip Torok: sorry mme lra you are quite right
[13:40] Arria Perreault: on which base can we do that, Calli?
[13:40] Callipygian Christensen: Because , as Pip says, it is needed and you are the ask someone.
[13:40] Fern Leissa: I have to agree w/ Arria. I’m not sure we have the authority Calli
[13:41] Fern Leissa: We could revoke the charter possibly in that we granted it…. but
[13:41] Pip Torok: but then if WE do not have the authority, _who- does?
[13:41] Fern Leissa: That’s the problem
[13:41] DeliaLake Beaumont: Point of clarification re the SC and the Guild. The Guild is a nongovernment agency not a government one. So the SC referred the matter of Guild Sec back to the Guild. Their election may have been in violation of their own documents but not a violation of the CDS government rules and regulations
[13:42] Fern Leissa: We have not had a smooth transition of authority w/in the NG, a private organization
[13:42] DeliaLake Beaumont: The guild has every right to modify/amend their own documents or to make exceptions to them
[13:43] Arria Perreault: we will discuss this question in 2 weeks
[13:44] Arria Perreault: other RA members concerns?
[13:45] Arria Perreault: VIII. Announcements
[13:45] Arria Perreault: any announcements?
[13:46] Arria Perreault: I don’t have
[13:46] Arria Perreault: IX. Adjournment
[13:46] Pip Torok: so move
[13:46] Callipygian Christensen: that the meeting is over I have a suggestion
[13:46] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:47] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:47] Pip Torok: aye
[13:46] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:47] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:47] Pip Torok: aye
[13:47] Arria Perreault: Calli (out of transcript?)
[13:47] Callipygian Christensen: well i was afk and missed the call for closing so it will have to be
[13:48] Arria Perreault: what is your suggestion?
[13:48] Callipygian Christensen: You can include it as an addendum if you wish
[13:48] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:48] Callipygian Christensen: Arria, you attended the guild meeting and spoke eloquently as to conflict etc, resulting in Rosie’s resignation..did you do that as a private citizen?
[13:49] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[13:49] Callipygian Christensen: Then as a private citizen, why can you not call a meeting of the NG and post an agenda of a call for a seretary?
[13:49] Callipygian Christensen: secretary even, if I could type
[13:50] Arria Perreault: every citizen can call this meeting, I think
[13:51] Callipygian Christensen: Or for that matter, anyone of themebers of RA (except Rosie) and get things moving that way?
[13:51] Callipygian Christensen: Ok Arria, then the point is, it isnt the RA interfering or stepping out of its mandate if any one of you gets this rolling.
[13:52] Arria Perreault: we can all do this as private person and citizen
[13:53] Pip Torok: i see an anomaly here … rosie cannot be NG Sec and RA member, but Arria (an RA member) can be a private citizen at an NG meeting
[13:53] Fern Leissa: She would not be holding office Pip. This is a NG Charter rule
[13:54] Callipygian Christensen: of such things are democracy made Pip, lol, I am just trying to point out that since anyone can do this, just do it, or ask someone to
[13:54] Pip Torok: but every private citizen has a vote and therefore a place in the NG
[13:54] Pip Torok: point taken, Calli
[13:55] Arria Perreault: Calli, we have hear you and everyone can make a decision to do it or not privately
[13:55] Arria Perreault: Fern and Pip, do you agree that I add this point in the transcript?
[13:55] Fern Leissa: Good point Calli. And I think that is where we should go. But I remain concerned that we cannot require a pp to organize in the same way we could if this were under the responsibility of the ra
[13:55] Pip Torok: I agree
[13:55] Fern Leissa: yes Arria
[13:55] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:55] Fern Leissa: It seems like we need to fix this problem as well
[13:56] Fern Leissa: Not that the Ra take over… I’m not suggesting that
[13:56] Callipygian Christensen: No, not require..just ask
[13:57] Fern Leissa: I will. Privately I will ask Guillaume. He expressed an interest in calling a meeting
[13:57] Callipygian Christensen: There you go
[13:58] DeliaLake Beaumont: According to the rules of the NG Rosie cannot be both Sec and RA. But there is nothing in the constitution that prevents an RA from being also NG Sec. the issue as I recall was that the NG felt that indepence from the government was important so that their proposals would be artistically and functionally responsible
[13:59] Arria Perreault: Delia, can I also add that remark in the transcript?
[13:59] Callipygian Christensen: I think the issue now Delia is that everyone is waiting for someone else to call a meeting, since no one and everyone has the authority to do so.
[14:00] Callipygian Christensen: If Fern asks Guille, and he calls the meeting, that gets things moving
[14:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: who can call one?
[14:00] DeliaLake Beaumont: yes, you may Arria
[14:00] Fern Leissa: Hi CLEO. Didn’t see you come in
[14:01] Arria Perreault: thank you
[14:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Hi:)
[14:01] Arria Perreault: Hi Cleo
[14:01] Arria Perreault: I will stop the transcript here, as I have to go soon
[14:01] Arria Perreault: and we are adjourned
The RA postpones the point “CDS asset security issues” to the next meeting, as Sudane Erato is not present at the meeting
The following points will be put on the agenda of the next meeting:
– The status of the New Guild as organization responsible of infrastructure’s improvements and expansionRA Meeting 25 September 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.II. INFORMATIONS
a. CDS asset security issues (20 min)
– Encouragement for the organization of events through initiative of citizen
– The status of the New Guild as organization responsible of infrastructure’s improvements and expansion
– The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
The Administrator manages the whole portal, the plug ins, theme, widgets, and the picture gallery on the home page.
The Administrator names an another responsible if unable to work on the portal for more then two weeks.
The Administrator is responsible to provide a regular backup of the portal.
The Administrator has access to the blog.
The Editor has an access to the blog.
[12:01] Pip Torok: no … am becoming more american by the day dammit!
[12:02] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:02] Pip Torok: (must be something in the water)
[12:02] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:02] Rosie Gray: (hic)
[12:02] Rosie Gray: thank you
[12:03] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN (10 min)
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:03] Arria Perreault: Do you agree with this agenda?
[12:04] Pip Torok: one slight possinbility mme lra … i just might be called away for an event crisis ..
[12:04] Pip Torok: but i told them RA comes first!
[12:04] Arria Perreault: ok, Pip
[12:05] Arria Perreault: Fern is online
[12:05] Arria Perreault: I guess she will join us
[12:05] Rosie Gray: we should wait for her
[12:05] Arria Perreault: Encouragement for the organization of events through initiative of citizen
[12:06] Arria Perreault: as I did not yet start thediscussion in the forums about that
[12:06] Pip Torok: speak of the devil!!
[12:06] Arria Perreault: yes, Rosie, I agree
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Fern is here
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Hi Fern
[12:06] Arria Perreault: we are discussing the agenda
[12:06] Rosie Gray: hi Fern
[12:06] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Fern
[12:06] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Hi Rosei?’
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Hi Mizou
[12:07] Rosie Gray: I have a question about the Agenda, Arria
[12:07] josjoha Resident: hi Fern
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Hi jso
[12:07] Fern Leissa: Sorry *jos
[12:08] Arria Perreault: yes, Rosie
[12:08] Rosie Gray: I was wondering about the “Roles of CDS Webportal” at the bottom
[12:08] Rosie Gray: just why that is there
[12:09] Arria Perreault: yes, Mizou has made a request to add this point in the RA Agenda
[12:09] Mizou Vavoom nods
[12:09] Rosie Gray: Okay, but where has this text come from?
[12:09] You decline Cancellation: Damian Carbenell Noon SLT from A group member named Tor Karlsvalt.
[12:10] Arria Perreault: we have worked together to make a a proposal to be discussed in the RA
[12:10] Arria Perreault: Hi Guillaume
[12:10] Fern Leissa: Hi Guillaume
[12:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: Hello all
[12:10] josjoha Resident: hi Guillaume again
[12:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: Here fore a bit
[12:11] Rosie Gray: meanin you and Mizou have worked together? Sorry but this seems like it is more than just the topic, that it should be a separate document
[12:11] Arria Perreault: you mean two notecards?
[12:11] Rosie Gray: well, yes
[12:11] Rosie Gray: as this isn’t really part of the Agenda
[12:11] Arria Perreault: I was a bit an hurry
[12:12] Arria Perreault: I am sorry
[12:12] Pip Torok: and on a general point, I for one wd value some input from ra members when setting up the agenda.. done
[12:12] Rosie Gray: okay, well as long as we understand it’s not part of the Agenda
[12:12] Rosie Gray: but just some information, then that’s fine with me
[12:13] Arria Perreault: it’s not a part of the agenda. It’s a proposal for the point The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
[12:13] Rosie Gray nods
[12:15] Arria Perreault: Thank you, Pip, for your remark. I think that I respect our rules of procedures. Thus is also why we review the agenda at the beginning of the meeting
[12:15] You decline On The Rocks (New LM) from A group member named stella Ponsford.
[12:16] Arria Perreault: do you agree not to take the point Encouragement for the organization of events through initiative of citizen, as I did not start yet the discussion in the forum?
[12:16] Fern Leissa: I agree
[12:16] Pip Torok: and i agree
[12:16] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:16] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:17] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I did not get any request
[12:17] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:18] Arria Perreault: I ask non RA members: who wants to speak today?
[12:18] Sudane Erato: well… i guess i will speak on the asset issue
[12:18] Arria Perreault: yes, of course Sudane
[12:18] Arria Perreault: and I guess Mizou about the portal?
[12:19] Arria Perreault: in any case, just raise the hand
[12:19] Guillaume Mistwalker raises hand.
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Guillaume?
[12:20] Mizou Vavoom agrees
[12:20] Guillaume Mistwalker: I’m not sure if this would go under “Informations II”, VI or VIII…
[12:20] Guillaume Mistwalker: But I have an announcement, yes.
[12:20] Arria Perreault: good
[12:20] Arria Perreault: you can do it in the point Citizen concerns
[12:20] Arria Perreault: II. INFORMATIONS: I have no informations today
[12:21] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:21] Arria Perreault: who wants to speak?
[12:22] Guillaume Mistwalker slowly raises hand.
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Guillaume
[12:22] Arria Perreault: you have the floor
[12:22] Guillaume Mistwalker: I’d just like to announce, since I have to go soon, that I’ve recently resigned from my position as APIO and am in the process of selling my plot in NFS.
[12:23] Guillaume Mistwalker: Apologies if this is the wrong point. Done.
[12:23] Anna Toussaint is Online
[12:23] Rosie Gray: oh we will be sorry to see you go Guillaume
[12:23] Pip Torok is sorry to hear Guillaume’s news
[12:23] jaynine Scarborough is Online
[12:23] sabreman Carter is Offline
[12:23] Thinkerer Melville is Offline
[12:23] Fern Leissa: I am too but wish you well Guillaume
[12:23] Guillaume Mistwalker: And with that, I am afraid I must be off.
[12:23] Rosie Gray:
[12:23] Mizou Vavoom is also sorry to see Guilaume go
[12:23] Guillaume Mistwalker: Goodbye everybody.
[12:24] josjoha Resident: bad news
[12:24] Fern Leissa: Bye Guillaume
[12:24] Mizou Vavoom: goodbye Guill
[12:24] Rosie Gray: goodbye Guill!
[12:24] josjoha Resident: bbye Guillaume
[12:24] Arria Perreault is Offline
[12:24] Pip Torok: bye Guillaume …
[12:24] Sudane Erato: oops
[12:24] Joaquin Gustav is Online
[12:24] Sudane Erato: Arria left too
[12:24] Fern Leissa: Maybe she went after him ..
[12:24] Rosie Gray: did Arria crash?
[12:24] Sudane Erato: yeah
[12:24] josjoha Resident: i think she crashed probably
[12:25] Fern Leissa whispers: Rosie yu scare me
[12:25] josjoha Resident: lol
[12:25] Rosie Gray: don’t be scared Fern
[12:25] Laurel Sandalwood is Offline
[12:25] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:25] Rosie Gray: I am your friend
[12:25] Rosie Gray: muahahahahah
[12:25] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Arria Perreault (10m)
[12:25] Arria Perreault is Online
[12:25] josjoha Resident: wb
[12:25] Pip Torok: theyre all softies at heart!
[12:25] Rosie Gray: wb Arria
[12:25] Fern Leissa: You look a bit different than i remember
[12:25] Guillaume Mistwalker is Offline
[12:26] Arria Perreault: sorry I have crashed
[12:26] Fern Leissa: wb Arria
[12:26] Arria Perreault: really (Ruth?)
[12:26] Arria Perreault: I am happy if someone can paste the part of the chat I have missed
[12:27] Pip Torok: ok …
[12:27] Arria Perreault: I have said that I was sorry for Guillaume
[12:27] Arria Perreault: any other concern?
[12:28] Arria Perreault: can we go further in the agenda?
[12:28] Fern Leissa: Should we wait.. to see if HH has anything
[12:28] Fern Leissa: Hi HH
[12:28] Arria Perreault: Hi HonesHeat ㋡
[12:29] Arria Perreault: we are under the point “Citizen concerns”. DO you have any concerns?
[12:29] Rosie Gray: hello Heart
[12:29] HonestHeart Resident: Hello Sorry Im late I just got the message
[12:29] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Heart
[12:29] josjoha Resident: hi Honest
[12:30] Pip Torok gave you 2arria re missing ra fragment.
[12:31] Arria Perreault: thank you Pip for the copy of the chat
[12:31] Arria Perreault: do you have a concern, HH?
[12:32] HonestHeart Resident: no not at this time
[12:32] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:32] Arria Perreault: We can take the next point in the agenda
a. CDS asset security issues (20 min)
[12:33] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3486
[12:33] Arria Perreault: I thank Sudane to be here today to give us more detail about this proposal
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Sudane, you have the floor
[12:33] Sudane Erato: sorry for not being here previously
[12:33] Sudane Erato: oh
[12:34] Sudane Erato: i think I have explained the issue in great length in that post
[12:34] Sudane Erato: so
[12:34] Sudane Erato: does anyone have an y questions or concerns about it?
[12:34] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:34] Sudane Erato: it will require RA action
[12:34] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[12:35] Rosie Gray: I think it seems to be quite well thought out, and a necessary thing to do
[12:35] Rosie Gray: I’d like to make a motion
[12:35] Rosie Gray: that Sudane move forward with her plan
[12:36] Rosie Gray: to secure the CDS assets
[12:36] Rosie Gray: done
[12:36] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:36] Arria Perreault: other questions or a second?
[12:36] Arria Perreault: I have a question
[12:36] Sudane Erato: sure
[12:37] Arria Perreault: does this plan cost anything?
[12:37] Arria Perreault: I mean the work of Timo
[12:37] Sudane Erato: not to my knowledge… Timo has volunteered to contribute his work
[12:37] Sudane Erato: i will let you know if that changes
[12:38] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:38] Sudane Erato: may i add something?
[12:38] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:38] Sudane Erato: please understand that the RA is faced here with 2 actions
[12:39] Sudane Erato: 1…. as Rosie has moved… to authorize this plan
[12:39] Sudane Erato: but there is also 2
[12:39] Sudane Erato: 2… the RA must establish a system
[12:39] Sudane Erato: where there is always an “owner-to-be”
[12:39] Sudane Erato: and in thetoery… also
[12:39] Sudane Erato: an “content holder to be
[12:40] Sudane Erato: (Aliasi’s role)
[12:40] Sudane Erato: the plan is useless without that that person being in place
[12:40] Rosie Gray nods
[12:40] Sudane Erato: and thats a very big change for us
[12:40] Arria Perreault: do we have to choose this person?
[12:40] Sudane Erato: of course!
[12:41] Sudane Erato: not today, of course
[12:41] Sudane Erato: but you must set the system in motion
[12:41] Arria Perreault: yes, we need to find a way to choose this person
[12:41] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:41] Fern Leissa raises hand
[12:41] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:41] Sudane Erato: we “presume” that you chose me
[12:41] Sudane Erato: so you must chose my successor
[12:41] Sudane Erato: potential successor
[12:42] Fern Leissa: I was wondering if we didn’t need to draft and act.. something for the law code
[12:42] Fern Leissa: to outline the procedure
[12:42] Arria Perreault: yes, Fern
[12:42] Arria Perreault: it would be good to have a draft
[12:42] Fern Leissa: Perhaps we could authorize today.. and also select someone(s) to draft the act?
[12:42] Sudane Erato: note that in the forum Soro offered to help with this
[12:42] Arria Perreault: right
[12:43] Arria Perreault: do you agree that we proceed like Fern said?
[12:43] Arria Perreault: authorize today (we have a motion)
[12:43] Pip Torok: i wd agree
[12:44] Rosie Gray: I would agree as well
[12:44] Fern Leissa: Hi Alexia
[12:44] Arria Perreault: then I will ask Soro to make this draft
[12:44] Fern Leissa: me too lol
[12:44] Pip Torok: hi alex!
[12:44] Arria Perreault: Hi Alex!
[12:44] Rosie Gray: hello Alexia
[12:44] Alexia Carnell: hello all
[12:44] HonestHeart Resident: Hi Alexia
[12:44] Arria Perreault: Sudane, I guess that you take in account all remarks that have been done in the forums?
[12:45] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Alexia
[12:45] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named stella Ponsford.
[12:45] Sudane Erato: yes… Calli’s was especially helpful
[12:45] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:45] Sudane Erato: and all the remarks were well put
[12:45] Fern Leissa raises hand
[12:45] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:46] Fern Leissa: I’d like to amend Rosie’s motion to say that
[12:46] Arria Perreault: ok. can we also add that we will ask Soro to make a draft?
[12:47] Fern Leissa: The ra will authorize Sudane’s proposal for financial management and the ra will appoint a committee to draft legislation to outline the process for implimenting the plan
[12:47] Sudane Erato: well… not strictly financial management
[12:47] Sudane Erato: all assets
[12:47] Sudane Erato: cash is one asset
[12:48] Sudane Erato: owning the sims is another
[12:48] Sudane Erato: and the objects that Aliasi owns is another
[12:48] Arria Perreault: can you suggest a text, Sudane?
[12:48] Fern Leissa: Good idea
[12:48] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:48] Sudane Erato: change the words financial to asset
[12:49] Arria Perreault: he ra will authorize Sudane’s proposal for asset management and the ra will appoint a committee to draft legislation to outline the process for implimenting the plan
[12:49] Sudane Erato: sounds good to me
[12:49] Arria Perreault: do you agree with this text?
[12:49] You decline Legion XIII, ROMA Transtiberim (111, 224, 42) from A group member named Angelia Rees.
[12:49] Pip Torok: to me too
[12:49] Fern Leissa: Yes
[12:49] Rosie Gray: yes, me too
[12:49] Pip Torok: me too
[12:49] Arria Perreault: I formally need a second for this motion
[12:49] Pip Torok: seconded
[12:50] Fern Leissa:
[12:50] Arria Perreault: vote
[12:50] Rosie Gray: aye
[12:50] Pip Torok: aye
[12:50] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:50] HonestHeart Resident: aye
[12:50] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:50] Arria Perreault: motions carried
[12:50] Arria Perreault: thank you Sudane for your work. Thank you to Timo too for his work.
[12:51] Pip Torok: HH … only RA members vote!…
[12:51] Sudane Erato: yvw
[12:51] HonestHeart Resident: oh sorry
[12:51] Pip Torok:
[12:51] Sudane Erato: it is as important to me as it is to the coiommunity
[12:51] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:51] Arria Perreault: I will write to Soro. who wants to be in the committee too?
[12:51] Arria Perreault: At least one RA member
[12:51] Fern Leissa: I
[12:52] Arria Perreault: thank you, Fern
[12:52] Fern Leissa: would be interested in helping i
[12:52] Rosie Gray: excellent, Fern!
[12:52] Arria Perreault: of course, other can join
[12:53] Arria Perreault: next point:
[12:53] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS- The status of the New Guild as organization responsible of infrastructure’s improvements and expansion
[12:54] Arria Perreault: as you know, we have a new secretary of the Guild now
[12:55] Arria Perreault: we have put this point before this election
[12:56] Arria Perreault: the New Guild has already met
[12:56] Arria Perreault: I can imagine that the collaboration will be like in the past
[12:56] Arria Perreault: do you want to discuss this point?
[12:56] Arria Perreault: RA-members first, then citizen
[12:57] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Rosie, you have the floor
[12:57] Pip Torok: not as such but i can only hope that the community will feel as one in their planning as well as in the implementation
[12:57] Pip Torok: (sorry Rosie)
[12:57] Rosie Gray: I don’t know what the collaboration was like in the past, because the NG has been inactive since I’ve been here,
[12:58] Rosie Gray: so perhaps you could encapsulate that?
[12:58] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:59] Arria Perreault: there was an intense collaborationthe opening of the sims AM, LA and Mon
[12:59] Arria Perreault: for*
[12:59] Arria Perreault: then the New Guild has made a lot of work about the Masterplan
[12:59] Arria Perreault: then the New Guild became sleepy
[13:00] Arria Perreault: the New Guild plays the role of an advisory board of the RA
[13:00] Arria Perreault: for example for the opening of an sim
[13:01] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:01] Arria Perreault: the RA can take the formal decisions (especially about finances), but we need an expertise
[13:01] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:01] Fern Leissa: I’m sorry Arria.. the NG is just an advisory group or are they the ones (or the ra) resposible for taking the iniatiave on the sim building.. rebuilding
[13:02] You decline Legion XIII, ROMA Transtiberim (111, 224, 42) from A group member named Angelia Rees.
[13:02] Arria Perreault: the NG can also take the initiative, but the formal decision is made in the RA
[13:03] Arria Perreault: in the case of LA, the RA has decided first and ask the New Guild to act
[13:03] Fern Leissa: So we could develop a list of priorities and ask the Ng to act
[13:03] Arria Perreault: for AM, the NG has launched a contest
[13:03] Fern Leissa: We get to say LA is the priority?
[13:04] Arria Perreault: yes, Fern, we can also set the priorities
[13:04] Fern Leissa: Have we formally set LA as the priority?
[13:05] Arria Perreault: The Representative Assembly (RA) is a body of democratically elected legislators which represent the views of CDS citizens. Its governmental role is to pass laws and its service role is to promote the city and perform long-term planning.
[13:05] Arria Perreault: we did not, but we can set LA as priority
[13:05] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:05] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:06] Rosie Gray: shouldn’t we discuss first if we want to set LA as a priority?
[13:06] Pip Torok agrees with Rosie
[13:06] Fern Leissa: Sure
[13:06] Arria Perreault: of course, we have to discuss this point before to vote ㋡
[13:07] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:07] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:08] Fern Leissa: I would like to suggest that we set LA as our first priority. It is the sim with the most serious problem in terms of attracting landowners
[13:08] Fern Leissa: NFS in spite of some problems with old builds, primmy builds continues to remain almost completly occupied
[13:08] Fern Leissa: done
[13:08] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:09] Arria Perreault: who want to tell something about LA as a priority?
[13:09] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:10] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:11] Pip Torok: only to build on what fern has said … and to summarise the “thrust” as LA problems then NFS problems then further new-sim developments … IN THAT ORDER
[13:11] Pip Torok: done
[13:11] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Rosie?
[13:12] Rosie Gray: I don’t have anything to add thank you Arria
[13:12] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:13] Arria Perreault: I can give the floor to citizen now
[13:13] Arria Perreault: who wants to say something?
[13:13] Alexia Carnell raises hand
[13:13] josjoha Resident: raises hand
[13:13] Arria Perreault: Alexia, then Jos
[13:13] You decline Sweet Whispers ~ Magnolia Design, Sweet Whisper (184, 236, 21) from A group member named stella Ponsford.
[13:13] Alexia Carnell: Thank you arria
[13:14] Alexia Carnell: it’s great for me hearing that you are discussin about priorities
[13:14] Alexia Carnell: it’s not only a matter of “formal decision” – i think that RA’s responsibility is to define priorities; only RA can do this, not the chancellor nor a single citizen, nor the NG itself.
[13:14] Alexia Carnell: as a citizen i can express my opinion which you already know
[13:15] Alexia Carnell: Locus Amoenus to my opinion
[13:15] Alexia Carnell: Is no doubt an economic priority (we lose much money evry month in LA),
[13:15] Alexia Carnell: 2) an aesthetic priority (if we want to attract ppl it cant be abandoned like it is now)
[13:15] Alexia Carnell: 3) a “buisness model” opportunity, yes, we have the opportunity to try new sim business models, i’d rather say we ought to do that
[13:16] Alexia Carnell: this said
[13:16] Alexia Carnell: i want to add a few lines on the NG organization
[13:16] Alexia Carnell: Sorry to speak as a newcomer, but my feeling is that NG risks to be pretty unefficient
[13:16] Alexia Carnell: I will warmly recommend an organization based on local sim cohordinators
[13:17] Alexia Carnell: i’ll talk about this more deeply in next NG meeting
[13:17] Alexia Carnell: thanks for now
[13:17] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:17] Alexia Carnell: doner
[13:17] Arria Perreault: someone else?
[13:17] josjoha Resident: yes raises hand
[13:18] Arria Perreault: Jos
[13:18] josjoha Resident: I think it
where best if the NG was a streamlined
organization about building in
the sims, not education or other roles. Simplicity
means efficiency and transparency. Secondly
there is the issue with too few active ppl to perhaps have
the NG have an independent ‘Secretary.’
Therefore I hope the RA will – for example –
ask the NG charter to be written new from scratch..
I think it will be good if this charter is a short one.
I wonder why the role of ‘Secretary’ is taken as
heavily, so that this role can so easily become a point
of contention. Perhaps the NG can facilitate local sim
build teams that do minor maintenance in the sim they
live ? Maybe this could fast-track issues such as
Alexia meant ?
The charter may have worked earlier because it
was tailored to a social condition that existed then.
That charter was made for then, with more experience
we can now write one that may work for more social
conditions, in particular the current one.
Maybe i’m seeing it wrong, just my impressions.
Ty, done.
[13:19] Arria Perreault: you also suggest a local sim build team
[13:19] Sudane Erato raises hand
[13:19] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:19] Arria Perreault: Sudane
[13:20] josjoha Resident: yes, did that in NG too; kindof a national / local government thing or something i thought
[13:20] Sudane Erato: i’d like to point out that Moon set the precedent…
[13:20] Sudane Erato: that the NG is a NON-political organization
[13:20] Sudane Erato: it advises the RA
[13:20] Sudane Erato: and it implements what the RA wishes it to do
[13:20] Sudane Erato: done
[13:21] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:21] Arria Perreault: I think that the discussion shows that:
[13:21] Arria Perreault: 1. the RA set the priorities
[13:22] Arria Perreault: 2. the priority should go first to LA (than NFS, than expansion)
[13:22] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:22] Arria Perreault: 3. some have expressed the idea of local teams to manage the sims
[13:22] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:23] Rosie Gray: I am not sure that we should go ahead and set a series of priorities, as things might change
[13:23] Rosie Gray: so I’d like to suggest that we pick one priority, LA for now
[13:23] Rosie Gray: and revisit when that is near accomplished
[13:23] Rosie Gray: done
[13:23] Arria Perreault: what change do you mean?
[13:23] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:23] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:23] Arria Perreault: Pip, thenFern
[13:24] Rosie Gray: I mean that fixing LA will take quite some time
[13:24] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:24] HonestHeart Resident: I must go ….
[13:24] josjoha Resident: bye Honest
[13:24] Rosie Gray: and that we should revisit the priorities when it’s nearly done
[13:24] Arria Perreault: bye bye HH, thank you for coming
[13:24] Rosie Gray: bye Heart
[13:24] Fern Leissa: Bye Honest
[13:25] Rosie Gray: and access how well it has worked
[13:25] Alexia Carnell raises hand
[13:25] Arria Perreault: Pip and Fern were first, then Alexia
[13:25] Pip Torok: when we like any organisation “set priorities” we simply mean that right now we give full attention to number one … and attend to number two ONLY if things havent changed in the meantime … thats how i understand priorites … never set in stone done
[13:25] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:25] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:26] Fern Leissa: I agree with Rosie. Let’s make LA a priority. Get that done. And then decide what is next.
[13:26] Fern Leissa: done
[13:26] Arria Perreault: Alexia
[13:26] Alexia Carnell: setting priorities on LA doesnt mean we do nothing on other sims
[13:26] Alexia Carnell: …. if we accept the principle of local teams!
[13:27] josjoha Resident: raises hand
[13:27] Alexia Carnell: we could work on parallel, just having in mind
[13:27] Rosie Gray: but that isn’t the system now Alexia
[13:27] Alexia Carnell: i am proposing am i allowed rosie??
[13:27] Arria Perreault: ROsie is right, Alexia
[13:27] Pip Torok: and right now we simply dont have enough ppl, Alexia
[13:28] Arria Perreault: I think that today we can set a priority and give a mandate to the NG
[13:28] Alexia Carnell: last NG looked crowded to me
[13:28] Rosie Gray: I happen to agree with you, Alexia, that it would be a good way to do things, but it’s not the way the NG is set up
[13:28] Alexia Carnell: and the last meeting transcription gives an idea of great confusion.
[13:28] Arria Perreault: about the local team, we have to discuss (it’s also related in my point of view with animation, not only building)
[13:28] Alexia Carnell: ok
[13:29] Arria Perreault: Jos
[13:29] Alexia Carnell: the discussion will go ahead bioth in RA and in NG right?
[13:29] josjoha Resident: I think that the NG should be able to manage multiple builds simultaneously, as it is a circle of people and there are various
[13:29] Arria Perreault: (one of the RA member could think to a motion )
[13:29] josjoha Resident: groups there who have certain parts of the CDS in mind
[13:29] josjoha Resident: things can be talked about together, get a general idea within RA mandates, and each goes to their spots to do it.
[13:30] josjoha Resident: Secondly: both the SC and the RA referrefd things back to the NG on the Charter issue recently,
[13:30] josjoha Resident: and therefore if the NG wants to initiate local teams next meeting,
[13:30] josjoha Resident: I would think there is something to say for it having that mandate already. ty ! done
[13:31] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:31] josjoha Resident: np
[13:31] Pip Torok: imo Sudane’s reminder is especially relevant here ; the NG advises the RA … the RA sets goals … the NG implements them
[13:31] Arria Perreault: I think that we all agree about the idea to set LA as priority and to give a mandate to the NG to make proposal to the RA
[13:31] Rosie Gray nods
[13:32] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:32] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:32] Fern Leissa: I make a motion that the RA direct the New Guild to set the rebuilding of Locus Amoenus as their first priority.
[13:32] Pip Torok: seconded
[13:32] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:32] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:32] Pip Torok: aye
[13:32] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:32] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:32] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:32] Arria Perreault: motion carried
[13:32] Arria Perreault: thenk you
[13:32] josjoha Resident: (I’ve no idea what the NG advicing the RA and implementing RA mandates has to do with a new NG organization/charter, hence i did not see how to answer what appeared to be formulated as an answer to my statements.)
[13:33] Arria Perreault: I will inform the Secretary of the NG
[13:34] Rosie Gray: can we move on to the next Agenda item?
[13:34] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:34] Arria Perreault: – The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
[13:35] Arria Perreault: first we can thank Mizou and all people who have worked with her for the quick implementation of the New CDS portal
[13:36] Sudane Erato: yay!
[13:36] Rosie Gray: yes, nice work Mizou!
[13:36] josjoha Resident: very pretty of Mizou
[13:36] Arria Perreault: we have a nice website now and much easier to manage
[13:36] Arria Perreault: now we have to migrate the content
[13:36] Fern Leissa: Thank you Mizou. looks awesome
[13:37] Mizou Vavoom nods
[13:37] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:37] Arria Perreault: this work has started and I think that this work has to be shared between several people
[13:38] Arria Perreault: if people volunteer to help, they can take contact with Mizou
[13:38] Pip Torok raises hand .. a little plaintively now …
[13:38] Arria Perreault: an other question to solve is the one of the different roles of people who work on the portal
[13:39] Arria Perreault: Pip?
[13:39] Pip Torok: i request there is good publicity when we finally go over fully to the new portal done
[13:40] Arria Perreault: good idea
[13:40] Arria Perreault: Mizou asked me to add this point to the agenda and we have worked together a proposal
[13:41] Arria Perreault: before we discuss it, I will add something
[13:41] Rosie Gray raises hand
[13:41] Arria Perreault: there are at least two laws describing the roles belonging to the portal
[13:41] Arria Perreault: (I give soon the florr, Rosie)
[13:41] Rosie Gray nods
[13:42] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we discuss the the roles first and make a clever organisation. when we agree about the principles, we can modify the existing laws
[13:43] Arria Perreault: it’sthe process I suggest to go further
[13:43] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:43] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[13:43] Rosie Gray: I think that’s a good suggestion Arria…
[13:43] Rosie Gray: I wanted to clarify in the text below the Agenda
[13:44] Rosie Gray: that I think that the word “Redactor” should be replaced with the word “Contributor”
[13:44] Rosie Gray: (since Redactor isn’t an English word)
[13:44] Rosie Gray: just to make it easier to understand
[13:44] Arria Perreault: thank you ㋡
[13:45] Arria Perreault: maybe we should take the exact role in WordPress
[13:46] Arria Perreault: Mizou, do you want to add something before we discuss the text?
[13:46] Alexia Carnell: (redactor = editor)
[13:46] You decline Club Bella Luz ~ Windy Shores, Windy Shores (177, 155, 22) from A group member named stella Ponsford.
[13:46] Fern Leissa: Sorry Arria I didn’t understand your question about role in WordPress
[13:47] Mizou Vavoom: not really at the moment
[13:47] Mizou Vavoom: done
[13:47] Arria Perreault: some roles a re already defined in WordPress with different rights: administrator, editor, contributor and suscriber
[13:48] Arria Perreault: Webmaster=administrator
[13:48] Fern Leissa: Ah… I see what you’re referring to ty
[13:55] Arria Perreault: did the sim crash?
[13:55] Arria Perreault: wb Pip and Rosie
[13:55] Rosie Gray: did the sim crash?
[13:55] Arria Perreault: I guess it did
[13:56] Pip Torok: tks .. it seemed to have had a region restart
[13:57] Rosie Gray knocks on the screen and wonders if this thing is working
[13:57] Sudane Erato: ???
[13:57] Sudane Erato: oh my
[13:58] Arria Perreault: Fer is not online
[13:58] Arria Perreault: Fern*
[13:58] Alexia Carnell: heavy crash
[13:58] Rosie Gray: strange one
[13:58] Alexia Carnell: what was it?
[13:58] Arria Perreault: transcript is saved until: [13:49]
[13:59] Rosie Gray: I have to go actually, sorry
[13:59] Mizou Vavoom can’t move
[13:59] Rosie Gray: and the chat is very laggy
[13:59] Arria Perreault: we can adjourn
[13:59] Arria Perreault: we continue in 2 weeks
[13:59] Mizou Vavoom: yes would be better
[13:59] Rosie Gray: yes
[13:59] Rosie Gray: thanks
[14:00] Mizou Vavoom: ok will be there
[14:00] Arria Perreault: motion and second
[14:00] Pip Torok: good idea …
[14:00] Rosie Gray: bye everyone
[14:00] Mizou Vavoom: thkx Arria
[14:00] Arria Perreault: yw
[14:00] Pip Torok: motion to adjourn
[14:00] Arria Perreault: Rosie is not there anymore
[14:00] Arria Perreault: no more quorum ㋡
[14:00] Pip Torok: so we’re no longer quorate!
[14:01] Arria Perreault: thank you for the meeting
[14:01] Arria Perreault: we talk in two weeks
RA Meeting 16 October 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
– The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
– New Guild catalogue proposal for Locus Amoenus
– New Guild finance (the formal proposal will be still discussed in a NG meeting)
– Encouragement of event’s organization (proposal: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3542)
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
– CDS asset security issues: Sudane
That to ensure the ‘high level of build quality’ and to remain consistent with the laws of CDS, builds be submitted to the New Guild and the Chancellor to be approved.
Only when approved will a build be entered into the catalogue.
That the catalogue should designate whether the builder is a CDS citizen or not.
That each approved builder agree to provide one free to purchase build to the catalogue before they may include builds for purchase to be included into the CDS catalog
That citizens not be required to use catalogue builds on their land, in which situation the normal approval process through the Chancellor would apply.
[12:12] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:14] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN (10 min)
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:15] Fern Leissa: Fine with me madame LRA
[12:15] Arria Perreault: do you agree with this agenda? I have made a change on the request of Rosie: under IV: New Guild Budget
[12:15] Pip Torok: if sudane attends can V(4) be made V(1)?
[12:15] Arria Perreault: you have to knwo that the NG has still to discuss the formal proposal
[12:16] Fern Leissa: sure V(4) can be V(1)
[12:16] Pip Torok: thank you
[12:16] Arria Perreault: New Guild catalogue proposal for Locus Amoenus? you mean that point, Pip?
[12:17] Pip Torok: no .. item FIVE (“V”)
[12:17] Pip Torok: the reports .. to ensure sdudane can develop this matter
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I have written: V. Reports (if new informations are available)
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I have added this point to the regular reports we make, as it is a project
[12:18] Arria Perreault: Sudane can come when there is something new
[12:18] Pip Torok: kk
[12:18] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the agenda?
[12:18] Fern Leissa: Yes
[12:18] Fern Leissa: Hi Tor
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Pip?
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi All
[12:19] Pip Torok: hi Tor
[12:19] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi Tor
[12:19] Arria Perreault: Hi Tor ㋡
[12:20] Pip Torok: yes ….
[12:20] Arria Perreault: thx
[12:20] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes
[12:20] Arria Perreault: I did not get any request for a 7-day vote
[12:21] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:21] Fern Leissa: Hi Udo
[12:21] Udo Swashbuckler: hello Fern
[12:22] Arria Perreault: raise the hand when you want to speak. thx
[12:22] Pip Torok: hi Udo .. welcome to your 1st RA meeting
[12:22] Ceasar Xigalia: hi udo
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Hi Udo. Welcome
[12:22] Arria Perreault: II. INFORMATIONS
[12:22] Soro Dagostino: /raises hand
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Udo, welcome
[12:22] Udo Swashbuckler: thank u, Tor
[12:22] Arria Perreault: no special informations today
[12:22] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:23] CLEOPATRA Xigalia kisses udo on the cheek
[12:23] Soro Dagostino: Raises hand
[12:23] Arria Perreault: Citizen can use this time to express their concerns
[12:23] Arria Perreault: just raise the hand
[12:23] Udo Swashbuckler: 🙂
[12:23] Arria Perreault: Soro, you have the floor
[12:24] Soro Dagostino: Madame Chair I was trying to indicate I would speak on ItemV, CDS assets
[12:24] Soro Dagostino: Prior matter on the agenda
[12:24] Soro Dagostino: done
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:25] Arria Perreault: sorry. I will give you the floor on this point.
[12:25] Arria Perreault: Cleo, you have the floor
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Thank you.
[12:26] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I am just hoping we can get all the available land actually set for sale at the correct prices. So we can all encourage as many people to joiin CDS as possible
[12:27] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Some of the land is vacant and not for sale or set at teh wrong price. also it doesnt easily say what the teir is per month on the land itself. so people have difficulty knowing what the deal is. done ty
[12:28] Arria Perreault: thank you, Cleo. Tor, do you want to answer?
[12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: We will work on getting parcels set for sale. Sometimes they come available and we have not gotten to them fast ensough. We are going to let trebor have the power to set parcels for sale. So this should help.
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: also
[12:30] Pip Torok: can we confirm that the sale price and tier on the CDS Master Parcel List is uptodate? then private owners can update their own boards
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Only the EO can modify the parcel name to include the tier for the parcel. I think this is a good idea. I will ask Sudane to make sure this is done.
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Also
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: let me take this opportunity to mention that I am going to lower prices on CDS parcels.
[12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: This will be an end of term special.
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I am going to set prices to about 1.5 per sqm on single prim land adn about 3L per sqm on double prim land
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Also
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry to be such a hog
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: but
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I have to mention that Cleo has been working hard to find new citizens.
[12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: Udo, here just purchased a parcel in the Monastery
[12:33] Fern Leissa: 🙂 Welcome Udo
[12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: and we today also have a new citizen in LA.
[12:33] Pip Torok: welcome!
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Welcome, Udo ㋡
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yay udo !
[12:33] Ceasar Xigalia: 🙂 Udo
[12:33] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: two in LA!
[12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: She is also an EO of the Charleston sims
[12:33] Udo Swashbuckler: thank you. Fern, Arria -and it s my pleasure to see u again- Ceasar and Tor
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: I doin’t have her full name just now, but I am really excited to have these new citizens.
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: her husband is an english lawyer btw:)
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Karensunshine Emerald
[12:34] Pip Torok: ah .. useful!
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: In addition Shep Titian purchased two parcels in CN.
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: yes thanks Cleo
[12:34] Arria Perreault: thank you for these good news
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, Karne and Shep I think are coming in with partners.
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[12:35] Pip Torok: are the partners intending to be citizens as well, do you know?
[12:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yes they are !
[12:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: bells too !
[12:35] Arria Perreault: and thank you for all who are making efforts to get new citizen in CDS
[12:35] Arria Perreault: I have two suggestions:
[12:36] Arria Perreault: 1. Tor, can you make a notice about the prices, so everyone knows and can advertise by friends. you could use our new portal that has a blog
[12:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:37] Arria Perreault: 2. we should have a welcome party
[12:37] Arria Perreault: Cleo
[12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: yes I agree will
[12:37] Pip Torok: agree …
[12:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i agree with everything you said, also evryone get new people here.. BUT
[12:37] Pip Torok: the Tanzhaus is available
[12:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i have an issue about the web portal
[12:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: there are links to blogs on it . mizous for example is a blog
[12:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: the first link is to her shop
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but i was told my blog is unacceptable because its to my shop
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so can i do a blog with a link to my shop and have it on there, and who is making these decisions ?
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[12:38] Pip Torok: who told you this CLEO?
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: mizou
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and you pip
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you told bells hers is not acceptable
[12:38] Pip Torok: not me …
[12:38] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: you talked to bells about it sir
[12:39] Arria Perreault: ok. we have this point in the agenda. We will make a bil about the use of the portal. I suggest we discuss this point.
[12:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ty done.
[12:39] Pip Torok: I discussed aspects of her build when she requested my opinion
[12:39] Arria Perreault: any other concerns?
[12:40] Arria Perreault: I suggest we go further in the agenda
– The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
[12:42] Arria Perreault: we have a proposal for a bill about the use of this portal. I have added a point to be discussed about the the blog. Now Cleo has an other issue that we have to handle: which blogs can we link on the portal.
[12:42] Arria Perreault: Mizou is not there today
[12:43] Fern Leissa raises hand
[12:43] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:43] Fern Leissa: Madame lra I’d like to suggest that we consider allowing as many CDS community related links as possible
[12:43] Fern Leissa: That would include links to businesses
[12:44] Soro Dagostino: me/ raises hand
[12:44] Fern Leissa: links to personal citizens pages… the more we have the richer the blog
[12:44] Fern Leissa: done
[12:44] Arria Perreault: I agree. Can you propose a text to add to the bill?
[12:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: it makes us seem alive and vibrant with lots of citizens who do lots of things 🙂
[12:45] Fern Leissa: thinking…
[12:46] Pip Torok wd point out that Ferns proposal is in the spirit of the DPU Platform
[12:46] Arria Perreault: Maybe we should also make a page about the different shops and commerces of CDS
[12:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia rolls her eyes :/ is it allowed to campaign during a meeting ?
[12:47] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[12:47] Arria Perreault: we have a civil servant who is responsible to make such a list
[12:47] Arria Perreault: Calli, you have the floor
[12:48] Callipygian Christensen: Pages can become outdated, but blog links are a reasonable thing to add in..and no reason they cant fall under headings ‘personal blogs, commercial blogs, political blogs..then all can be linked
[12:49] Callipygian Christensen: some separation is nice so people can choose not to see political or commercial if they want..but thats about all the vetting it needs
[12:49] Callipygian Christensen: done
[12:49] Fern Leissa raises hand
[12:49] Arria Perreault: thank you for your suggestion, Calli
[12:49] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:50] Soro Dagostino: I join with Calli on that point
[12:50] Pip Torok: and I too
[12:50] Arria Perreault: I too
[12:50] Fern Leissa: I was just rereading the roles of the CDS Web Portal
[12:50] Fern Leissa: It already says that the CDS Blog is open to every Citizen
[12:51] Fern Leissa: and specifically references shops
[12:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:51] Fern Leissa: So I am unclear why CLEO was told she could not link
[12:51] Arria Perreault: well .. there is the blog and the list of blogs of other poeple
[12:51] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi Jo
[12:51] Fern Leissa: Hi Jo
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Jo
[12:51] Udo Swashbuckler: welcome Jo
[12:51] Pip Torok: Hi Jo
[12:51] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Joe is a new resident / citizen LA
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry crashed
[12:52] Fern Leissa: wb Tor
[12:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: mizou said its not allowed because its about my shop 🙂
[12:52] Arria Perreault: in the column at the link, there is a box: CDS Bloggers. I think that Cleo is talking about that
[12:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: let me look
[12:53] Fern Leissa: And may merchants have shops in more than one sim. I can’t see that it really makes sense to deny them access to the Blog unless they only have a shop here; rather if they have at least one… they should be able to use the blog
[12:53] Fern Leissa: done
[12:53] Pip Torok wd appreciate what mizou actually said and the context within which she said it
[12:54] Callipygian Christensen would appreciate coming up with a suggestion of what should be , instead of wasting time on what may or may not have been said in error.
[12:54] Arria Perreault: I agree, Pip. We can discuss this point, but we need to have the opinion of Mizou
[12:54] Pip Torok: god point, Calli
[12:54] Arria Perreault: we can postpone this point to the next meeting. I will inform Mizou
[12:56] Arria Perreault: (in this case, I need a motion, a second)
[12:58] Fern Leissa: I make a motion that we postpone discussion of the new CDS Web Portal until the next ra meeting
[12:58] Arria Perreault: Fern, Pip, do you want we postpone this point?
[12:58] Arria Perreault: a second?
[12:58] Pip Torok: i agree to postpone
[12:58] Pip Torok: second
[12:58] Arria Perreault: vote
[12:59] Pip Torok: aye
[12:59] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:59] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:59] Arria Perreault: thx
[12:59] Arria Perreault: Next point on the agnda
[13:00] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS
– New Guild catalogue proposal for Locus Amoenus
[13:00] Arria Perreault: I have got a notecard from the New Guild Secretary, Caesar, with a a catalog of proposals for LA
[13:01] Arria Perreault: the list is in the box
[13:01] Arria Perreault: Caesar, will you comment it ?
[13:01] Ceasar Xigalia: yes certainly
[13:01] Ceasar Xigalia: The New Guild met yesterday
[13:02] Ceasar Xigalia: and in keeping with the request from the RA
[13:02] Ceasar Xigalia: we looked at how builds in Locus could be encouraged
[13:02] Ceasar Xigalia: We had previously consider the concept of a catalogue of builds
[13:03] Ceasar Xigalia: I put a darft proposal to yesterdays meeting
[13:03] Ceasar Xigalia: this was discussed and amended by the meeting
[13:03] Ceasar Xigalia: a vote taken to aprove it in NG
[13:03] Ceasar Xigalia: and to pass it to the RA for consideration
[13:04] Ceasar Xigalia: I’m not sure if it will need a new law if the RA wishes to have this happen?
[13:04] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[13:04] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:04] Arria Perreault: thank you , Caesar
[13:04] Arria Perreault: Pip, you have the floor
[13:06] Pip Torok: thank you ceasar … I see one loophole .. when the candidate build is presented for approval into he catalog .. WHO in the NG approves it or is it the NG collectively? done
[13:07] Ceasar Xigalia: Do you wish me to comment Madame LRA?
[13:08] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:08] Arria Perreault: in the NG Charter, there is a Building Approval Committee (BAC) will be a consulting body that will help the Chancellor to pre-approve plans for the private development of sims, as well pre-approve private buildings according to covenants, and help survey the quality of contracted content. The BAC must not be less than two members, and always be an even number. Non-citizen Faculty members cannot belong to the BAC.
[13:09] Ceasar Xigalia: I see it as primarily approval by the Chancellor who may ask the NG collectively to asses a build
[13:09] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[13:09] Pip Torok: thank you, Ceasar
[13:09] Arria Perreault: I don’t think that the RA has to approve the buildings. It is a matter between the NG and the Chancellor
[13:09] Ceasar Xigalia: I understand the BAC, bur=t it is inanactive at this time
[13:10] Ceasar Xigalia: The NG could attempt to activate the BAC
[13:10] Arria Perreault: the NG advices, and the Chancellor approve
[13:11] Ceasar Xigalia: Thats how I see it, I agree madame LRA
[13:11] Arria Perreault: yes, Caesar, it’s a good way. The BAC is a part of the Faculty. Anyway, the NG can reactivate this BAC and design some members
[13:11] Ceasar Xigalia: 🙂
[13:13] Arria Perreault: do we have to approve your proposal? I don’t think it’s necessary
[13:13] Ceasar Xigalia: We would appreciate an approval by RA
[13:13] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:14] Arria Perreault: Fern, Pip, are you ready to vote this proposal or do you wan to discuss it?
[13:14] Fern Leissa: I am ready to vote on the proposal
[13:14] Pip Torok: no discussion from me mme lra
[13:14] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:14] Pip Torok: aye
[13:14] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:14] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:15] Arria Perreault: thank you to the NG and its Secretary for this work on LA ㋡
[13:15] Ceasar Xigalia: Thank you… we willtake this forward
[13:15] Arria Perreault: next point
[13:16] Arria Perreault: _ New Guild Budget
[13:16] Arria Perreault: A proposal is not yet ready. Maybe Caesar can nform us about this point
[13:16] Ceasar Xigalia: Certainly
[13:17] Ceasar Xigalia: There have been a number of discussions on the forums about the finances for the New Guild as an NGO
[13:17] Ceasar Xigalia: we touched on it breifly at a NG meeting 2 weeks ago too
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: Rose Springvale has made a concrete proposal for land held by NG and finances
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: its on the NG forum pages
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: we were going to discuss it yesterday on the agenda
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: but ran out of time
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: it is on the agenda for next week
[13:18] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[13:19] Ceasar Xigalia: ty
[13:19] Arria Perreault: thank you. Inform us as soon as the proposal is ready and publish the dfinal draft on the forum
[13:20] Arria Perreault: Next point
[13:20] Ceasar Xigalia: Yes i will, of course
[13:20] Arria Perreault: – Encouragement of event’s organization
[13:20] Jo Renierd: /me
[13:21] Arria Perreault: Jo, if you want to speak about that, I will give you the floor later
[13:21] Arria Perreault: let me introduce the topic
[13:21] Jo Renierd: have to leave may i be excused
[13:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 🙂
[13:22] Arria Perreault: we had a discussion about the way we can bring more animations on our sims
[13:22] Callipygian Christensen: You dont need permission Jo..just head on out..and have a great afternoon 🙂
[13:22] Pip Torok: certainly Jo … audience members dont normally need to ask
[13:22] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: nice to have you !
[13:22] Arria Perreault: yes, Jo, feel free to leave
[13:22] Ceasar Xigalia: take care Jo
[13:22] Fern Leissa: Bye Jo
[13:23] Jo Renierd: thank you
[13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Jo
[13:23] Jo Renierd: Bye all for now
[13:23] Arria Perreault: I have started a discussion in the forum wita proposal
[13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks for coming by
[13:23] Arria Perreault: with a*
[13:23] Arria Perreault: The idea of this Act is to define the financial help as well the material help (communication, use of public space)
[13:24] Arria Perreault: for citizen who organize events or any other animations
[13:24] Udo Swashbuckler: I m sorry i must log for now too. just I d like to know where i could read the whole transcription of the assembly today, i feel interested about it
[13:24] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:24] Arria Perreault: In my point of view, it replaces the system of the regional committees that is now totally sleeping.
[13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: tc Udo
[13:24] Arria Perreault: yes, Udo, we publish the transcription
[13:25] Callipygian Christensen: transcripts are posted to the CDS Forums Udo
[13:25] Arria Perreault: Pip, you have the floor
[13:25] Udo Swashbuckler: great to know this. thank you very much
[13:25] Pip Torok: mme lra
[13:25] Fern Leissa: It is here Udo
[13:25] Pip Torok: at present we have semiformal adhoc arrangements which seem to work ..
[13:26] Pip Torok: are we not perhaps “guilding the lily” with this proposal? done
[13:27] Arria Perreault: what is this semiformal adhoc arrangement?
[13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Well basically the exec has planed events.
[13:27] Pip Torok: being semiformal and adhoc it is by definition impossible to define, with respect, mme lra
[13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: if anyone would like to suggest an event I would be very open to suggestions.
[13:28] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:28] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:29] Fern Leissa: I like that idea of having some guidelines for receiving funding for private events as that helps keep fair and evenly available to citizens
[13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: raises hand
[13:29] Fern Leissa: I also like the idea of asking citizens to take more initiative. that’s kinda the whole idea behind CDS
[13:29] Fern Leissa: done
[13:30] Arria Perreault: Tor
[13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: First I would say I would welcome more privately organized events. also
[13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: I have a simi private use for CDS event money on my To DO list
[13:31] Tor Karlsvalt: The New Guild would like to organize a fun raising event. While events are usually not given to support any single group, I would be open to allowing an NG tip jar at the venue.
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not exactly sure if I can allow that however.
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: tho am leaning in that direction.
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: sone
[13:32] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[13:33] Arria Perreault: why not have a law which say exactly what can expect organizators of events?
[13:33] Tor Karlsvalt: sure
[13:34] Arria Perreault: tip jars are not included
[13:35] Arria Perreault: this bill is also about the material help the Executive can bring to organizators like communication channels or public prims
[13:35] Arria Perreault: it sais also how citizen can apply and what informations they have to give
[13:36] Arria Perreault: it would improve maybe the updating of the different communication channels, especuially the CDS event calendar
[13:37] Arria Perreault: other comments?
[13:38] Fern Leissa question
[13:38] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:39] Fern Leissa: So if I understand correctly.. The Chancellor would be required to request x amount for support of material assistance to private citizens at the start of each term
[13:39] Fern Leissa: Then he/she could distribute based on who applied and how much they needed until the fund was exhausted?
[13:39] Fern Leissa: Correct?
[13:39] Fern Leissa: done
[13:40] Arria Perreault: yes. it’s like today. there is an amount for the regional committees and an amount for the events of the Exec
[13:40] Fern Leissa: ok. Thanks. That’s good
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: I have not used the regional committies this term.
[13:41] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[13:41] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry keep crashing
[13:41] Arria Perreault: Calli
[13:42] Fern Leissa: wb Tor
[13:42] Callipygian Christensen: In the interest of speeding up things on the agenda – since you have posted about this on the forums, and invited input, why not leave it for now and those here know to post nput there also?
[13:42] Callipygian Christensen: ‘input’
[13:42] Pip Torok welcomes this
[13:43] Arria Perreault: I agree, Calli. I was about to make this suggestion too
[13:43] Arria Perreault: we will discuss this point in the next meeting
[13:43] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:44] Arria Perreault: V. Reports (if new informations are available)
[13:44] Arria Perreault: Pip, do you have something new about marketing?
[13:44] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: :0
[13:45] Pip Torok: not anything new .. just developments on attracting thinking ppl to CDS
[13:45] Arria Perreault: thx
[13:45] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: pip is doing his best to run off new citizens:)
[13:46] Arria Perreault: – Sims animation: Arria: we have started to discuss myy proposal
[13:46] Pip Torok: not true CLEO .. that is an incredible remark
[13:46] Arria Perreault: – CDS asset security issues: Sudane
[13:46] Soro Dagostino: I can comment.
[13:46] Arria Perreault: Soro, you have asked to talk about this point
[13:46] Pip Torok: Let new citizens comment on that allegation
[13:46] Arria Perreault: you have the floor
[13:47] Soro Dagostino: Sudane and I have talked. Tenative drafts are in process.
[13:47] Soro Dagostino: More when they are done.
[13:47] Arria Perreault: thank you ㋡
[13:48] Arria Perreault: VI. Informations from the Executive team
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[13:48] Callipygian Christensen: waves..RL calls
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Just that we have has a number of new citizens
[13:48] Arria Perreault: Tor, do you have other informations?
[13:48] Fern Leissa: Bye Calli
[13:48] Arria Perreault: thx Calli
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: we might even have 70 by the time we have elections.
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Oktoberfest went well.
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Tho was tiring
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: the group did add about 10 people during the fest. At least one person is interested in buy in after visiting during the fest
[13:49] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: yay for octoberfest !
[13:49] Arria Perreault: great ㋡
[13:50] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: LL had put us on the website as a Featured Event during Oktoberfest. This led to a constant steam of traffic in NFS.
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[13:50] Arria Perreault: thx
[13:50] Pip Torok challenges CLEO to provide evidence for her assertion that i attempt to “run” new citizens off CDS
[13:51] Arria Perreault: and thank you for your work on oktoberfest, you and your team
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: yw
[13:51] Tor Karlsvalt: thank Arria
[13:51] Arria Perreault: VII. Concerns of RA Members
[13:51] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:51] Arria Perreault: Fern
[13:51] Fern Leissa: I remain concerned about our archive of builds
[13:52] Fern Leissa: I would like to request that the Content Archivist
[13:52] Fern Leissa: present a report to the Ra
[13:52] Fern Leissa: of what we have archive copies for and which builds we still do no
[13:53] Tor Karlsvalt: ok I will ask Alisai to give us a report.
[13:53] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[13:53] Arria Perreault: The Content Archivist has published a list of its inventary in the forum on our request
[13:53] Arria Perreault: let me find the link
[13:53] Fern Leissa: Yes.. true.. but I guess my real concern is that there are still so many builds
[13:54] Fern Leissa: for which we do not have copies.
[13:54] Fern Leissa: And I do not feel any initiative is being taken to solve this problem
[13:54] Tor Karlsvalt: Let me look over the list.
[13:55] Tor Karlsvalt: I think we have copies of NFS walls
[13:55] Tor Karlsvalt: Moon has the Rathaus
[13:55] Arria Perreault: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3497
[13:55] Pip Torok has waited 5 minutes for CLEO’s reply and concludes that her assertion is baseless, and so calls her integrity into doubt
[13:55] Arria Perreault: we have to find a way to go further
[13:56] Fern Leissa: Yes Exactly
[13:56] Arria Perreault: we should make a list of what should be saved and then try to get a copy
[13:56] Fern Leissa: But isn’t that the Content Archivists job?
[13:57] Tor Karlsvalt: well content creators are suppoed to give the CA a copy.
[13:57] Arria Perreault: I am not sure
[13:57] Arria Perreault: we really have to make this list first
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I beleive ususally the NG will contract with builders and that is a stipulaton.
[13:58] Fern Leissa: Ok. Well perhaps that is the problem. But I do think that as a community we need to move on this. While we can still reach some of the builders
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: we can add the old and new kirche to the list.
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: we have copies of them
[13:58] Fern Leissa: So…. possibly the NG could make this a project?
[13:58] Arria Perreault: Tor, can you make sure that the old and the new Kirche are given to the Content Archivisit?
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: I will
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: I am sure tho that Rosie said she had.
[13:59] Arria Perreault: I think that it is a project for the NG
[13:59] Tor Karlsvalt: perhaps I will suggest that Alasie but the list on a spreadsheet and update it as needed.
[13:59] Fern Leissa: Ok. 🙂 Ty
[14:00] Ceasar Xigalia: the NG will be happy to take this on
[14:00] Arria Perreault: good idea, Tor and we will make a link on the portal
[14:00] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[14:00] Ceasar Xigalia: if RA wishes
[14:00] Arria Perreault: thank you Caesar
[14:00] Tor Karlsvalt: I think Sudane has copies of the NFS wals
[14:00] Tor Karlsvalt: walls
[14:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Looks like we need the baths and the Amphitheater too
[14:01] Arria Perreault: Fern, Pip, do you agree we give to the NG a mandate to make a list of all CDS public monuments to be archived?
[14:01] Pip Torok: agree
[14:02] Fern Leissa: I agree
[14:02] Arria Perreault: Caesar, the RA gives the NG the mandate to make a list of all CDS public monuments to be archived
[14:02] Fern Leissa: we request that they make a list of all CDS public monuments and buildings
[14:03] Fern Leissa: That would be most helpful
[14:03] Ceasar Xigalia: the NG will do this
[14:03] Arria Perreault: thank you ㋡
[14:03] Tor Karlsvalt wonders who has the Praetorium.
[14:03] Arria Perreault: next point: VIII. Announcements
[14:04] Arria Perreault: if there is no announcement, we can adjourn
[14:05] Pip Torok: 😉
[14:05] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[14:05] Tor Karlsvalt: woot!
[14:05] Arria Perreault: thank you for the meeting (2 hours)RA Meeting 30 October 2011
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
b. 7-day votes
c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
– The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
– Encouragement of event’s organization (proposal: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3542)
– Acquisition of “second hand sims” with grandfathered tier (proposal Sudane Erato)
– Discussion about reinstating CDSL -13-07- Terms Limit Act
– Sims upgrade: Rosie
– Marketing (to increase the number of citizen): Pip
– Sims animation: Arria
– CDS asset security issues: Sudane
you are reading. Our community has been presented with an opportunity that we personally feel
should be given some serious consideration. Sudane has offered to transfer to the CDS a few
sims she no longer needs in her other estate SLNE. We are looking at one Full sim and three
Homestead sims. These four sims are all currently billed at the previous tier structure of $195.00
for the Full sim and $95.00 for the Homestead sims. As I write this we are investigating whether
or not LL will allow them to be transferred with the old tier structure. We feel the possibility is
there being that the sims are owned by the same individual and it would just be a transfer from
one estate to the other estate. There is no need for further discussion if the grandfathered tier
won’t be transferred.
would suggest we make the Full sim a double-prim sim and keep the private to public land ratio
close to what we have in Locus Amoenus. We can discuss what size the parcels will be at a later
time but the total SQM of private land in LA is 29,184 which are 13,353 prims. We do have
some flexibility with this ratio. Alpine Meadows, our other double prim sim has 27,648sqm and
12,636 prims. The tier for this new Full sim would be the same as AM and LA, US$ 6.50 per
512sqm. The benefit for the CDS will be the fact that we pay $295.00 for AM and LA and this
sim that we acquire will only cost us $195.00. This cushion of a little extra profit will lower our
breakeven point for occupancy.
the Homestead sims. Our current Homestead sim is Monastery which I believe has a prim factor
of 8.0. What I do know for a fact is that every 512sqm parcel has 234 prims. For each of the
3 Homestead sims we need to have 7,168sqm of private land with 3,279 prims. Again we can
discuss parcel size later but to keep it simple that equals (14) 512sqm parcels. Our tier rate, what
we charge the citizens, will be US$ 9.00 per 512sqm parcel a month. That is US$1.12 less than
what we collect on Monastery which is possible due to the land ratio. Full collectable tier for
each Homestead sim would be $126.00. Paying $95.00 to LL for each sim that gives us a modest
profit margin of $31.00 a sim and keeps us very competitive compared to other estates.
long. We threw some basic ideas out there just to get people to visualize the possibilities but
obviously the final decision lies with all of us as citizens. There has been chatter over the years
about extending NFS and relocating the Schloss. This would free up prims in NFS which might
allow us to have prim parcels for citizens of NFS. This new Full sim would be a double prim sim
which works out nice if we go with small, assorted parcels like NFS currently uses. Please keep
in mind though that the purpose of this proposal is NOT to decide what we are going to do with
the sims if we take possession of them. The proposal is to accept these sims if and only if we are
able to secure them with the old tier structure through LL.
in my opinion, as water/island sims. I understand that some may feel we should stick to the
original CDS General Master Plan and I do respect those opinions but I feel the GMP limits
us too much. The GMP calls for sim types that aren’t as popular as they use to be and I feel it
restricts our creativity. The CDS can be a community of many themes. We don’t have to be
all Roman, or all Alpine, or all Steampunk, or all Gorean or all this and that. We can be ALL
of these things because the common thread that binds us all together is our democracy. No
matter what themes we bring online they will all be under the umbrella of the Confederation of
Democratic Simulators, SL’s oldest and active democratically ran community.
themed sims we bring online in the future. My suggestion would be to place these 3 sims at the
corner of LA. The first one goes directly North of LA which would put it adjacent to one of the
AA sims. The second sim would go directly to the West of the new sim. The last sim would go
on the west side of LA where the quay and waterfront is. By making these island sims with the
majority of sqm being open water it allows us to have whatever we like on the other side of them
without having to worry about the bleeding of sims.
would end with some beautiful waterfront cliffs.
sim, on the contingency they are accepted at the previous tier structure of $195 and $95.
or the sims will revert back to Linden Labs. Ideally we feel if it can be voted on and approved
at the RA meeting this Sunday the 30th than that would give us enough time to work out the
details with Linden Labs. Please remember that even with the RA approval this deal will NOT
go through if we don’t receive the grandfathered tier.
[12:04] Callipygian Christensen: Hi new arrivals
[12:04] Ceasar Xigalia: Hi all
[12:04] Pip Torok: hi fern!
[12:04] Ceasar Xigalia: 🙂
[12:04] Arria Perreault: the agenda is in the box
[12:04] Fern Leissa: Hello everyone. Sorry to be late
[12:05] Arria Perreault: Hi Cleo
[12:05] Arria Perreault: I. ADMIN (10 min)
a. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
[12:06] Arria Perreault: do you agree with the agenda ? any remarks?
[12:06] Pip Torok: mme lra may i suggest IV-1 comes directly after citizens concerns?
[12:06] Pip Torok: ie trebors item
[12:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia coughs
[12:07] Arria Perreault: yes, I know that we have to take a decision quickly
[12:07] Arria Perreault: other remarks?
[12:08] Rosie Gray: I agree with Pip
[12:08] Arria Perreault: Sonja, Fern?
[12:08] Sonja Strom: I am ok with it either way.
[12:09] Fern Leissa: I agree w/ Pip
[12:09] Arria Perreault: I suggest to take new items before items to be continued. I don’t see Mizou online (Portal).
[12:10] Arria Perreault: do you all agree?
[12:10] Sonja Strom: agree
[12:10] Rosie Gray: yes
[12:10] Fern Leissa: agree
[12:10] Pip Torok: agree
[12:10] Arria Perreault: thank you
[12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we have a problem ms LRA
[12:10] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: please look in the Audience
[12:11] Arria Perreault: a problem?
[12:12] Arria Perreault: b. 7-day votes: we are complete today
[12:12] Arria Perreault: c. Inquire for speakers on today’s agenda items.
[12:12] Arria Perreault: does anyone in the audience intend to speak?
[12:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Only for the sim discussion
[12:13] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i see a airplain e here
[12:13] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: can we get rid of the griefer first
[12:13] Arria Perreault: just raise the hand during the meeting
[12:14] Arria Perreault: II. Concerns of Citizens (15 min max)
[12:14] Guillaume Mistwalker: Your viewer must be old — the plane was detached a while ago.
[12:14] Sonja Strom does not see an airplane
[12:14] Arria Perreault: wo wants to speak?
[12:14] Rosie Gray: I don’t see an airplane
[12:14] Trebor Warcliffe: My viewer is updated and brand new i still see it
[12:14] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i do have the old viewer and photographs
[12:14] Callipygian Christensen doesn’t see it
[12:14] Arria Perreault: me neither
[12:14] Guillaume Mistwalker: I do, Mme LRA
[12:15] Arria Perreault: (old viewer)
[12:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia gave you Snapshot : Praetorium, Colonia Nova (20, 163, 41).
[12:15] Guillaume Mistwalker: You’re already aware, but it seems we have a covenant issue in Monastery.
[12:16] Guillaume Mistwalker: Someone’s built a Roman house in an Alpine sim, it seems.
[12:16] Guillaume Mistwalker: Will the RA direct the executive?
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I suggest that we inform the Chancellor about this case
[12:17] Arria Perreault: and that we ask him to handle it
[12:17] Pip Torok: this is hamlet 3 of monastery .. I propose that the Chancellor or one of the Execs liaise with the owner with a view to making the edifice conformable with the Covenant
[12:18] Rosie Gray nods in agreement
[12:18] Guillaume Mistwalker: Thank you, Mme LRA and RA members.
[12:18] Arria Perreault: I think that hte opinion of the RA is clear
[12:18] Arria Perreault: other concerns?
[12:19] Arria Perreault: by the way Cleo sent me a snapshot with this airplane
[12:19] Pip Torok: can we vote on this, mme lra?
[12:19] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: brb
[12:19] Arria Perreault: if anyone can send it back …
[12:20] Rosie Gray: hard to send back something youcan’t see!
[12:20] Callipygian Christensen: was a Worn object..the visual of it is an SL artifact
[12:20] Pip Torok: revenons a nos moutons, madame LRA
[12:20] Bromo Ivory: I see nothing
[12:20] Callipygian Christensen: those who see it could perhaps just aim thier camera elsewhere
[12:20] Trebor Warcliffe: I see it but I’m not concerned with it
[12:20] Guillaume Mistwalker: Indeed, I apologise if some can still see the plane that I was wearing…
[12:20] Rosie Gray snickers
[12:21] Arria Perreault: ok. ㋡
[12:21] Rosie Gray: perhaps we can move on?
[12:21] Guillaume Mistwalker: And if some are not able to attend their minds elsewhere like M. Warcliffe has.
[12:21] Sonja Strom: I see nothing, and have looked at the objects on the land — not any of them are from anyone who is not a CDS citizen.
[12:21] Arria Perreault: Pip wanted to vote on this question
[12:21] Arria Perreault: it was not on the agenda
[12:21] Trebor Warcliffe: raises hand
[12:21] Pip Torok: do i have a second for my motion?
[12:21] Rosie Gray seconds
[12:21] Arria Perreault: vote
[12:21] Pip Torok: aye
[12:22] Rosie Gray: aye
[12:22] Arria Perreault: Trebor?
[12:22] Fern Leissa: aye
[12:22] Arria Perreault: (after the vote)
[12:22] Trebor Warcliffe: I was just curious why a vote was called for an issue that is already a Chancellor duty, thats all. He just needs to be informed of it.
[12:22] Ceasar Xigalia: good point
[12:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Done
[12:22] Pip Torok: true Trebor but the feeling was that this issue was urgent
[12:23] Rosie Gray: it is our perogative
[12:23] Trebor Warcliffe: ok
[12:23] Sonja Strom: question: this vote is for the RA to ask the Chancellor to speak with the owner of the land?
[12:23] Arria Perreault: I agree, but we vote to inform him and to ask him kindly to do soemthing
[12:23] Arria Perreault: yes, Sonja
[12:23] Pip Torok: yes sonja .. ie lisise than do what he wd normally do in theses circumstances
[12:23] Arria Perreault: we can’t do more
[12:24] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:24] Arria Perreault: Cleo
[12:24] Pip Torok: is there a vote from arria and sonja?
[12:25] Sonja Strom: thank you ~ I am not against this, but if it is an Executive issue then I think we should simply speak with the Chancellor ourselves directly.
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I still wait for the vote of Sonja and I will vote too
[12:25] Sonja Strom: On the vote I abstain.
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i would like to reassure everyoen that the chancellor is aware, so is the builder and homeowner, they will meet covenents, it has been built less than 48 hours and they are wiating for a meeting with the chacnellor, it will be rural alpine
[12:25] Arria Perreault: I vote aye
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: no worries. 🙂
[12:25] Arria Perreault: thank you forthe information, Cleo
[12:25] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: d
[12:26] Arria Perreault: other concerns?
[12:26] Sonja Strom: In my understanding the RA is mostly a legislative branch.
[12:27] Pip Torok: that is right, sonja
[12:27] Arria Perreault: yes, Sonja. If citizen reports concerns, we have to handle them. The idea is to make requests to the Executive
[12:27] Sonja Strom: alright, I see.
[12:27] Arria Perreault: other concerns?
[12:28] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:28] Arria Perreault: Cleo?
[12:28] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I am not aware of anything done about the blogs, i think with the election upcoming it is very unfair that this is not attended too , special promotion to people by favoritism only in my opinoin, is there any news on that sissue
[12:29] Pip Torok: favouritism??
[12:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: only certain citizens have been alllowed to post their blogs to the CDS blogs
[12:29] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: this was brought up last sesion
[12:30] Pip Torok rejects this
[12:30] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[12:30] Arria Perreault: thank you, Cleo
[12:31] Arria Perreault: we have to add this question in the act about the portal
[12:31] Arria Perreault: it is in the agenda
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia rasies hand
[12:32] Rosie Gray sighs
[12:32] Arria Perreault: cleo
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: can they all be removed until its fairly decided please, immediately.
[12:32] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: prior to the election.
[12:32] Guillaume Mistwalker: Mme, LRA. I believe that Mme Xigalia is confused — having served as APIO, all CDS citizens are open to create their own blogs.
[12:32] Pip Torok feels there is no issue here
[12:32] Guillaume Mistwalker: It is the blogger’s obligation to notify the executive branch of their blogs.
[12:32] Callipygian Christensen: Gui, the issue isnt create, its about links to those blogs form the CDS pages
[12:32] Arria Perreault: Cleo is talking about the list of bloggers on the homepag of CDS
[12:33] Guillaume Mistwalker: I’m aware.
[12:33] Guillaume Mistwalker: It’s the blogger’s obligation.
[12:33] Arria Perreault: there is a list of CDS bloggers: the question is: who can enter this list
[12:33] Guillaume Mistwalker: Anna has a blog on the CDS yet her blog does not appear, if memory serves me right.
[12:33] Guillaume Mistwalker: As I said, it is the obligation of the blogger to notify the executive agency.
[12:33] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[12:33] Rosie Gray: may I remind everyone that the new site is still under construction
[12:34] Guillaume Mistwalker: Pardon, executive branch.
[12:34] Vespasian Cortes: for me blogging is fredom of speech, it should be guareanted by highest authority
[12:34] Trebor Warcliffe: It’s my understanding that some of our citizens blogs have been denied listing to the
[12:34] Arria Perreault: Cally
[12:34] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[12:34] Pip Torok: which it is right now, Vespasian
[12:34] Sonja Strom raises hand
[12:34] Arria Perreault: Cally first, than Cleo
[12:34] Guillaume Mistwalker: Under what grounds, Trebor?
[12:34] Callipygian Christensen: This body spent 40 minutes or more debating this LAST session, and while I would never have thought I’d find myself saying ‘Cleo is right’, in this she has a valid point.
[12:35] Arria Perreault: I would like to remind you that this point is in the agenda. I agree to erase the list if we don’t make a decision today
[12:35] Callipygian Christensen: So take last times decision of what to do and have it implemented, or just remove them all until it is decided. but dont waste another 40 minutes on another whinefest
[12:35] Arria Perreault: I agree, Cally
[12:35] Guillaume Mistwalker: Why are we arguing now, then? We have work to do.
[12:36] Pip Torok: and I agree too
[12:36] Rosie Gray: yes can we move on or we’ll never get anything done
[12:36] Arria Perreault: now we ca take the next point. the time for citizen concerns is over
[12:36] Arria Perreault: IV. NEW ITEMS
– Acquisition of “second hand sims” with grandfathered tier
[12:37] Arria Perreault: I got this request by mail from Trebor and I will give him the floor to explain us this proposal
[12:37] Trebor Warcliffe: TU please give me a moment to plug into elecctric
[12:38] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:38] Trebor Warcliffe: Back
[12:38] Trebor Warcliffe: For those who havent read the proposal
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Here are the absics
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: basics
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: Sudane is downsizing SLNE
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: She has offered to gift to us 1 full sim adn 3 homestead sims
[12:39] Trebor Warcliffe: The current tier on these sims is $195.00 for the full and $95 for each of the homesteads
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Being that she is the EO for both sims we’re trying to get LL to allow us to retain the grandfathered tier.
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: Calculations have been performed
[12:40] Trebor Warcliffe: The full sim would be double prim
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: The homestead sims would need the equivalent of (14) 512sqm sims at US$9.00 per 512 which is US$ 1.12 less than MON
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: The full sim would be the same tier as LA and AM
[12:41] Trebor Warcliffe: But we’d have a nicer profit margin from the $100 discount
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Which would lower our overall occupancy requirements
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Some discussions have taken place on ideas for what to do with these sims
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: but that would be up to the citizens like it always has been
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: The only thing that needs to be decided today
[12:42] Trebor Warcliffe: Is whether we accept this gift if we can secure them at the grandfathered tier
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: DONE
[12:43] Arria Perreault: Thank you
[12:43] Trebor Warcliffe: yw
[12:44] Pip Torok raises hand
[12:44] Arria Perreault: I will give the floor first to RA members, if they have questions or remarks (I have too) and then to citizen
[12:44] Arria Perreault: Pip
[12:44] Pip Torok: has trebor the wording for a motion accepting the gift which we can discuss then vote on?? done
[12:44] Rosie Gray raises hand
[12:45] Arria Perreault: Rosie
[12:45] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes it is in the proposal I can open it and paste iot here if youd like
[12:45] Pip Torok: tks
[12:45] Rosie Gray: I was just wondering what the timeline on receiving the sims would be, supposing we went ahead
[12:46] Trebor Warcliffe: We’d have to take possession no later then November 9th
[12:46] Trebor Warcliffe: Thats when the tier is due
[12:46] Rosie Gray: okay, thank you
[12:46] Rosie Gray: I”m done
[12:47] Fern Leissa raises hand
[12:47] Arria Perreault: Fern
[12:47] Fern Leissa: ty
[12:47] Fern Leissa: First off, I’d really like to thank Trebor for taking the initiative and running the numbers on this
[12:47] Trebor Warcliffe: ty
[12:48] Pip Torok: me too!
[12:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: Same…!
[12:48] Fern Leissa: If we can get these sims at the discounted rate, I believe this is an opportnity that won’t come again
[12:49] Fern Leissa: We’ve been talking about adding some water sims and a new sim next to NFS for a while
[12:49] Rosie Gray: indeed
[12:49] Fern Leissa: I think we should think seriously about grabbing this opportunity if we can have them at the discounted rate
[12:49] Fern Leissa: done
[12:49] Ceasar Xigalia: 🙂
[12:49] Pip Torok waits with relish trebors pasted Proposal
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: sorry
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: hold on
[12:49] Trebor Warcliffe: lol
[12:49] Arria Perreault: SOnja?
[12:50] Guillaume Mistwalker is excited.
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: Our official proposal is as follows: The CDS accept the offer of (3) Homestead sims and (1) Full sim, on the contingency they are accepted at the previous tier structure of $195 and $95.
[12:50] Pip Torok: thanks
[12:50] Trebor Warcliffe: I do have one serious question before you vote
[12:50] Arria Perreault: Pip, I have some questions. Wait before to make your motion 😉
[12:51] Trebor Warcliffe: waiting for Arria
[12:51] Pip Torok: I motion that that the RA accept trebors Poposal as stands
[12:51] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[12:51] Sonja Strom: I am also thankful to both Sudane and Trebor for their work on this concept. I have spoken with the Executive branch about it, and it looks like a great project that can be a successful expansion of the territory of the CDS.
[12:51] Fern Leissa: lol Bromo
[12:52] Sonja Strom: So, I am in support of it.
[12:52] Pip Torok: a second?
[12:52] Trebor Warcliffe: Pip I think Arria had some questions
[12:52] Arria Perreault: First I think that it is a good opportunity. there are several projects of sims. I would like to add in the motion a request to the new Guild to list the different sims projects that we are. Peope can submit their ideas.
[12:52] Rosie Gray: I think we were going to hear Arri’as questions first Pip
[12:52] Fern Leissa: Hi Rose
[12:52] Arria Perreault: I have also a technical question
[12:52] Guillaume Mistwalker: It could be our Julius Ceasar expansion into Gaul.
[12:52] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Hi Rose !
[12:53] Pip Torok: ok, sorry folks
[12:53] Ceasar Xigalia is happy to take that into NG
[12:53] Arria Perreault: We have 2 sims with normal fees (AM and LA)
[12:53] Arria Perreault: is it possible to use the full sim to replace one of these sims and to get lower tiers
[12:53] Arria Perreault: ?
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: I dont believe so
[12:54] Rosie Gray: I seriously doubt that LL would let us do that
[12:54] Trebor Warcliffe: The difference would be
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: That this new sim at the grandfathered tier would have a nicer profit margin which would lower the overall occupancy ratio in the CDS
[12:55] Trebor Warcliffe: I believe Calli had a question?
[12:55] Guillaume Mistwalker: Indeed, she did.
[12:55] Arria Perreault: thx. Pip, do you agree to add the request to the Guild to your motion? it seems important to me to decide also the process we will have to decide how we will use these sims
[12:55] Arria Perreault: Cally
[12:55] Pip Torok: i do agree
[12:55] Callipygian Christensen: Yes, but RA members were up first..if they are done I am ready
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: I can answer Arria
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: It’s my understanding that the NG taking the lead on sim development
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: is a given
[12:56] Trebor Warcliffe: thats why it wasnt included in the proposal
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: we assumed that would automatically be the next step
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: Done
[12:57] Arria Perreault: Cally
[12:57] Beathan Vale: question
[12:57] Pip Torok: amendment I do agree as long as we can get it in by the cut-off date
[12:57] Callipygian Christensen: First, I don’t think acquiring these sims is a bad idea but I have a couple of questions I think worth considering:
[12:57] Callipygian Christensen: this is a *major* decision and there are 11 citizens present – so they may not care, or they may not know.
[12:57] Trebor Warcliffe: Response
[12:57] Callipygian Christensen: If they don’t know, this is much like the kirsche issue, where I believe a number of you felt *every* citizen should be notified by notecard to get their opinion. If that level of notification is necessary to replace a single building, shouldn’t it also be needed for an investment of anywhere from 500 – 2,000 $US or more depending on how quickly the sims are developed?
[12:58] Bromo Ivory thinks this is a smoking idea
[12:58] Bromo Ivory: THe sims, the notification is fine, but
[12:58] Trebor Warcliffe: I have posted the proposal in the forums and also sent out a CDS grooup notice to make every member aware of it
[12:58] Bromo Ivory: I wouldnt’ slow things up for it
[12:58] CLEOPATRA Xigalia thinks it is a no brainer, as we are sold out now basically
[12:59] Rosie Gray: I think that Calli is making a very good point
[12:59] Trebor Warcliffe: Let me know when i can respond please
[13:00] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes thank you
[13:00] Arria Perreault: Beathan wanted to speak too
[13:00] Sonja Strom notes that Sudane has had this proposal posted in the CDS Forum for some time too.
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: Like I just posted earlier when I submitted the proposal to the forum I also sent out a CDS Group Notice making all aware of the posting on the forum.
[13:00] Fern Leissa: Hi Tor
[13:00] Trebor Warcliffe: It is my opinion
[13:00] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[13:01] Bromo Ivory thinks that FREE sims at a grandfathered rate is a good deal.
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: That this is the most I could possibly do to encourage input from every citizen
[13:01] Arria Perreault: Beathan
[13:01] Pip Torok agrees with bromo
[13:01] Ceasar Xigalia: hi Tor
[13:01] Rosie Gray agrees as well
[13:01] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: I feel the same way about any other work that is done in the CDS
[13:01] Shep Titian: hi Tor
[13:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: is it true if we get them they are free, grandfathered tier .. that is unavailable anywhere lese, and if we dont get them we have no opportunity like this anywhere again because they are the same EO’s
[13:01] Trebor Warcliffe: We post it to the forums, we group notice it so all are aware
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: We cant be more informative than that
[13:02] Beathan Vale: Is the land currently developed consistent with the New England theme? If so, can we consider keeping all or part of it as built or with minor changes to minimize the time to bringing it to market?
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: Those who choose to participate will those who dont wont
[13:02] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ture Beathan
[13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Raises hand
[13:02] Guillaume Mistwalker: It Citizens can’t read the notices, it is fairly much their fault.
[13:02] Trebor Warcliffe: let me catch up before i respond
[13:02] Rosie Gray: true enought, Guillaume
[13:02] Sonja Strom: Beathan, Trebor was speaking, hehe.
[13:02] Callipygian Christensen: Trebor, I would agree, except this body, RA, and many citizens, have raised conerens in the past that people dont read forums, arent in world at times and so on. I am just asking about consistency of poliicy
[13:02] Beathan Vale: sorry
[13:03] Sonja Strom: 🙂
[13:03] Arria Perreault: Cleo, then Tor after trebor’s answer
[13:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i understnad callies point but we have a time issue here that makes that not possible
[13:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and there is no valid
[13:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: reason not to do it anyone has borught up besides that
[13:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we can always abandon them too.
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: Per Sudane the sims will be ours to terraform as we see fit
[13:03] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: done
[13:03] Trebor Warcliffe: Callie
[13:04] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: CDS now is basically sold out atm
[13:04] Trebor Warcliffe: I understand your concern but I ask you what else can we do besides what I have already done
[13:04] Guillaume Mistwalker: Not to mention our surplus…
[13:04] Trebor Warcliffe: We use the lines of communications available to us
[13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you ms LRA
[13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: First one point
[13:04] Arria Perreault: the only risk we take is to pay the tiers (580 US $) for few months
[13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Sundane would like to transfer the sims by Nov 9th.
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: So we have a thight time constraint
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: US$ 480 Arria
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: With regard to the theme, byond some general some lag
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: 195, 95, 95, 95
[13:05] Arria Perreault: sorry
[13:05] Trebor Warcliffe: no problem
[13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: byond some general theme dependant oupon where the RA permits us to put the sims, we would rather delay the theme issue until hafter the sims are in place.
[13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: Debate over themes now is mostly premature
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes
[13:07] Rosie Gray agrees
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: Also
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: We can keep the NE theme if we deem that good, but we are not tied to it.
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[13:07] Arria Perreault: do we have to pay to tranfer he sims here?
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: possibly we do
[13:07] Trebor Warcliffe: One thought was to place one of the sims north of LA which would be adjacent to Rose’s AA sim. Since she is here shouldn’t we ask her if she would be ok with this?
[13:08] Rosie Gray: why don’t we wait on that, Trebor
[13:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[13:08] Arria Perreault: Cleo
[13:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they are already sudanes.. ?? why do we pay transfer ?
[13:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: moving fees?
[13:08] Rosie Gray: we would pay for moving them
[13:08] Trebor Warcliffe: yes moving fees
[13:08] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok but not transfer.
[13:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok ty
[13:09] Trebor Warcliffe: Obviously we’d try to negotiate that with LL also but its not the key point
[13:09] Sonja Strom *raises hand*
[13:09] Trebor Warcliffe: the key point is the grandfathered tier
[13:09] Arria Perreault: Sonja
[13:09] Sonja Strom: One point I would like bring up is,
[13:09] Sonja Strom: nearly everyone I know of in the CDS feels like it should grow over time.
[13:10] Sonja Strom: The only real question then is how it should grow.
[13:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: This is some time…!
[13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: we probably have to pay to move them
[13:10] Bromo Ivory thinks keeping it Sudane’s is the only way it will be cheap to us
[13:10] Sonja Strom: It seems to me this is a good opportunity, especially because it easily fits within the CDS Master Plan already in existence.
[13:10] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: raises hand
[13:10] Arria Perreault: Tor
[13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: sorr
[13:11] Arria Perreault: My personal opinion would be to have two sims in the mountains area and two in the sea. In the same time, I think it will be to the New Guild to open this debate and to come back to the RA with proposals.
[13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Sudane has sent a letter to LL
[13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: she is asking that the sims be transferred to her alt, Rudeen in torder to keep the grandfathered rate
[13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: This would not include moveing and renaming fees
[13:12] Trebor Warcliffe: Again any talks on placement or theme is premature, We just need to decide if we want to take possession of them at the GF tier.
[13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: it will gost the CDS 150 per sim to move them to our location.
[13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: it will cost us 50L to change the names.
[13:13] Pip Torok strongly agrees with Trebor
[13:13] Guillaume Mistwalker: 150$?
[13:13] Arria Perreault: it is also clear that if we don’t get the grandfathered tiers, we don’t keept them?
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: Tor wouldnt they be transferred as a group and not individually
[13:13] Sonja Strom: Arria, that is my understanding of it.
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry these amounts ar USD not Linden dollars
[13:13] Trebor Warcliffe: My proposal is no grandfather tier than we dont accept them
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, but LL charges per sim
[13:13] Rosie Gray: yes, they do charge per sim
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: If LL doesnt get back to us before the 9th than its a no go
[13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: The name changes should be defered until we have a theme established.
[13:14] Pip Torok: quite!
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: if LL says no you cant keep them at the GF rate its a no go
[13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Correct
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: Sudane will return them to LL by the 9th
[13:14] Trebor Warcliffe: or to us if we get the GF
[13:15] Trebor Warcliffe: NO GF no deal
[13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: the main issue here is do we wnat to authorize the exec to accept the sims per the stipulations that the rate is GFerd. and where they should go to minimize move fees.
[13:15] Arria Perreault: If I understand well, the sims will stay where they are now, but be in our possession, until we decide what we do with them?
[13:15] Callipygian Christensen: IF you believe this strongly in the potetnial of this project, offer to pay the tier for a month with them in situ if LL hasnt gotten back to Sudane, since investing that amount doesnt seem to be a concern.
[13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: we can do that also arria
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: If its meant to be its meant to be if its not its not
[13:16] Tor Karlsvalt: that is a good idea too Calli
[13:16] Bromo Ivory: The cost to buy a sim that is nearly zero in this case shoudl be a condsideration
[13:16] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree Bromo
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: May I ask one more question?
[13:16] Ceasar Xigalia: i agree
[13:16] Arria Perreault: ok Trebor
[13:16] Trebor Warcliffe: IF and this is a big IF and Im only putting it out there
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: If LL doesnt give us the GF tier would we still want to pursue it because of the cost it woudl take to purchase these sims from LL. PERSONALLY I’d much rather have them at the GF tier and for fiscal reasons it would be the best deal.
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: Personally I say no
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: Than we jsut expand one sim at a tiem adfn take our time
[13:18] Trebor Warcliffe: we wont be under quite as much pressure to get things done to start collecting tier
[13:18] Arria Perreault: I agree (or we can take only one)
[13:18] Fern Leissa: I agree with Trebor
[13:19] Pip Torok: me too
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: So my proposal stays the same
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: ???
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: Our official proposal is as follows: The CDS accept the offer of (3) Homestead sims and (1) Full sim, on the contingency they are accepted at the previous tier structure of $195 and $95.
[13:19] Arria Perreault: are we ready for a motion?
[13:19] Pip Torok: for me yes trebor!
[13:19] Trebor Warcliffe: excellent
[13:19] Rosie Gray: yes let’s vote!
[13:20] Arria Perreault: (add the sentnce about the Guild?)
[13:20] Pip Torok: disagree Arria ..
[13:20] Arria Perreault: I need a motion
[13:20] Pip Torok: The CDS accept the offer of (3) Homestead sims and (1) Full sim, on the contingency they are accepted at the previous tier structure of $195 and $95.
[13:20] Arria Perreault: (I wont fight for this point, ok)
[13:20] Fern Leissa: second
[13:20] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:20] Pip Torok: aye
[13:20] Rosie Gray: aye
[13:20] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:21] Arria Perreault: Sonja?
[13:21] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:21] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[13:21] Ceasar Xigalia: yay
[13:21] Arria Perreault: motions carries
[13:21] Pip Torok: yippee!
[13:21] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[13:21] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[13:21] Rosie Gray: yay ㋡
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: Thank you now lets all hope LL agrees to it
[13:21] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: good work Trebor !
[13:21] Trebor Warcliffe: tu
[13:22] Rosie Gray: pardon me folks, I’m afraid I have to leave
[13:22] Rosie Gray: RL is calling me
[13:22] Bells Semyorka opens champagne for everyone!
[13:22] Arria Perreault: keep us informed
[13:22] Fern Leissa: bye Rosie 🙂
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: I will
[13:22] Rosie Gray: if there are any other motions, I ask for a 7 day vote
[13:22] Arria Perreault: a 7-day vote, Rosie?
[13:22] Trebor Warcliffe: Sudane is still working with them
[13:22] Rosie Gray: yes thanks
[13:22] Tor Karlsvalt: I hope now LL is cooperative. We will hav e lots of work to do
[13:22] Pip Torok: cheers Rosie .. tks for being here
[13:22] Arria Perreault: of course
[13:22] Rosie Gray: bye everyone!
[13:22] Sonja Strom: yes
[13:22] Pip Torok: bye
[13:22] Arria Perreault: bye bye Rosie
[13:22] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Rosie
[13:22] Sonja Strom: bye Rosie
[13:22] Guillaume Mistwalker: Bye Rosie!
[13:22] Arria Perreault: we have a second New item
[13:22] Guillaume Mistwalker: WOOO, CDS!
[13:22] Rosie Gray waves and poofs
Arria Perreault
Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:14 am
Location: Locus Amoenus
Re: RA Agenda 30th October 2011
[13:23] Arria Perreault: Discussion about reinstating CDSL -13-07- Terms Limit Act
[13:23] Arria Perreault: Fern, you have asked to add his point in the agenda
[13:23] Trebor Warcliffe: Can the law be posted please
[13:23] Fern Leissa: Yes, Arria 🙂 ty
[13:24] Arria Perreault: … e-of-laws/
[13:24] Trebor Warcliffe: tu
[13:25] Fern Leissa: tu Arria
[13:25] Fern Leissa: Last term the ra voted to lift term limits for the ra
[13:25] Fern Leissa: This change has not been posted to the portal
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt notes that the amended law is not posted.
[13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry
[13:26] CLEOPATRA Xigalia nods
[13:26] Arria Perreault: do you have a link in the forum?
[13:26] Pip Torok: so what SHOULD the current law say?
[13:26] Fern Leissa: However, the term limits were lifted because at the time we had very few citizens
[13:26] Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
[13:26] Fern Leissa: and in fact had had an election where there were fewer candiates than seats
[13:27] Arria Perreault: Calli, I will give you the floor. we let finish Fern
[13:27] Fern Leissa: I would like to suggest that we have enough citizens to resind this ammendment to CDSL-13-07
[13:28] Pip Torok raises hand
[13:28] Fern Leissa: And that it is in the best interests of the community to do so as it will allow for more pp to be involved in the democratic process
[13:28] Fern Leissa: done
[13:28] Arria Perreault: Calli, then Pip
[13:28] Callipygian Christensen: My comment is relevant to the ammended law – RA chose to remove limits on itself but leave them in place for the position of Chancellor
[13:28] Bromo Ivory raises hands
[13:29] Arria Perreault: Pip
[13:29] Pip Torok: at the moment we DO have more new citizens
[13:29] Callipygian Christensen: I believe, whichever way you go..the original or amended law, it would be appropriate to have it consistent..that the chancellor position has no limits or has limits, matching those placed on RA Done
[13:29] Pip Torok: BUT they do not know any other citizens nor candidates
[13:30] Arria Perreault: you can have different limits for executive and legislative power
[13:30] Pip Torok: for them voting during tthe nexct term wd be like sticking a pin in somewhere
[13:30] Arria Perreault: Bromo
[13:30] Callipygian Christensen: You can have an LRA thats an elpahant..I am not talking about what you ‘can’ have, but about what you choose to have
[13:31] Vespasian Cortes: likes the direct democrazy more
[13:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises her hand.
[13:31] Pip Torok: So i propose that we leave this for one term only to get the new voters the time to understand and to become acquainted with candidtes
[13:31] Pip Torok: done
[13:31] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises hand
[13:32] Arria Perreault: I would have less terms for executive than for legislative, to be clear (sorry for my bad english)
[13:32] Arria Perreault: Bromo, then Cleo
[13:33] Bromo Ivory has to go
[13:33] Bromo Ivory is up?
[13:33] Arria Perreault: Pip, does it mea that we make no change and that the next RA can decide?
[13:33] Arria Perreault: mean*
[13:33] Pip Torok: in effect yes .. we wait till this time in the new term
[13:33] Bromo Ivory thinks we need to have term limits – don’t kick the can down the road, the reason for rescinding it is no longer valid
[13:34] Bromo Ivory doesn’t like the idea of removing term limits, and then just let thingsdrift along.
[13:34] Bromo Ivory is done
[13:35] Arria Perreault: thx
[13:35] Arria Perreault: Cleo?
[13:35] Pip Torok feels that we are not driting along by holding back for one term
[13:35] Bromo Ivory: Let’s at least make it effective term following this one
[13:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: CAn each sitting RA memeber please tell the audeience how many terms you have been in office atm ..
[13:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Sona?
[13:35] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Sonja ?
[13:36] Bromo Ivory: But let’s vote now to sunset the amendment
[13:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: For the record so we know as citizens how this will affect. Continuous terms in office.
[13:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: sonja arria fern pip ?
[13:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: please
[13:36] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: can you each tell us your current status?
[13:36] Sonja Strom: I think CLEO has asked a reasonable question.
[13:36] Arria Perreault: I had an interruption. I was not in the RA during the 14th term
[13:37] Guillaume Mistwalker: Is the RA truly going to make such a round-about decision in just under a single term?
[13:37] CLEOPATRA Xigalia listens to the elected officials
[13:37] Fern Leissa: I have had twocontinuous terms in the ra CLEO
[13:38] Sonja Strom: For me, now I am concurrently in my first term. In my total time in the CDS this is my third term.
[13:38] Guillaume Mistwalker: Having served the previous terms where we did away with this clause, I believe it’s an unnecessary law in the CDS.
[13:38] Pip Torok: so how do you acquaint 30 new voters to avoid a choice they might regret given their present paucity of knowledge re candidates?
[13:38] Trebor Warcliffe: huh?
[13:39] Arria Perreault: I think I was 5 times in the RA with 2 interruptions
[13:39] Bromo Ivory thinks that sitting out one term and helping in other ways gets new people engaged, and keeps the people who are already here contributing in new ways
[13:39] Arria Perreault: and twice LRA
[13:39] Sonja Strom: Yes, like Arria, I was not in the RA last term 🙂
[13:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: PIP hasnt answered.
[13:39] Fern Leissa: Exactly Bromo
[13:39] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Can someone check the record.
[13:39] Callipygian Christensen: Pip – I am not sure about the dates, but that may be a moot point for some- isnt there a 30 requirement for voting or running for office?
[13:39] Pip Torok: i have been in 4 consecutives terms
[13:40] Trebor Warcliffe: How?
[13:40] Guillaume Mistwalker raises hand.
[13:41] Arria Perreault: Guillaume?
[13:41] Guillaume Mistwalker: What exactly is the purpose for such a law that restricts terms?
[13:41] Bromo Ivory: Can we sunset the repeal after this next election? We’ll have new sims coming on line and many many new citizens
[13:41] Fern Leissa raises hand
[13:41] Guillaume Mistwalker: Are we all truly afraid that one wil gain a dictatorship here?
[13:41] CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises her hand.
[13:42] Guillaume Mistwalker: If we are, Mme LRA, I would call us all paranoid.
[13:42] Guillaume Mistwalker: This law is UNNECESSARY.
[13:42] Guillaume Mistwalker: That’s why I voted it down during my term.
[13:42] Bromo Ivory thinks it is not danger of dictatorship but discouraged new citizens leaving since they will have fewer opportunities to participate
[13:42] Arria Perreault: you have to read the debates of the RA concerning this law, Guillaume
[13:42] Vespasian Cortes: likes direct democraty more & more
[13:42] Guillaume Mistwalker: It will not, in anyway, truly have much democratic affect on the affairs of the CDS.
[13:42] Rose Springvale: raises hand
[13:43] Guillaume Mistwalker: Do citizens here truly not see this assembly as being deocratic?
[13:43] Guillaume Mistwalker: Pardon, democratic?
[13:43] Arria Perreault: Rose (who was LRA at the time we have voted this law, I think)
[13:43] Pip Torok: everytime an election comes up there is that opportunity bromo
[13:43] Guillaume Mistwalker: I vehemently oppose this unnecessary addition of law to our code.
[13:43] Rose Springvale: Thank you. Here is a link to the discussion, which was the subject of a term long commission chaired by Gwyneth Llewelyn
[13:43] Guillaume Mistwalker: Done.
[13:43] Rose Springvale: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3026&p=16253&hilit=electoral#p16253
[13:43] Bromo Ivory thinks that we removed the code
[13:44] Bromo Ivory thinks we should have it back
[13:44] Rose Springvale: makes sense to review and consider for an election after the one at hand.
[13:44] Guillaume Mistwalker: We did. And now people want to add it back?
[13:44] Guillaume Mistwalker: We removed it for the reason that it made no sense to have it.
[13:44] Pip Torok: agrees with Rose
[13:44] Rose Springvale: the commission and the RA that adopted the law was much broader based than the RA thet repealed it. Done.
[13:45] Guillaume Mistwalker: We are here in SL for fun and as a hobby. Who in their right mind wants that burden over some extended amount of time?
[13:45] Bromo Ivory hopes that for all of our rhetoric about democratic participation and involvement that we can keep the avenues for particiaption open and clear
[13:46] Guillaume Mistwalker: And how would this law make such so, Bromo?
[13:46] Pip Torok: theyre clear everytime we have an election, Bromo
[13:46] Guillaume Mistwalker: Indeed, Pip.
[13:46] Bromo Ivory: By having people cycling through new citizens will have more of a shot at sitting on RA
[13:46] Guillaume Mistwalker: The more candidates we have, the more demcratic our elections are.
[13:46] Bromo Ivory: No, Pip, I see the same folks in RA all the time.
[13:46] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Democracy is about LAWS not “knowing” people personally. It is about campaigning on issues and being aware of what is gong on in our community . We have the forums, we have debates.
[13:46] Pip Torok: but new ppl can cycle thru whenever an election comes up, bromo
[13:46] Guillaume Mistwalker: That’s because the citizens elect them into office because Hey! know them.
[13:47] Arria Perreault: if I see the calendar, if we don’t make a decision today, it will not be valid for the next election
[13:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Bromo how long have you been in CDS ?
[13:47] Guillaume Mistwalker: I was elected and I didn’t sit on the RA for some long time.
[13:47] Bromo Ivory: And the citizens who come in and are locked out – will drift away, we stagnate and fail as a sim
[13:47] Callipygian Christensen: so call the question Madame LRA, if there is an actual question
[13:47] Bromo Ivory: I have been here for years
[13:47] Guillaume Mistwalker: How are tey locked ot?
[13:47] Ceasar Xigalia agrees with Bromo
[13:47] Fern Leissa: I agree with Bromo
[13:47] Pip Torok: locked out??? …. who is locking who out, bromo?
[13:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia agrees with Bromo
[13:47] Bells Semyorka agrees with bromo
[13:47] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: four terms pip ?
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: 1 term, CLEO.
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: The people have elected Pip 4 times, mind.
[13:48] Pip Torok: but voted for each time and cd have failed each time
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: That IS democracy.
[13:48] Bromo Ivory: And I am not so sure why you guys are so against it – what harm does it do?
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: What harm is there to pass this law, Bromo?
[13:48] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: I see none.
[13:48] Arria Perreault: DO we want to limit (again) hte number of terms in continuity in the RA?
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: There is no Julius Caesar here.
[13:48] Bromo Ivory: We do know that well known people will tend to be retained, and new people won’t get in
[13:48] Pip Torok: because it is the will of the voters, bromo
[13:48] Fern Leissa: It is not just that pp will have the opportunity to run for ra but that they understand they have a responsibility to participate
[13:48] Guillaume Mistwalker: There is no Mussolini here.
[13:49] Bromo Ivory: It is not in conflict with democratic principles to have term limits, guys
[13:49] Pip Torok: if that is so, then it is inherent in a candidate, bromo
[13:49] Guillaume Mistwalker: There is no man or woman here who is a dictator! And yet you cower as if they are lurking in the alleys!
[13:49] Bromo Ivory: If we have the same makeup of RA – the new citizens will be discouraged and leave
[13:49] Guillaume Mistwalker: No.
[13:49] Guillaume Mistwalker: I wasn’t discouraged.
[13:49] Bromo Ivory: Our enemy isn’t any one person or some sort of dictatroship – but discouragement and apathy
[13:49] Guillaume Mistwalker: When I was new, I wasn’t discouraged.
[13:50] Guillaume Mistwalker: If you’re truly so old, I’m new then.
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: raises hand
[13:50] Pip Torok: how can they be discouraged if they have their chance every term, bromo?
[13:50] Arria Perreault: If we limit the number of terms, we have to say how many terms in continuity
[13:50] Arria Perreault: Trebor
[13:50] Bromo Ivory: Because they really don’t, Pip.
[13:50] Rose Springvale: would someone call the question please?
[13:50] Guillaume Mistwalker: I was elected because of the democratic will of thepeople.
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: Im on the fence about the actual issue being discussed BUT
[13:50] Guillaume Mistwalker: Just as everoyone else on the RA has.
[13:50] Pip Torok: i dont see that, bromo …
[13:50] Bromo Ivory will quiet down now
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: Id liek to point out two elections ago
[13:50] Trebor Warcliffe: We didnt have enough candidates to run for RA BUT
[13:51] Arria Perreault: do you have a proposal, Fern?
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: we didnt know this until after the deadline to submit
[13:51] Vespasian Cortes: thinks about Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies.
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: was over with
[13:51] Sonja Strom: Would anyone like to propose the actual text for a motion?
[13:51] Fern Leissa: Can we vote on reinstating or not reinstating CDSL-13-07 “No directly elected office in the CDS Government can be held by the same citizen more than two terms in succession
Anything over 13 weeks, or half a term, constitutes a term for purposes of the term limits law”
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: Maybe if people declared earler thqan teh deadline
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: it woudl give others time to decide if they want to run or not
[13:51] Trebor Warcliffe: I know both Guill and I were new back htan
[13:51] Guillaume Mistwalker: I was the only RA member who was elected that term, Trebor.
[13:51] Guillaume Mistwalker: Yes.
[13:52] Sonja Strom: Good text, Fern, thank you.
[13:52] Trebor Warcliffe: and both of us would have stood for the regular election if we kneow there wansnt enough candidates
[13:52] Guillaume Mistwalker: We both were the only ones to be voted on ㋡
[13:52] Arria Perreault: any second?
[13:52] Tor Karlsvalt: True, we had to have a special election
[13:52] Sonja Strom: I second.
[13:52] Arria Perreault: vote
[13:52] Fern Leissa: aye
[13:52] Sonja Strom: aye
[13:52] Pip Torok: nay
[13:53] Arria Perreault: aye
[13:53] Guillaume Mistwalker: Classic CDS.
[13:53] Arria Perreault: motions carries. this vote is submitted to a 7-day vote
[13:53] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[13:53] Arria Perreault: thank you
[13:53] Guillaume Mistwalker raises hand.
[13:53] Rose Springvale: effective date?
[13:54] Arria Perreault: Guillaume
[13:54] Guillaume Mistwalker: Mme LRA, when will the RA get to work on passing an ACTUAL charter for th NG and for this confederation?
[13:54] Guillaume Mistwalker: This same vote will probably be questioned by the next RA and the one AFTER that.
[13:55] Pip Torok: Mme LRA .. when is the effective date for this motion?
[13:55] Guillaume Mistwalker: When will we actually adopt a stable constitution?
[13:55] Sonja Strom raises hand
[13:55] Guillaume Mistwalker: Done.
[13:55] Arria Perreault: what do you mean, Pip?
[13:55] Pip Torok: does this law apply right now?
[13:55] Arria Perreault: the motions carries toda. A 7-day vote will not change it
[13:56] Pip Torok: if not, when?
[13:56] Rose Springvale: reinstated effective immediately i think
[13:56] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:56] Pip Torok: so long as we all know
[13:56] Rose Springvale: so new folks, start campaigning!
[13:57] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[13:57] Sonja Strom jumps up and down, hand in the air.
[13:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: whooot !
[13:57] Trebor Warcliffe: 🙂
[13:57] Callipygian Christensen: that vote to reinstate or to not reinstate..the motion seems to have both
[13:57] Bromo Ivory: 🙂 I look forward to fresh blood and the current folks contributing to CDS in new ways!
[13:57] Fern Leissa: Motion is to reinstate term limits on the ra
[13:57] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: will we have formal debates this year ?
[13:58] Sonja Strom: Arria, I think we did not include in the motion if it would be effective immediately or by when. Thank you Rose and Pip for reminding us of this. I propose its effective date of the term limits be as of this vote – that is, today.
[13:58] Guillaume Mistwalker: We did last real election, CLEO.
[13:58] Bromo Ivory waves goodbye
[13:58] Sonja Strom: bye Bromo
[13:58] Trebor Warcliffe: take care Bromo
[13:58] Pip Torok knows that new people had never been _blocked_ at any new term…
[13:58] Guillaume Mistwalker: Godbye.
[13:58] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Bromo
[13:58] Ceasar Xigalia: bye Bromo
[13:58] Bells Semyorka: ciao Bromo
[13:59] Pip Torok: bye Bromo
[13:59] Guillaume Mistwalker: Neither did I, Pip. I never knew I wasn’t allowed to be eleted when I first came to the CDS!
[13:59] Fern Leissa: bye Bromo
[13:59] Arria Perreault: do we have to vote again on this point?
[13:59] Guillaume Mistwalker: Amazing how I was elected so “newly”.
[13:59] Sonja Strom: I believe it would be good for us to have this point be clear with a vote.
[13:59] Arria Perreault: so motion and vote
[14:00] Rose Springvale: without limitation, the motion is effective upon the final vote
[14:00] Arria Perreault: motion and second, please
[14:00] Pip Torok: i don’t understand Arria .. we have voted, why should we have to vote again on this subject?
[14:00] Tor Karlsvalt: We still have a time requirement for voting and standing for election.
[14:00] Sonja Strom: my motion is: “The effective date of these term limits is today.”
[14:00] Fern Leissa: second
[14:00] Pip Torok: what is this, Tor?
[14:00] Arria Perreault: vote
[14:00] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:00] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:00] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:00] Pip Torok: nay
[14:01] Arria Perreault: motion carries. this vote is submitted to a 7-day vote
[14:01] Arria Perreault: thx
[14:01] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: :/
[14:01] Arria Perreault: it would be god to publish this law on the portal quickly
[14:03] Guillaume Mistwalker: My question on a stable constitution for the CDS still stands.
– The new CDS Portal: roles and responsibilities
[14:03] Tor Karlsvalt: This is still in effect correct: Section 3
No citizen shall be eligible to vote in any election for public office in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators unless he or she has been a citizen for not less than 28 consecutive days immediately before any such election.
[14:04] Pip Torok: guillaume .. the time to bring this up will be the next RA meeting to whomever the next RA will be …
[14:04] Guillaume Mistwalker: Seems that our new citizens won’t be able to run for RA anyway.
[14:04] Pip Torok: why is that, Guillaume?
[14:05] Fern Leissa: Correct Tor. The amendment lifting the term limit for the RA was never published on the portal
[14:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Rose what is the exact date for citizens to be eligible to run?
[14:05] Arria Perreault: I can inform you that a list of citizen is in preparation. it will be published soon
[14:05] Rose Springvale looks puzzled?
[14:05] Guillaume Mistwalker: Well, 28 days is the minimum. We’re so concerned with our young members, so to speak, but they won’t be able to vote anyway.
[14:05] Tor Karlsvalt: But that did not pertain to term limits
[14:05] Trebor Warcliffe: Raises hand
[14:05] Fern Leissa: Nov 3rd I think
[14:06] Tor Karlsvalt: That is Article V secon 3
[14:06] Tor Karlsvalt: section 3.
[14:06] Bells Semyorka: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3537
[14:06] Rose Springvale: unless changed by SC: ovember 3: last day to be a citizen eligible to vote in the election (constitutional)
November 5: last day to declare candidacy for Chancellor or RA candidacy (traditional)
November 12, noon: Election begins (constitutional)
November 19, noon, election ends.(constitutional)
[14:07] Pip Torok: once a new citizen has paid tier and is registered by nov 2 .. [s]he is a viting citizen as far as i know
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: So all the citizens who are citizens right now can vote and stand for office correct?
[14:07] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i think its still october.
[14:07] Fern Leissa: correct Trebor
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: good
[14:07] Trebor Warcliffe: thats what I was confused about
[14:07] Tor Karlsvalt: OK, just that there were statements that made me wonder if some thought were were changing that rule.
[14:08] Guillaume Mistwalker: Oh, no. I’m aware of it. Just don’t see what keeps the young ones from voting in elections for their candidates.
[14:09] Rose Springvale: Eager to see who is running 🙂 and their platforms
[14:09] Tor Karlsvalt: To vote, one must be paying tier by Nov 3rd
[14:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: there are two non citizen plots left if you know anyone
[14:09] Pip Torok: so under the present arrangement, Rose i cannot run for next term?
[14:09] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but they would have to live next to me
[14:09] Arria Perreault: No citizen shall be eligible to vote in any election for public office in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators unless he or she has been a citizen for not less than 28 consecutive days immediately before any such election.
[14:09] Callipygian Christensen: I am starting the betting pools tomorrow lol
[14:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: Has anyone announced their candidacy yet, Rose?
[14:10] Sonja Strom: Yes, having paid tier currently is different from having been a registered citizen.
[14:10] Pip Torok: one has, Guillaume …
[14:10] Arria Perreault: a new citizen has indirectly announced her candidacy
[14:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: Oh?
[14:10] Pip Torok: look in the forum
[14:10] Guillaume Mistwalker: Oh, wonderful.
[14:10] Arria Perreault: anyway, the SC has to approve the list
[14:11] Trebor Warcliffe: So we are still not clear on the exact dates?
[14:11] Guillaume Mistwalker: I suppose I’ll throw my hat in as well.
[14:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Actually I am looking forward to having 7 members of the RA next term
[14:11] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: 8?
[14:12] Tor Karlsvalt: well we need 80 citizens.
[14:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: how many do we have now, three new today alone
[14:12] Rose Springvale: ladies and gentlemen, i am not an officer of any kind of CDS… your questions should go elsewhere
[14:12] Tor Karlsvalt: no cant have an odd number
[14:12] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: oh i see even you mean 🙂
[14:13] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok so 7 it is
[14:13] Arria Perreault: the Sc has to validate the list of voting citizen and the list of candidates and the number of seats in the RA
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt: right sorry even.
[14:13] Ceasar Xigalia smiles at the kitty cat
[14:13] Tor Karlsvalt thinks that should be changed.
[14:14] Fern Leissa: Hi Rain
[14:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi Rain
[14:14] Arria Perreault: what should be changed, Tor?
[14:14] Rain Ninetails: meow
[14:14] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi rain !
[14:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh that is for future if at all.
[14:14] Tor Karlsvalt: we need twenty new citizens to incrase the RA by one seat
[14:15] Pip Torok feels that “CDS Constitution 101″ classes are urgently needed
[14:15] Guillaume Mistwalker: I feel so too, Pip.
[14:15] Tor Karlsvalt: seems a bit too hard.
[14:15] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: was not.
[14:15] Fern Leissa: high?
[14:15] Rose Springvale: is the meeting over?
[14:15] Arria Perreault: I think we are finished with this point
[14:16] Rose Springvale: 2 hours and 15 min… 🙂
[14:16] Guillaume Mistwalker: Such as putting two things that are wonderfulthings: supremacy clauses and amendment processes.
[14:16] Arria Perreault: the time limit of 2 hours has been reached
[14:16] Arria Perreault: we have still the question of the portal
[14:16] Rose Springvale: Thank you for your service RA… good night!
[14:17] Fern Leissa: Bye Rose
[14:17] Guillaume Mistwalker: Goodbye, Mme Springvale.
[14:17] Arria Perreault: do we want to discuss it still today, probably our last decision
[14:17] Arria Perreault: ?
[14:17] Pip Torok: i am happy to if others are
[14:17] Sonja Strom: bye Rose
[14:18] Arria Perreault: I have made a change in the text about the list of blogs
[14:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Bye Rose
[14:18] Arria Perreault: let me change the notecard in the box
[14:18] Fern Leissa: Sure I can stay af few more minutes
[14:18] Sonja Strom: me too.
[14:19] Arria Perreault: thx
[14:19] Arria Perreault: the text is in the box
[14:20] Callipygian Christensen: RL calls..later everyone
[14:20] Fern Leissa: Bye Calli
[14:20] Sonja Strom: bye Calli
[14:20] Pip Torok: bye calli
[14:20] Arria Perreault: bye calli
[14:20] Guillaume Mistwalker: Goodbye, Calli.
[14:21] Arria Perreault: There is 2 main roles: Administrator and Editor
[14:21] Arria Perreault: Administrator is responsible that the portal is working, for giving accesses
[14:21] Arria Perreault: the editor(s) is (are) responsible for contentts
[14:22] Arria Perreault: the owner of the domain name is also mentionnend
[14:22] Arria Perreault: At the end, I have add this about the list of blogs:
[14:22] Arria Perreault: The list of CDS Bloggers on the homepage is open to every citizen who has a blog where he/she writes about CDS. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.
[14:23] Bells Semyorka raises hand
[14:23] Arria Perreault: Bells
[14:23] Fern Leissa raises hand
[14:23] Bells Semyorka: How much content of the bloggers blog are you requiring to be about CDS?
[14:24] Pip Torok: suggest a slight drafting amendment : Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen” … etc
[14:24] Fern Leissa: Agree with Pip
[14:24] Arria Perreault: I don’t think we can give a number
[14:25] Trebor Warcliffe: If you’re a citizen you should be able to have a blog
[14:25] Fern Leissa: The wording should be ..The list of CDS Bloggers on the homepage is open to every citizen who has a blog
[14:25] Trebor Warcliffe: I wouldnt want a blog promoting other estates
[14:25] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree pip
[14:26] Tor Karlsvalt: But I think it would be ok to promote or talk about personal interests besdes CDS
[14:26] Pip Torok: agrees with ferns change
[14:26] Trebor Warcliffe: Yes Tor
[14:26] Bells Semyorka: agrees, it has to be fair for everyone
[14:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Lest ppl know what were are like as a group.
[14:26] Fern Leissa: Most pp who blog do not have strictly segmented posts
[14:26] Trebor Warcliffe: If I want a blog and all it is about is Accounting than I should be able to
[14:26] Arria Perreault: Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.
[14:27] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree treb
[14:27] Arria Perreault: Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen who has a blog. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.
[14:27] Tor Karlsvalt: As long as the blog is in line with our laws and the ToS and Himan rights
[14:27] Trebor Warcliffe: yes
[14:27] Pip Torok: agree to the last version, mme LRA
[14:27] Sonja Strom: Maybe included in the text could be the basis of inclusion or exclusion.
[14:28] Sonja Strom: I mean, how the decision to have them included or not would be reached.
[14:28] Fern Leissa: Yes Trebor.. a blog about accounting because you are a citizen of CDS and part of what makes you interesting is your amazing accounting ability 🙂
[14:28] Trebor Warcliffe: lol tu
[14:28] Tor Karlsvalt: 🙂
[14:29] Trebor Warcliffe: Sonja I think exclusion is what we’re trying to avoid
[14:29] Pip Torok: have with beaten .. errr completed this item?
[14:29] Arria Perreault: Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen who has a blog, as long as the blog is in line with our laws, the LL ToS and the Declaration of Human rights. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.
[14:29] Fern Leissa: kk
[14:29] Pip Torok: have we beaten errr _completed_ this item?
[14:29] Sonja Strom: Trebor, but I thought you said there were circumstances in which you would not want to see them included.
[14:30] Trebor Warcliffe: The one I mentioned was promotion of other estates but in reality even that would be hard to accomplish.
[14:30] Sonja Strom: For me Arria’s text is fine.
[14:30] Trebor Warcliffe: With all the networking of people across the gris
[14:31] Trebor Warcliffe: grid
[14:31] Ceasar Xigalia raises hand
[14:31] Arria Perreault: We we add this above the description of roles:
[14:31] Arria Perreault: CDS Webportal
[14:31] Arria Perreault: Can we add this?
[14:31] Arria Perreault: Caesar?
[14:31] Fern Leissa: yes
[14:31] Guillaume Mistwalker: I’m going to head out, all. Makes me want to make my own blog for the CDS now ㋡
[14:32] Fern Leissa: Bye Guillaume
[14:32] Bells Semyorka: bye Guillaume
[14:32] Ceasar Xigalia: I believe we should start with an open commitment for citizens to publish and deal with any issues if and only if they become a problem
[14:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Bye Guilllaume
[14:32] Ceasar Xigalia: done
[14:32] Trebor Warcliffe: take care Guill
[14:32] Sonja Strom: bye Guillaume
[14:33] Pip Torok: bye Guillaume
[14:33] Arria Perreault: thx, Caesar. The idea is to be oepn
[14:33] Arria Perreault: open
[14:34] Arria Perreault: NGO or other organization and even ciitzen can get an access
[14:35] Ceasar Xigalia: 🙂
[14:35] Arria Perreault: can we vote this text?
[14:35] Fern Leissa: yes
[14:35] Pip Torok: yes
[14:35] Arria Perreault: I will paste the final version
[14:35] Arria Perreault: CDS Webportal
[14:35] Arria Perreault: The Administrator is responsible for accesses, (providing username and password for named contributors ) support and quality management.
The Administrator manages the whole portal, the plug ins, theme, widgets, and the picture gallery on the home page.
The Administrator name an another responsible if unable to work on the portal for more then two weeks.
The Administrator is responsible to provide a regular backup of the portal.
The Administrator has access to the blog.
[14:36] Arria Perreault: The Editor is responsible for the content of a branch, an NGO, a faction or any activity in CDS. Each organization is responsible to nominate a person who gets the role of Editor and to submit the name to the Administrator who will provide access to the blog for the duration of their term.
The Editor has an access to the blog.
[14:36] Arria Perreault: The owner of the domain name and subdomain assure continued service in collaboration with the Administrator.
[14:36] Arria Perreault: Inclusion in the list of CDS bloggers on the home page is open to every citizen who has a blog, as long as the blog is in line with our laws, the LL ToS and the Declaration of Human rights. Bloggers can submit a request to the Administrator.
[14:37] Pip Torok: ready to vote, mme lra
[14:37] Arria Perreault: I think I need a motion and a second
[14:37] Pip Torok: Motion to accept the Roles as newly pasted
[14:37] Sonja Strom: Thank you very much for putting that together, Arria.
[14:38] Arria Perreault: second?
[14:38] Sonja Strom: I second.
[14:38] Arria Perreault: vote
[14:38] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:38] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:38] Pip Torok: aye
[14:38] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:38] Arria Perreault: motion carries
[14:38] Arria Perreault: the vote is submitted to a 7-day vote
[14:38] Arria Perreault: thank you
[14:39] Arria Perreault: we can adjourn
[14:39] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:39] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:39] Arria Perreault: aye
[14:39] Pip Torok: can i on behalf of the ra thank arria for her capable handling of the role of LRA for this term?
[14:39] Fern Leissa: aye
[14:40] Sonja Strom: aye
[14:40] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[14:40] Arria Perreault: thank you ㋡
[14:40] Bells Semyorka cheers
[14:40] Trebor Warcliffe: applause
[14:40] Ceasar Xigalia claps
[14:40] Pip Torok: claps
[14:40] Arria Perreault: I think we did a good job during this term and we have made some important decisions line today
[14:40] Tor Karlsvalt: hizzah!
[14:41] Fern Leissa: 🙂 And thank you Mme LRA
[14:41] Arria Perreault: I want to thank the RA members for their work
[14:41] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[14:41] Fern Leissa: 🙂
[14:41] Sonja Strom: 🙂
[14:41] Arria Perreault: and also the citizen who have participed
[14:41] Arria Perreault: ㋡
[14:41] Tor Karlsvalt: hear hear
[14:42] Fern Leissa: hear hear indeed 🙂
[14:42] Arria Perreault: we are adjourned now ㋡
[14:42] Ceasar Xigalia claps
[14:42] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Bells
[14:42] Bells Semyorka: ciao everyone, see you all soon
[14:42] Fern Leissa: Good night everyone 🙂
[14:42] Arria Perreault: I will paste the last transcript